An expert said, "I'm glad I did it."2 steps to keep the washroom clean

Updated July 15, 2021

Bathroom (61) Cleaning (564) Organized storage (66)

The washroom is easy to get dirty and cleaning is troublesome ... Do you have such an image? However, since it is a place to wash my hands and brush my teeth, I am still worried about germs. It's also a place where you always want to stay clean. This time, I will tell you two steps to make a washroom that is easy to clean.

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● [Step 1] Reduce things ● [Step 2] Create an environment that is easy to clean ● Summary

Hello. I'm Fujinao, a professional organizing and storage advisor. I haven't been very good at cleaning around water for a long time, and I've always felt depressed, especially in the bathroom. However, as a result of making small improvements, I am now able to live a much more comfortable life. So, this time, I would like to introduce "2 steps to make a washroom that is easy to clean" that I arrived at because I hate cleaning around water.

[Step 1] Reduce things

In order to make the bathroom easy to clean, it is important that "nothing is out" as much as possible. The first thing I started doing to do this was to reduce things so that I didn't have to put things near the washbasin.

 専門家が「やってよかった」と太鼓判! 洗面所をキレイに保つための2ステップ

First, take out all the items in the bathroom storage and check if there are any unnecessary items. I disposed of things that I haven't used "now", such as hairpins that I haven't used for years, hairbrushes and hand mirrors that I haven't used for years, and toothbrushes that I got at the hotel. Next is the disposal of the things that I set aside, "Let's use it someday." For example, I decided to take the sample shampoo that I had stored up when I went on a trip to the bathroom and use it up in my daily life. Recently, the quality of shampoo in hotels has improved, so you don't have to worry about hair damage so much even if you don't bother to bring it from home. When the quality of shampoo does not seem to suit your hair, such as when traveling abroad, take your usual shampoo in a small container purchased at a 100-yen shop.

Similarly, I use up free samples of lotion in my daily life so that I don't store what I receive. When I go on a trip, I put the lotion I'm using now in a small container purchased at a 100-yen shop, just like shampoo. You can let go of the infinitely increasing number of free samples just by preparing a small container, and you can use the "skin-friendly lotion" that you use every day while traveling.

Also, I stopped opening the next one even though I had something that was in use. I used to have a lot of used lotion and milky lotion, but now I try to keep as few as possible because it is bulky and cosmetics have an "expiration date". Similarly, we have reduced the number of detergents by choosing almighty detergents such as neutral detergents that can be used for wiping the whole house, instead of using detergents for small purposes such as "glass only", "floor cleaning", and "ventilation fan".

We have also increased the number of unisex items that can be shared because we live with our family. For example, hair spray and lotion. Sharing it with my husband saves space. In this way, we carefully examined each item and reduced the number of items, and devised a way to fit all the belongings in the storage as much as possible.

[Step 2] Create an environment that is easy to clean

Once you can get rid of the waste in the washroom, the next step is to create an environment that is easy to clean. First of all, the main premise is not to put out anything! The washroom is also a place where splashes often fly when you wash your hands or gargle. By reducing the number of items and storing them all in the storage, it protects the items from dirt such as splashes and creates an environment where cleaning can be completed by simply wiping.

The next thing I was conscious of was floating things. If it is placed directly, water often collects underneath, which tends to be unsanitary. So I bought a wall-mounted hook at Ceria, a 100-yen shop, and floated and stored the hand soap bottle.

In addition, trays are used in places that are easily soiled, such as inside the toothbrush storage. The toothbrush is floated using a magnet and a magnet auxiliary plate, and the cup is also hooked with a hook to improve draining. Just lay kitchen paper on the tray and replace it once in a while! Even if the tray gets dirty, you can wash it quickly, so you can easily clean it.

Finally, I was particular about cleaning tools. For example, a sponge that cleans the washroom. It doesn't feel good to keep it in the washbasin all the time, and it's kind of unsanitary ... Therefore, I cut the melamine sponge that I bought for 100 yen into thin slices with a kitchen knife and keep it on hand, and use the dirty sponge as a disposable item. For the dust guard at the drain, which is easy to get dirty, I prepared a disposable item with Daiso, and when it became very dirty, I decided to throw it away and use a new one.

In addition, towels used for cleaning the area around the washbasin are always kept in the drawer of the washbasin so that you can use them quickly when you notice.


By making improvements one by one in this way, the washbasin is now fairly easy to clean. It is important to have a system that can be easily cleaned because it is a place that is easy to get dirty and difficult to clean! I hope it will be helpful to everyone. It was Fujinao, a professional organizing and storage advisor.

* This article is information at the time of publication and may differ from the latest one. Please note.