Cleaning is troublesome!4 tips for storing immediately for cleaning

Expert (1113) Cleaning (564) Mayumi Miyoshi (31)

There are quite a few people who are not good at cleaning in housework.However, if you do not clean it, it will become more and more dirty, and if dirt is accumulated, you will not want to clean it even more .... In order not to make such a negative spiral, you can easily clean your daily life.Let's look!This time, I will introduce tips for storage to make it easier to clean.


table of contents

● Points (1): Incorporate storage storage● Points (2): Store in the place to use● Points (3): Use floating storage● Points (4): Summary of cleaning goods used together● summary

hello!This is Mayumi Miyoshi, a organizing and storage advisor.Are you good at cleaning?I think there are many people who are not good at it, if you don't have to do it, you don't want to do it.Whatever you hide, I am not very good at cleaning!However, if you do not clean it, dirt will accumulate more and more.And if you get dirty at a level that you can't touch, you'll feel more and more, "I don't want to do it ...".Even if you pretend not to see it, you will feel depressed, "I have to do it someday ...".Therefore, this time, we will introduce a storage method that makes it easier to clean your daily cleaning so that you do not feel depressed!Please try it ♪

Points (1): Incorporate storage storage

There are cleaning goods used every day.For example, vacuum cleaners, quickle wipers, handy mops, etc.When these are stuck, it is troublesome to take out every time they are cleaned.However, even if you can see it, it will not get in the way, and if it looks simple, it will not interfere with the interior even if you keep it out.If you put it in a place where you can get it right away, you can clean it quickly.The biggest trick is not to give yourself a chance to think "I don't want to clean"!

 掃除が面倒! すぐ掃除に取りかかれる収納のコツ4つ

My home has no vacuum cleaner, so I use a quickle wiper for floor cleaning.Every morning, I start cleaning from the floor of the living room, so the living room is set in the storage.Similarly, handy mops used for shelves are kept out.If you set the replacement sheet in the same place, the replacement is easy!

Points (2): Store in the place to use

Have you ever heard of a "flow line"?It is the path to the operation.The shorter the flow line, the shorter the moving distance, so you can easily take it.This means that it is best to store cleaning goods in a place to clean!You may be unconsciously doing so, but let's be conscious again.For example, it is not a rough flow line of "cleaning goods used in the kitchen, so let's use it as a kitchen", but where and how do you use it, such as "cleaning goods used for cleaning the kitchen drain, so let's store it under the sink".If you clarify, you will find the optimal storage place!

Even in my home, the kitchen sinks and goods used for cleaning drainage are stored under the sink.There is no need to prepare a cleaning tool around and you will be able to take it immediately.In addition to cleaning sprays, you can also get what you need at once if you store the drainage net and vinyl gloves nearby.

Points (3): Use floating storage

Cleaning while moving things is very troublesome ...I don't recommend it to lift and clean the things that are placed one by one, as the cleaning hand stops.In such a case, let's take in the storage that can be cleaned so that it can be cleaned smoothly.The space can be used wide, it is easy to clean, and it is two birds with one stone.

Recently, it has been sold at 100 yen shops, etc., which are convenient for storing bath goods.For example, this hook storage.However, at home, shampoo bottles are hooked on towel bars, and sponge and shavers are hooked on the wall (there are many houses with magnets in the bathroom wall).Cleaning has become much easier since I was on the shelf!

Points (4): Summary of cleaning goods used together

Cleaning goods do not always use one.I think there are quite a few goods to use together, such as spray, brush, and cloth.If you store such things in the same place, you will not have to go around here and there, so you will be able to clean them easily.There are other methods such as putting them in the basket or hooking them in the same place.

In my home, I summarize window cleaning goods in a case.For the veranda cleaning, the body of the deck brush, the screen for cleaning screen doors, brushes and brushes for sash cleaning the window, and microfiber crosses for window wiping.Since the case itself is a material that is resistant to water, it can be used with water for cleaning.Cleaning goods in the same place can be cleaned at a stretch by putting them together.


This time, we introduced the storage that can be immediately cleaned up.It is best not to store dirt.In order to make it possible to clean it frequently, let's put storage on your side first!

* This article is information at the time of release, and may differ from the latest one.Please note.