Braava that I finally bought has already become an essential item in my home

Hello. The other day, when my niece came to visit us, we were shocked by Gabean when he said, "If you are barefoot in this house, the soles of your feet will be rough!"

Children are straightforward and cruel (laughs). No, the problem is that I lived on a rough floor in the first place, and it shouldn't be! It's cool (normal), stylish (normal), living in a shiny house here. I long for it (I can't), I want to be my uncle and aunt (laughs).

I've been thinking that I'd like to buy a rag robot Braava from last year. The cleaning robot Roomba, also from iRobot, used to be used when I was still single. This Poo appeared in this home appliance diary for the 6th time. That was five years ago. "6th: Farewell suddenly. Thank you, Mr. Rumba."

Yes, the guerrilla rainstorm flooded the house and Rumba became a lump of iron in the water. I was really good and I was thinking of buying it again, but I moved to a room where Mr. Rumba could run comfortably, and now my husband puts a vacuum cleaner on my beans and said "Buy Rumba?" However, my husband never felt like riding. Even though Braava also said "I'm gonna rag you!", Her husband responded with a feeling of "Hmm", and while saying that she wanted me alone, somehow time passed and early summer 2018 ..

Meanwhile, just recently, I received a notification from Amazon on my smartphone, such as "Time sale is about to begin!". When I was searching for a time sale while rumbling on the sofa, a braava that I had put in the corner of my head all the time appeared in front of me, and I put it in the cart with a strange tension, "Ah!" It's done (it wasn't that cheap, but lol).

After my husband came back, he said, "Today, Amazon has a time sale, and when I saw it, Braava came out and I accidentally threw it into the cart." When I say, "It depends on the product, but this is another 2 hours," he says, "I've been saying this all the time, why don't you buy it?"


When I was wondering, "Hey, if I buy this, I want to buy that golf too!" He joked that it was easy for me to buy, but he said, "Yes? I'm saying I want this, but isn't it more of a house than mine?" I feel sorry for being hit back. "Oh, that's right. But I think it's okay. Buy it!", A few days after receiving the GO switch, Braava arrived safely at my house.

Her husband sets up the braava as I prepare the rice. It's very small and very thin compared to rumba. It's a completely different thing. While having a drink with two people and watching Braava's work, "It's amazing. Do you go through this gap?" Or "It's quiet. It doesn't bother me at all even when I'm sleeping." It's fun just to look at it. Drink braava on the knob. Like (laughs).

And the ones we check more than we do are our cats, which are like "What's this?" "Toys? Enemy?" It was (laughs). It's not as big as a rumba, so I don't think there will be a day when I can ride on it and move around, but if I try to ride it, it will stick out (laughs).

A husband who pushes the switch every day and says, "The floor feels good!" He wasn't very interested in it, but he praised it, saying, "Well, Braava suits me better than Rumba! This is good!" "Um .... I think it fits better than Rumba, because he's vacuuming me (sweat). You robot (laughs) instead of iRobot", he said "Huh!".

It's been a while since I started using it, but it's almost impossible to live without Braava! Cats that were scared at first also coexist normally, such as punching in front of them and brilliantly passing through. The floor is really smooth, and I wonder what the effort was to rag while sweating from time to time. Rather, sometimes I can't keep up with the cat's hair and dust that soars fluffy every day.

Because it's a compact body, it goes into the gaps between the legs of furniture, so I'm impressed every day, and on the floor that feels good barefoot, "When will my niece come next?" I was there (laughs).