Robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy![Recommended for senior Mama dad]

Update: December 26, 2019 / Release date:

I asked my senior mom dad about "I'm glad I bought a robot vacuum cleaner".During pregnancy, it's hard to vacuum while holding your stomach.Also, it is difficult to clean while being busy with childcare after the baby is born.So, this time, I took a questionnaire in focusing on the "product name of the robot vacuum cleaner".So what kind of robot vacuum cleaner did you choose?

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Q.Please tell me the product name of the robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy

Please also answer the following questions.・ Maker name of product ・ Price at the time of purchase ・ What kind of points did you feel?

A.Rumba 62 % of the robot vacuum cleaner that I bought!

As a result of conducting a questionnaire to Kozure members about "Robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy", ・ Rumba (62 %) ・ 2nd: Ruro (7 %) ・ 3rd place: Minimal (4 %) ・ 4th place: The result was Buraba, Kokorobo, Torneorobo (2 %).In the following, we will introduce a part of the review results of the questionnaire.Please find a robot vacuum cleaner that you think is good to buy!(N = 56)


A.Rumba is a good robot vacuum cleaner!

I think the price was about 50,000 yen.It is very convenient to clean it while you are going out because your child is not able to vacuum when you are sleeping.In addition, I have been using it since the late pregnancy, but it was very useful because it cleaned the room even when it was difficult to move big.

It was about 50,000 yen.I am very satisfied that the cleaning has been completed while going out, even during sickness and when I get tired.If the house is dirty, it will be stressful.In addition, it was the best home appliance that I bought because I was released from the time like a quota, because I was free from the time like a quota.

After giving birth, it may be because it is the first child, but there is no room.I am often worried about my baby crying, and I often do not get housework because I am worried about childcare.Among them, I am very grateful for the electric vacuum cleaner.If you move when you go for a walk with your baby, the cleaning will be completed by the time you return.I think that if you make your housework a little easier, you will have more time to relax and have more time to raise children.

I purchased Rumba in February 2019.Due to the couple working together, cleaning was about to be done or not on weekends, so dust was accumulated on the floor on weekdays.After purchasing Rumba, I have the living room on the second floor three times a week and automatically clean it during the absence of work.Because of the Zubora, since Rumba came, the living room was not vacuumed by himself, and only wiped it on weekends.Still keeping it clean.It is very big that the hassle of vacuuming the vacuum cleaner is very large, and it is easy during maternity leave.My daughter will be born in the future, but I think the housework while raising children is physically strong, so I will continue to be active in Rumba.

In the early stages of pregnancy, I was sick and sick, I couldn't move as I wanted, and my housework became quite troublesome, so cleaning the room and vacuuming it became troublesome, but the rumba is one button.It was easy because it cleaned up without permission.

While the age was small, I was worried about dust, but I was in trouble because there were days when I couldn't make a vacuum cleaner.However, if I left it to a robot vacuum cleaner in the middle of the night, it was very helpful because it was clean the next morning.Although the sound during cleaning is a little worrisome, it is easy to clean the child without permission if the child has never woken up with the sound, and if you set the day or time zone with a smartphone.

I purchased Rumba (about 100,000 yen).In the early stages of pregnancy, there were days when I was not able to clean as I wanted because of my stomach, but I was able to clean it easily with Rumba.Even if I couldn't move, I was really saved because it would automatically clean the floor just by turning on the rumba.Although it costs a price, it is very good to buy it because it is very helpful during pregnancy and during childcare, such as a washing machine with a dryer and a dishwasher with a dryer!

・ Product manufacturer name Irobot ・ Price at the time of purchase 88,000 yen ・ What are the points?It was a synergistic effect because it stopped putting the floor for Rumba.・ How long have you started using it, how long have you used it (in use) Use from December 2018?

Since I started using Rumba, it became really easy.While I can't keep up with my body's change due to my first pregnancy, I don't think it will be difficult to move so far, so I don't think it will be difficult to move so far, so vacuuming it is so painful.I didn't think it was.By starting to use Rumba after becoming pregnant, just habitually not putting things on the floor, it will clean up while going out, so the burden on the body has been reduced.It is helpful because it sucks mat hairs rather than vacuuming it by hand.

There were times when the evils were severe and I was almost asleep.He wasn't able to clean it, of course, so he was really helped by Rumba, who was cleaning with one button.My husband, of course, helped me, but I felt sorry for working late on weekdays, so I was very grateful for that point.I'm glad I bought it.

I bought it for about 70,000.It was good to be able to clean while going out!!I use it since pregnancy and still use it.However, children are born and luggage is increasing, and the number of areas where Rumba can move is decreasing.You can't move Rumba unless you go out of things ...

