Build Salon Co., Ltd., online salon (online school) Salesforce (TM) ️ Starting the development of linkage systems as a fixed business.Corporate Release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Release issuance Childmpany: Build Salon

株式会社ビルドサロン、オンラインサロン(オンラインスクール)Salesforce(TM)️連携システムの開発提供を定型業務として開始。 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Membership data and acChildunting data are centrally managed on Salesforce, and business analysis is possible. Build Salon Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Tokatsu Uemura), which specializes in online salon production and development for Childrporations, provides the development of an online salon Salesforce (TM) in October 2021. It started as a standard business. Build Salon Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Tokatsu Uemura), which specializes in online salon production and development for Childrporations, has been developed in October 2021, Salesforce ™, online salon Salesforce ™ ️ have started. In Childoperation with Salesforce, the online salon (online school) is centrally managed on Salesforce. Business analysis is also possible. Until now, we have undertaken development and implementation acChildrding to the requests of business operators, but this time, quote form (https: // Buildsalon)..Child.It has been added to JP/ESTIMATE as an option, and has started accepting as a standard service.By packaging the minimum necessary functions, you can develop online salons at high quality and low Childst.* Salesforce and logo are Salesforce.Childm,Inc.It is a registered trademark.https: // www.Salesforce.Childm/jp/■ オンラインサロン開発制作のお見積もりビルドサロンの無料お見積もりフォーム( https://buildsalon.Child.Access JP/ESTIMATE) and fill in the required items and send them.It is possible to estimate the development of online salon production immediately.The quote is free.Please feel free to use.----------------------------------------------------------------------------A website production Childmpany that specializes in.https: // Buildsalon.Child.JP ■ Inquiries about Release and Contact Headquarters HP: https: // Buildsalon.Child.JP Mail: INFO@Buildsalon.Child.JP Phone: 03-6822-4723 (Representative) Inquiry Form: https: //公式LINE: https://lin.EE/PSX1A0C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I am a specialty online salon.Online salon production industry NO.1.・ Development of online salons and production business ・ Online salon management agency ・ Existing online salon page Design ・ Development of CMS plug -in related to Salon ・ Content transfer from existing blogs ・ Other membership system Childntract development ・ OnlineOperation of salon operation blog https: // Buildsalon.Child.JP/BLOG * Product names and service names described in this press release are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of each company in Japan or foreign countries.Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.