Stapa Saito is extremely attracted to Bosch cordless cleaner "UNLIMITED"

The annual event "Home Appliance Award".This is the fifth event this year at the annual home appliance festival held jointly by the Impress home appliance product specialty site "Home Appliance Watch" and Gakken Plus item information magazine "GET NAVI".

In that, there is a department called "Home Appliance Watch Award".This is a special prize selected by the home appliance Watch editorial department, but this year, Bosch's "Unlimited" codeless cleaner was selected.

I see.The design is good, and the continuous use time is quite long.So, the editor -in -chief of the Home Appliance Watch commented on this product.↓ Click here.

"Stylish design and light comfort are attractive.A battery that is compatible with the company's power tools is detachable.If you attach the maximum size, you can clean it for 89 minutes.I'm glad that you don't have to worry about cleaning in the middle of the night with a low motor sound with no key sound. "

Is it so!? Is the battery for the Bosch's power tool is powered and can be replaced by the battery !!! Is it possible to use up to 89 minutes by using a large capacity battery?Yaba.I'm suddenly interested, "Unlimited" ♪

That's why I borrowed an actual machine and tried it.For the time being, if you write a sense of use here, it's pretty good.The suction power is strong, each part is made very easy to use, and the battery can be kept well.As will be described later, the cost performance is also quite high ♪

Bosch cordless cleaner "Unlimited" has three models depending on the accessories."BBS1223WJP" with two batteries, "BBS1123BJP" with one battery, and "BBS1BASE" with only the main unit (without battery).The model without a battery is for those who already have a 18V battery for Bosch's power tools, and 2 cloth nozzles and 2.5Ah charger or charging cable is not included.

This time, I borrowed "BBS1223WJP" with two batteries.I immediately used it, and I was surprised.

This "Unlimited" is a slightly rugged cleaner, but the first thing that surprised me was the quietness of the operation sound.I thought at first glance that "Gotume's vacuum cleaner = the operation sound is also loud", but in the standard mode, in the largest turbo mode in suction power, "If you use it at night, it will not bother you in the neighborhood".is.It doesn't seem to be frowning at night, as it doesn't have a lot of treble and does not hobby, so even if you use a cleaner at night, your family will not be frowned upon.

In addition, the suction power is sufficient.When I heard the operation sound of "Unlimited", I thought that the sound was quiet = the suction power was not good, but there was a solid suction power ~, this cleaner !!!A perfectly sucked dust.Garbage accumulates more and more in the dust box.This is evidence that a small dust -like potato -like garbage accumulates in the filter part, so it is definitely catching an invisible small dust.It is a reassuring suction power and dust collection power ♪

By the way, the continuous use time of "Unlimited" is the attached 2.5AH Battery is used, about 50 minutes in normal mode (high power motor bra shoplin viscus), about 37 minutes in normal mode (using high power motor brassinzzle), turbo mode (using high power motor brassinzzle).About 6 minutes.I think the high -power motor bra shinouzzle is the "most common nozzle" with a spinning brush, so I think the continuous use time for ordinary users will be about 37 minutes.

In the case of the author, a total of about 20 tatami mats in the work + surroundings is often vacuumed in 5-6 minutes, but if you are a regular house, you should be able to clean the house with a vacuum cleaner of about 15 to 20 minutes.。If you use about 37 minutes, you can finish cleaning without running out of battery.Also, with a "BBS1223WJP" model with two batteries, you can use it about 37 minutes, about 1 hour and 14 minutes ~ ♪ I usually do not clean it for a long time, but even when cleaning, "Unlimited" is encouraging."is.

By the way, it is easy to throw away trash.The dust inside can be discarded just by removing the dust box from the main unit.

When you throw away the trash from the dust box, some dust will still fly.However, only the dust box can be taken out to the entrance and veranda and thrown away the garbage, so I think it can be used comfortably in practical use.

"Unlimited" has fine particles 99..The exhaust system during cleaning is clean because it is equipped with a clean exhaust system without missing 9 %.You can vacuum comfortably.


"Unlimited" comes with five types of accessories for cleaning.Specifically, it is a high-power motor brushinzzle, a 2-in-1 combination brushino zle, flexible gap nozzle, cloth nozzle, and extended pipe.

All are easy to use.Let's look at each accessory and its usability in photos and explanations.