I'm busy after giving birth and I don't have much time.In addition, there is no energy to clean due to lack of sleep.At that time, I was really grateful to clean it with one button.When I was sleeping, I often pressed the button and cleaned it.Children are the closest to the floor, so I'm grateful that they can be easily cleaned.

Rumba.I don't know the purchase price because it was purchased by a family living together.The advantage is that it automatically cleans the floor.It is very convenient because it analyzes the size and obstacles of the room with a sensor and cleans it evenly.Garbage receiving is also easy to remove.It is very helpful to clean it with one touch because it is easy to give birth to premature birth.It is still in use.

We have pets indoors, so we have a lot of hair loss and so on, so we've been able to spend more time by cleaning them during the absence.It may take more time than vacuuming it yourself, but I think it's clean.

It costs about 50,000 yen at the time of purchase.Anyway, I wanted to reduce housework as much as possible, so I bought it.In the summer, it was painful to sweat just by vacuuming it, but the room is very comfortable.I was worried about what kind of reaction my 2 -year -old child would react, but I was afraid on the first day, but now I am accustomed to chasing, "Rumba, do it!"

Immediately after returning to work, I purchased IROBOT Rumba.I don't remember much, but I think it was about 50,000 to 70,000.I sometimes made a reservation on weekdays (before work) and went to work, and I moved before going out on holidays and spent time with my family.Now (4 years after purchase), it has not been used because the repair request has been troublesome due to a failure.

We purchased for about 50,000 yen.Whether you're out, working, or you're not in the house, you can easily operate it on your smartphone and clean it without permission.The cleanup is still useful than I imagined.I'm pregnant now, but I feel that cleaning will be easier after giving birth.

My husband recommended me to buy during pregnancy, but I can vacuum!I refused.However, when I gave birth and raised my child, there were days when I was not able to make a vacuum cleaner, but I bought Rumba at that time.Then, even if you are crying until now, only a vacuum cleaner!I thought, but I was very satisfied with both the mother and child with the time with the child!

I'm a little worried about the sound, but it's still helpful to clean it automatically.Avoid the corners and things of the room, and just do a place where you have to clean.I am grateful that if it is a little smaller and thin, the number of parts that can be cleaned will increase.I am worried about the latest model with garbage collection tower.

The purchase price is less than 100,000 yen.The good points I bought, so I can clean up multiple rooms in one cleaning, so when I go out before leaving the house, when I come back, the cleaning of each room is over.There are small children, so you need to vacuum every day, but if you have a rumba, it will be clean to some extent, so you don't have to clean it every day with a vacuum cleaner.Purchase time I bought it in the summer of 2018 and is still in use.

I buy Rumba and still use it.When I purchased it, the rumba was divided into about 5 levels depending on the presence or absence of functions, and the price was set from 30,000 yen to 130,000 yen.I purchased a rank in the middle of 80,000 yen.I was able to link to the mobile application from the ranks I purchased, and I was able to start Rumba wherever I was, so I was very able to move the rumba from the go and check how it was running.Convenient.My house is all flat in the apartment, so it is useful because I can clean it almost with Rumba.

・ Price at the time of purchase: 30,000 yen campaign, point redemption, points payment, etc.・ I have time to automatically click what I felt good, so I can always keep a beautiful room.In addition, there is no item for "vacuum" in many housework, so it is very helpful.Nowadays, the layout of the room is changed around the Rumba, and I do not put anything on the floor, so I thought I didn't need it before purchasing, but now I can't afford it.・ For the first time, how long have you used it around December 2018, and I've been using it now.


Purchased for about 50,000 yen three years ago.It is very convenient because you can leave a troublesome floor cleaning just by pressing the switch while doing other housework, such as washing and cooking, or by pressing the switch before going out.The dust on the thick carpet and the dust in the corner of the room will be cleaned with the attached rotating brush, so there is no need to vacuum.I'm now 3 months pregnant, so I have more opportunities to fall and lie down, so I want to use Rumba even on busy days!It is highly recommended for families where children are coming or those who do not have much time to vacuum in compatibility with work.

A robot vacuum cleaner is very useful when you have a small baby.We purchased at the time of the upper child.The baby takes a lot of work after being born, and if you cry for your first child, you will hug you as soon as you cry, so you can't take the time to do housework.The purchase price was about 40,000 yen.I still love it.

Rumba Ai Robot 40,000 points, etc. where the rest can be cleaned while going out so much.After returning to work, I like it because it can shorten the time of housework and make children spend a clean environment.From about a year ago to the present

It is not a high rumba, so it cannot be operated with a mobile phone, but it is very easy to operate the rumba before going out or go to bed before going to bed!I leave my usual cleaning to Rumba, and I use my own cleaner once every few days.This alone reduces housework and is very easy!Just when you are at home or when you are watching TV, the sound will be noisy.After that, the disadvantage is that you do not place things on the floor to some extent, and you cannot clean it well unless you put it away.

