Approximately 30% of double-income households own "robot vacuum cleaners" What is the reason for the decrease in operation due to Korona-ka?

Updated January 13, 2022

Cleaning (564) Housework (130) Time-saving home appliances (17)

"Silmill Research Institute", which publishes recommended products and services selected by women as Web contents in a ranking format, conducted a survey on "robot vacuum cleaners" (including floor cleaning only) from November to December 2021. It was conducted. According to this survey, about 30% of robot vacuum cleaner owners.

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In the research project "Silmill Research Institute" developed by Kodomo Ribingu (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kazuhiro Nakajima), which publishes information magazines "Anfan" and "Gyute" for children and moms, a survey "Women" targeting women We carry out "research" and send out recommended products and services selected by women in a ranking format as Web content. In this survey, we announced the results of a survey on "robot vacuum cleaners" (including floor cleaners) conducted from November to December 2021.

The highest utilization rate in the "Robot Vacuum Cleaner" ranking is the "iRobot Roomba Series".The reason was given

"It has good suction power and absorbs dust well to clean it." (30s, Osaka Prefecture) "It's very easy and convenient. It cleans even places that are usually difficult to clean, such as under the sofa. It's very helpful. It's best to be able to do other things while it's in operation. "(30s, Aichi Prefecture)

It was an opinion.

 共働き世帯の約3割が「ロボット掃除機」所有 コロナ禍で稼働減少の理由とは?

Of the 464 respondents, 94.8% have a "vacuum cleaner" regardless of type. Of these, 46.4% had "two or more" vacuum cleaners. Of the vacuum cleaner owners, 27.1% "own" a robot vacuum cleaner. For “double-income” households, it was 31.3%. Among the robot vacuum cleaner owners, the most owned type was "suction type" at 86.5%, "floor cleaning type" (15.3%), and "all-in-one type" that can perform both suction and wiping cleaning was 5.4%. (Multiple answers). While most of the respondents own "suction type", "robot vacuum cleaner all-in-one type" became popular with 33.6% and "suction type" with 22.0% in the order of "what I don't have but want" (22.0%). Multiple answers). Next, I asked in detail about the points that were emphasized at the time of purchase regarding the "robot vacuum cleaner".

The most common reason for purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner was "I want to save the trouble of cleaning" at 66.7%, followed by "I want to keep it clean" (34.2%) and "I don't have time to clean" (33.3%). Continued (multiple answers).specifically

"I was in trouble because my child was small and I woke up when I was sleeping when I vacuumed it, but it is very helpful because I can keep the robot vacuum cleaner when I go out." (30s, Saitama Prefecture) "Robot vacuum cleaner The room isn't cluttered because I don't put anything in the way on the floor, so it's very good. "(60s, Kanagawa Prefecture)

Some voices are pleased with the secondary effects. At the time of purchase, the most important thing was "cleaning ability" at 31.5%, followed by "brand / manufacturer" and "low price of the main unit".

When asked how often robot vacuum cleaners were used due to Korona-ka, 17.1% of the respondents "increased" and 14.4% of the respondents "decreased". For those who have "increased" frequency,

"Because my family is refraining from going out and staying at home more often, my room is getting dirty more often." I thought I could do the housework with a robot "(40s, Saitama Prefecture)

It seems that there were many people who relied on robot vacuum cleaners because they were concerned about the increase in housework due to the increase in time spent at home and how they got dirty.On the other hand, those who "decreased" the frequency

"I've been at home more and more, and I've been cleaning every corner with a regular vacuum cleaner." I became worried about it "(30s, Kanagawa Prefecture)

Some people said that they stopped using the robot vacuum cleaner because they spent more time cleaning it, and that they couldn't use it because of the operating noise that they didn't notice when they were absent. URL of the presentation data: (Mynavi Child Care Editorial Department)

* This article is information at the time of publication and may differ from the latest one. Please note.