High Power Motor Bra Sino Visul is a nozzle with a built -in brush rotating with a motor, about 25 cm wide and about 7cm high.You can also enter the lower part under the bed with the tip of the extension pipe.The brush hair is combined with hard floors and long -haired floors.The flooring and carpet can be cleaned with this nozzle alone.Since the brush rotates halfway, you can take a vacuum cleaner with a light force.The swing is also light and can be easily proceeded in the direction you want.The rotation brush is quite powerful and the cleaner itself has a high suction power, so it feels like it will quickly suck various garbage ♪

The 2-in-1 combination brushino zle is a hard nozzle that is suitable for cleaning a narrow plane.When the brush part is put out, it becomes a brushino zle, and you can clean the intercepted parts such as blinds, sash rails and keyboards.The width is about 7cm.I prefer to attach it directly to the main unit and use it in a brush state, so you can clean the shelves, window frames, drawers, etc. smoothly.

The flexible gap nozzle is a flexible nozzle with a length of about 46 cm, and is suitable for cleaning the back of the gap of about 2 cm wide.He is also good at cleaning the horns where the floor and the shelf are in contact.If you use it in conjunction with the 2-in-1 combination brushino zle, you can really clean every corner of the room.In addition, when combined with an extension pipe, it will be about 110cm in length, so you can clean up high places that cannot be reached without a stepping stone.The spider web near the ceiling can be sucked quickly.It's exciting ♪

The cloth nozzle is an accessory that is suitable for cleaning futons, blankets, and chair fabric seats.Comes with a ventilation hole that prevents the cloth from adsorbing the cloth with suction power.If you use it directly to the cleaner itself, it will be pressed to the target by the own weight of the cleaner, and you can clean the cloth quite efficiently.

It feels like that.It is not too much and there is not too little, it comes with a necessary and sufficient accessories, the continuous use time is long, and the suction power is powerful enough.It is realistic not only to clean the room, but also to take it out and clean the inside of the car.It was a good feeling of use that made me think that only one cleaner would be this one ♪

I think "Unlimited" is very complete as a cleaner, but the battery system is a very attractive among such functionality.Since the same thing as a battery for Bosch -made power tools (18V lithium -ion battery) can be used, it is convenient and rational to share the power tool and battery first.

In addition, since it can be removed, if you prepare an additional battery, you can extend the continuous use time.Included 2.If you use a 5Ah battery, you can use it for about 50 minutes in normal mode (high power motor bra shin zone), so if you have two batteries borrowed this time, you can use it for about 1 hour and 40 minutes.!! You may think, "I won't clean it for a long time," but it's a calculation that can be used for 10 minutes of vacuum cleaner 10 times, so if you use it once a day, about 10 days.There is also the merit that charging is unnecessary ♪

Also, the "little problem" of many chordless cleaners is not in "Unlimited" where you can freely exchange batteries.Specifically, if you use a chordless cleaner every day, the battery capacity will decrease in 1-2 years.It depends on the frequency of use, but the built -in battery is the fastest.You will need to purchase a replacement battery and replace the battery using a driver.It's pretty troublesome.But that kind of trouble is not in "Unlimited".

In addition, the bosch 18V lithium -ion battery that can be used with this cleaner is the capacity attached to the cleaner 2..5AH Battery 4 capacity 4.0Ah battery and capacity 6.There is also a 0Ah battery.If you add a large -capacity battery or increase the number, it will be a codeless cleaner that has no problem even after long use ♪

It's easy to use, it's practical, it's reasonable, it's a very good "Unlimited".It's pretty good.Indeed, it is an excellent product that has been awarded the "Home Appliance WATCH Award".

But there is another good thing to know in "Unlimited".It is a high cost performance.

The actual price of "Unlimited" (BBS1223WJP) with two batteries borrowed this time is about 40,000 yen.It is reasonable compared to the chordless cleaner that is likely to be a rival.

In addition, the included capacity 2.If you buy a 5Ah battery alone, it costs about 8,000 yen per piece.It is equivalent to 16,000 yen because this has two.In addition, the attached charger "AL1830CV" for quick charging costs around 8,000 yen.Combined with the battery, it is equivalent to 24,000 yen.

The actual price of "Unlimited" (BBS1223WJP) with two batteries is around 40,000 yen, and if you subtract the price of two batteries and the quick charger from the price ... 16,000 yen, it will be calculated, but yeah!!! I wonder if 16,000 yen is too cheap for this vacuum cleaner and accessories!

It's amazing, this cospa.So, if you buy "Unlimited", "BBS1223WJP" with two batteries is recommended.The author is now overwhelmed by the cospa, and I am extremely attracted to "Unlimited" with two batteries !!!