There are already three dogs in my home, so it is full of hair loss.Despite my pregnancy, my body did not move as I wanted, and cleaning was troublesome.At that time, Rumba was useful.It was really helpful because the floor was dirty, so I was mentally frustrated.

Used from about 1 year old.The price is 80,000 yen.I have no time to vacuum, my son is afraid, and I get up when I'm sleeping, so I buy it.After purchasing Rumba, I could do other things as I could vacuum.I think it should have been purchased early.

Even when you are busy with child -rearing or housework, it is quite easy to clean just by turning the rumba.It is helpful because it just turns when you go out or sleep.I use it once every two days.The price was about 60,000 and I purchased it last year.

I forgot the price at the time of purchase.Even if you are hungry, the vacuum cleaner is not painful, and I thought it was easy to clean it while going out.It is good to charge without permission.I'm still in use and I think I will continue to use it.

I recently moved, and took this opportunity to buy a rumba of about 50,000 yen.From now on, the second child has been born, and I purchased it to reduce the trouble of housework and keep the floor hygienic, but it is still very useful.The difficulty is that the sound is a little noisy, but I use the living room to clean while going out and taking a nap on the second floor.

I don't remember the purchase price, but I've been using it for more than 2 years.On holidays, her husband brought Rumba to each room and began to clean up.Because the sound is relatively loud, I think it would be better if it became a little quieter.

It is in use.Very easy to clean every day.Especially after I get pregnant, I'm glad I bought this vacuum cleaner.I would like to recommend it to pregnant people.Also, one of the difficulties, if the sound becomes a little quieter, it will be helpful.

・ I robot ・ About 50,000 yen ・ You can clean it while going out, and you can spend a beautiful room when you return home.Outing will be fun.They will not be able to put things on the floor.If you use the schedule function, it will automatically clean it.・ Purchased around 7 months after birth.Currently the second generation.

Purchased around 45,000 yen of Rumba.I was working, so I was working and going to work when I left my pregnancy.It's time to go out during childcare leave!The sound was a little loud, so it seemed impossible during a nap.I still use it.

A.The robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy is Ruro!

・ Panasonic ・ About 100,000 yen ・ It is very helpful to clean places that cannot be cleaned frequently, such as under the bed, under the sofa.Just a little less time and cleaning will make it much easier and you can do something else at that time.・ My daughter started using it from around the age of 2 and is still in use

I have a spilling child every day, and I have no time to clean every day.It was expensive, but worth buying.It is better for moms who are working to buy daily necessities and home appliances with emphasis on how to enjoy their lives and how to spend comfortably.

I got pregnant and my sickness was so bad that I couldn't do housework, so I purchased Lulo for 30,000 yen at Amazon sale.It also removes the square of the corner of the room, which is not good at regular robot vacuum cleaners.Some steps can be overcome to some extent, so they will clean carpets without any problems.Above all, it is helpful because ordinary vacuum cleaners, such as under a bed or under the sofa, can clean up places where cleaning is difficult.

Panasonic.I think it was around 80,000.It is quieter than a normal vacuum cleaner, and the air doesn't dance much, so you can use it anytime if you are worried.If you press the switch with the remote control as much as possible on the floor, it will clean your room while you are doing childcare and housework, but in the form of cleaning robots that you often see.Because it is a triangle, it is good to clean the corner.I started to use it as I moved to an apartment in February of this year.

A.The robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy is a minimal!

Considering the spills of children, I decided that it was essential to be able to pass between the legs of the chair.I am still using it every day.In the rooms raising children, which tend to be scattered, it has been customized to have at least once a day on the floor to get a minimal work.

Just press the switch just before going out, it was easy because it was beautiful when I returned.Vacuuming a baby while holding a baby or piggybacking was a burden on the body, and the baby was crying with a loud noise, so it was good in that regard.

A.The robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy is Raba!

At the time of Amazon's sale, I purchased it cheaper than the list price.It is mainly used for wiping the floor.The good thing about purchasing is quiet and the floor is clean!After finishing, the floor is smooth and very comfortable.Also, looking at the cross after cleaning, I realize the need for daily cleaning that it is surprisingly dirty, even though there should be only two adults.Rumba also uses 690 together, but this is not the latest, so I'm worried about the driving noise, and my husband stops cleaning during home.If a baby is born, it may be difficult to use this rumba, so we are considering replacing the latest one.Of course it will be clean.There are places to worry about, but automatic cleaning robots are highly recommended for housewives who do not work together or have no time.

A.The robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy is Kokorobo!

