Canadian representative, baked toast in Beijing and failed to make a big failure and shutded overseas "Did you not use a transformer?"

Curling girls, Homan, failed in toasters

Beijing Olympics and curling women's Canada representative Rachel Homan (Photo is 2018) [Photo: Getty Images]

 カナダ代表、北京でトースト焼いて大失敗 黒焦げに海外笑撃「変圧器使わなかった?」

The Beijing Olympics will finally begin. Representative players in each country are also in the field, but Rachel Homan, a curling girl Canada national team, has made a "great failure" that burns her bread. She reports her failure along with the image of a black bread, and she commented from an overseas fan who was laughing, saying, "It's too interesting" and "I can do BBQ with charcoal." [Image] "Did you not use a transformer?" In Beijing, the Canadian national team's "Legendary Failure" Toast may have been scorched. Homan brought bread and toaster from Canada. However, she was burnt to the finished toast, and she was in a strange appearance. Homan released the actual image in the text of Twitter, such as "legendary failure." Overseas fans gathered comments such as "too interesting", "I can do BBQ with charcoal", "I made an ice hockey pack", and "Did you not use a transformer?" I hope you can put it in. " Most of the Canadian electrical appliances do not match the voltage of Beijing. Homan told me that she needed to take a transformer when she went abroad.

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