Beat Takeshi mentions Kenichi Mikawa's allegations of Katsura "Smokerless Lasterer head" Beat Takeshi finally revealed "Kenichi Mikawa's head is smokerless roaster"

On October 3rd broadcast, "Lol Laughs Problem Carboy" (TBS Radio) talked about the story behind the co -starring with Beat Takeshi."Good morning, I'm sorry for Takeshi.(TV TOKYO series) is said to have no meeting.

"I didn't have a meeting, I felt like I was going to go, I thought it would be possible if I entered Takeshi 30 minutes before."

This program is a project that says, "Beat Takeshi is now interested in and what you think about it."

"So, Takeshi -san also said," Somehow in the newspaper. Then, in the whole story of the whole story. "

The whole story was too good, but certainly, the story of a wig was talked about along with the proper nouns of many celebrities.

"I guess I had to do something, and I thought the side of the TV Tokyo was also thought of, so on the way home yesterday, I had a close meeting (laughs)." I want to make a little more setup. "So, I gathered a few minutes earlier than yesterday and decided to have a meeting properly. "

ビートたけしが美川憲一のカツラ疑惑に言及 「無煙ロースター頭」 ビートたけしがついに暴露「美川憲一の頭は無煙ロースター」

However, when it comes to beats, it is very difficult.

"So, I changed clothes and makeup, and Takeshi came into the last minute, so after all, the same state today."

Yoji Tanaka, a partner, said, "After all, it was a story about Pura.

On the second day of the program, the topic of celebrity wigs ended up in the end.Masuda Okada and Okada, who were appearing alongside Beat Takeshi and Ota, tried to stop it, but they couldn't get rid of them, and they said, "The staff says," I'm going to partition, but this is a mess! "As much as it is.

By the way, Kenichi Mikawa's allegations were the first to be released in Japan.There are various types of baldness, such as the "Rumba type", and Takeshi began to talk about one of them, "smokeless low star type."

"After that, Kenichi Mikawa is eating yakiniku and smoking, but it's not visible here (around the head).. I'm purifying, here. It seems that I sometimes put water. "

This seemed to be a confession that Kenichi Mikawa was a pulse, and Ota said about this:

"In the case of Mr. Mikawa, Takeshi said for the first time yesterday.(Suidobashi) Dr. was surprised. "This is the first time I said on air." "

Takeshi and Ota have made radical remarks on religion and political parties, not only in these entertainment stories, but also in recent election reports.It can be said that many programs are doing programs that have been attacking in the morning, with many programs suppressing radical expressions.