Ask the leader of robot engineering! How about the current robot vacuum cleaner?

――The robot vacuum cleaner has a big difference in recognition between those who are actually using it and those who are not used.For those who have never used it, it is unknown.I don't think the "robot" part is too known.This time, I would like Mr. Furuta to teach the robot vacuum cleaner from the perspective of robot engineering.

Furuta: There are two main types of robot vacuum cleaners.The mainstream is the sub -sampling architecture.It is a type like an insect robot called "Action Country AI".This is the model from Rumba and major Japanese manufacturers.

――Is that the type of Panasonic's Ruro released in the spring, the sharp heart of the new work, and the Torneorobo in Toshiba.

Furuta This type works only with conditional reflection.Anyway, it moves around, hits pounding or approaches to the last minute to recognize obstacles and walls.I repeatedly make it a conditional reflective, and then move it again to create a rough map.Simply put, it's an insect.It is a low -intellectual, moving robot like insects.


――I don't have such a body or lid (laughs).

Furuta: Of course, not only that, but the insect has a strategic program that can be cleaned efficiently.First of all, we move around and learn the shape of the room.I grab the distance and how many turns I turned.When it comes to humans, I feel like I'm walking with my eyes closed.How many steps, ah, there were obstacles in this case, so in this case, it's just like you're going to turn to the right and know the shape of the room.Well, don't go there.Oh, I smoked a lot of garbage now.Then, try to suck this area intensively.

―― That's the mainstream robot vacuum cleaner.

Furuta is a model that uses "SLAM" (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping at the same time).

――In Japan, it is a bot back of Nate Robotics in the United States, which was released last year, and Kobold, a foieberg, Germany.Both are models that are characterized by the alphabet "D" and a round laser at the top.

ロボット工学の第一人者に聞く! ぶっちゃけ今のロボット掃除機ってどうですか?

Furuta: These two models are identified while making maps using the technology "SLAM".You don't find obstacles only when you get close or approach, but first look around.So, there's something in that.Then, let's go and go like this, look at the whole, make a map, and then think about the strategy.As a robot, it is more efficient than a fumbling insect type.

コーボルトジャパンの「コーボルト VR200」米のロボット掃除機メーカーNeato Robotics Incの「ネイト Botvac」

――What kind of mechanism do you make a map?

Furuta Laser SLAM is adopted.You're firing a laser and measuring the distance.The laser scanner is the highest -performance sensor that is said to be the most reliable and practical in our robot shops.However, the laser scanner is expensive anyway, and it costs several million yen for what we use, and hundreds of thousands of yen for cheap ones.

――Why can these two models use lasers at such a low price?

Furuta: The laser scaner we use is that dozens of lasers can move 360 degrees.The mirror moves and can be scanned all at once.However, there are only one laser transmitter and receiver in the two robot vacuum cleaners.The laser itself does not move, but the body is scanning by moving.

―― Certainly, when you start moving, the body is spinning around.

Furuta: First of all, it's roughly scanning.She has just mapped the room to some extent in the principle of three -point surveys with only one distance laser sensor.I think this is a great technology.

――So you are running based on the map of the first room you made?

Furuta That's right.While moving further, the mapping continues with laser.However, after all, the models using SLAM are not always aware of the map alone, and there are also blind spots that are not visible, so in addition to the global "eyes to see the whole", that is, the SLAM, which is also a local movement.I need a "nearby eyes".

ネイト Botvacは、ルンバなどのようにランダムな動き(左)ではなく、直線的で効率の良い動きをする

――When there is a map, do you notice for the first time after going?

Furuta Yes.So after all, there are other sensors.I have to have both.So the "nearby eyes" part is the same as the insect type.Although there are differences in the sensor depending on the manufacturer, it is detected using contact sensors, infrared rays, and ultrasonic sensors.

In other words, at the start, there is no information at the start, making a map by hand while moving around, "type that moves by groping", first look around, make a rough map, and then start.A type that creates a map. "The current robot vacuum cleaner is roughly divided into these two types.