Before I turned two, I needed surgery, and after that I bought it because it was difficult to clean.Until then, many things were left on the floor, such as toys and clothes, but it was very easy to clean up while sleeping at night.

A.The robot vacuum cleaner that I bought is Tornorobo!

I bought Torneo for about 70,000 yen in 2017.It is a type that automatically returns and collects garbage, so there is no need to throw away the garbage every time.In order to clean it with a cleaning robot, it was not possible to put anything on the floor, so it was somewhat habitual to keep things on the floor.Alternatively, I started to clean up the floor for Torneo.

A.Robot vacuum cleaner that was good to buy! others

I bought I LIFE for about 20,000 yen.I couldn't move due to sickness, but if I couldn't clean it, I was worried about my pet hair and bought it.Now that you can clean the room beautifully while you are doing other housework or go out, it is very convenient to save time.I think it will be a strong ally when you are busy after childbirth.

After I knew my pregnancy, I moved to a wider house, so I decided to buy a robot vacuum cleaner that I always wanted.I was going to buy IROBOT at an electric shop, but after hearing the story of the shop staff, it was a robot vacuum cleaner that was technically advanced in the world, so VORWERK in Germany.I bought a robot vacuum cleaner called Kobolt.As a result of shopping, I am very satisfied with the robot vacuum cleaner that moves very smartly with the laser function.

Purchased eyelos with Amazon gift vouchers from company colleagues.Originally I was not good at cleaning, so it was easier to clean it with one button.However, there are some opinions that it is dangerous to use while you are away, so I need to be careful.

Even if you want to shorten your housework for about 20,000 yen for about 20,000 yen, or when you feel that your vacuum cleaner is physically powerful during pregnancy, it will be cleaned in housework or in other rooms.The hassle and burden have decreased.Still from newlywed

I bought a robot vacuum cleaner for about 20,000 yen.It will take more and more dust.We have a carpet, so we don't care about it, but if you rent a flooring, the sound may sound quite on the lower floor.

It became difficult to do housework because of my stomach, which is getting bigger and bigger during pregnancy.It was very difficult to vacuum cleaner with a cramped cancer, such as under the sofa or under a dining table, but it was very helpful because the robot vacuum cleaner was automatically done.The pelvis was loose and there was back pain, so the daily housework was reduced and it became easier.After childbirth, my hair loss became severe, my long hair was easier to fall off, and I wanted to keep a clean room for my baby, so I was in full operation.Because the sound is quiet, it can be used during the baby's nap, which is very convenient.

During the pregnancy, I bought a robot cleaner mininio for about 8000 yen.She is not as smart as Rumba, but she is saved in a place that is difficult to do, such as under the sofa or under a desk.I think that if a baby is born, it will be clear for the baby, so it would be very helpful if the instrument was cleaning.

I'm using Yufy.I thought it wasn't necessary for living together, but it was really convenient to use it!I have to throw away the collected garbage every time, but I like the hygiene because I can wash it all over.I'm hitting all over the room, but it's kind of cute.

It was easy because it ended while sleeping.It makes a sound, but only the places you want to do, so if you cut the door, you don't care much.It was good because the children didn't happen.I don't know the manufacturer, but I don't think it was too expensive.Famous manufacturers are quite expensive.I was very satisfied because I was able to clean it well!Duskin mop was also saved.It is recommended that you get dusty, do not make noise, and you can quickly do it when you notice it.Use it with a robot vacuum cleaner and clean it!!!I think the next one is a rechargeable vacuum cleaner without Dyson code.

Purchase Debot.The price is about 30,000 yen.It will wipe the water at the same time as sucking the garbage.You can operate it with the app, and after cleaning, return to charge yourself.I started using it around the fall of 2018, but I purchased it because there was a stress that could not be vacuum cleaner frequently because of the children's eating spills, but because of the stress that could not be vacuumed frequently.It is helpful because the cleaning is over while going out.

ILIFE V8S 29900 yen.It is still in use before birth.Although it is quite affordable compared to Rumba, the function is not inferior at all.It cleans the corner of the corner properly.I think it would be better if the sound unique to a robot vacuum cleaner was a little smaller.

I am using ILIFE V5S Pro.I bought it for about 15,000 yen at Amazon sale.My daughter hates vacuum cleanup and is scared and crying when she vacuums, so when she vacuums, she has to hug her, and as she gets bigger, the burden on the vacuum cleaner gradually increases.I got it.With a robot vacuum cleaner, it is very helpful because it will finish cleaning while playing with my daughter in another room.The fact that it has a water wiping function has also been a decisive factor in purchasing.


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Tell me Kozure, senior mom

Kozure member's senior mom advises the troubles received from a junior mama of Kozure!It is full of various opinions that are real and useful based on actual child -rearing experience.