ELEPHANT ROBOTICS has arrived a compact 4 -axis robot arm "MyPalletizer"!Corporate release on Switch Science Web Shop on February 8, 2022 | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Release issuance company: Switch Science Co., Ltd.

Elephant Robotics社からコンパクトな4軸ロボットアーム「myPalletizer」が到着!スイッチサイエンスウェブショップにて2022年2月8日に販売開始 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Switch Science Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shigeru Kanemoto), ELEPHANT ROBOTICS (hereinafter, ELEPHANT ROBOTICS, Headquarters: Shenzhen, China), a robot arm of a robot arm in collaboration with M5STACK. The new product "MyPalletizer" will be sold at the switch science web shop on February 8, 2022. "MyPalletizer" is a small, lightweight and inexpensive 4 -axis robot arm that uses the M5STACK series as a control microcomputer. Ideal for applications such as. In addition, compared to the popular 6 -axis robot arm "MyCOBOT 280", the degree of freedom and work radius decreased as the number of servo motors decreased, but it is possible to reproduce the operation with low blurring. This time, the end effector's "Gripper for MyPalletizer" and "MYCOBOT 280/MyPalletizer Camera Flange" will also be sold at the same time. The "MyPalletizer" is very compact, weighing 960g, payload 300g, and a work radius of 260mm. The MyPalletizer body and arm are equipped with M5STACK Basic and Atom Matrix, and there is a LEGO compatible connector at the tip and bottom of the arm, which can be used to fix the body and install the end effects. M5stack Basic: https: // ssci.TO/7362/Atom Matrix: https: // ssci.To/6260/The end effector used to the arm includes "MyPalletizer Gripper" and "MYCOBOT 280/MyLLETIZER Camera Flange", "G Base for MyCobot 280" and "MYCOBOT 280 suction pump".Is also available."MyPalletizer" and "MyCobot 280" are compatible with some of the accessories.▶ ︎ "MyPalletizer" Specifications axis: 4 -axis payload: 300 g Work radius: 260 mm accuracy: ± 0.5 mm Weight: 900 g Motor: High-precision time Encoder type servo motor operation speed: 120 °/s power supply: 8-12 V 5A (we have 12 V AC adapters) USB Type-C connector (M5STACKK) Basic body) ▶ ︎ "Gripper for MyPalletizer" is a gripper dedicated to myPalletizer. Use as an end effector. Suitable for lifting small boxes, small balls, etc. Can be used in all development environments such as ROS, Arduino, UIFlow, and Roboflow. Dimensions: 110 x 90 x 60 mm Weight: 88 g clamp width: 20 ~ 45 mm maximum clamp weight: 150 g ▶ It can be used for a wide range of purposes and is suitable for face recognition, smart display, smart delivery, vending machines, cord scanning, access management, etc. USB lens (no distortion) Size: 18 x 18 x 20 mm maximum pixels: 1 million1280 x 720 compatible image Format: YUV, MJPEG Pixel size: 3.4 UM x 3.4 UM maximum frame rate: 1280 x 720 @ 25 FPSUSB protocol: USB2.0 HS/FS compatible resolution: 1280 x 720, 640 x 480, 320X 240 Power Supply: DC5 V 90 MA Lens Focus Distance: Standard 1.7 mmfov horns: ≈ 60 ° compatible OS: Win7/8/10, Linux, MacOS End Frang material: Physicial Resin Finish: Painting Size: 80 x 40 x 20 mm Weight: 60 g ▶, Switch Science, we sell AC adapters based on the Electrical Appliance Safety Law and sell them.In addition, this product has a manufacturer's warranty, providing support via switch science.For more information, please see "Guarantee" below.https: // www.Switch-science.Com/info/MyCobot_warranty/︎ "MyPalletizer" Introduction blog post https: // mag.Switch-science.COM/2022/02/08/MyPalletizer/▶ ︎ Sales information Switch Science web shop (https: // www.Switch-science.It is sold in com/).Model number mycobot-mypalletizer-pse product name MyPalletizer-Robot arm price (including consumption tax) 69,454 yen (tax included) Purchase page https: // ssci.TO/MYPALLETIZER Model number mycobot-mp-gripper-ag-WH product name Gripper price for MyPaletizer (consumption tax included) 16,445 yen (tax included) Purchase page https: // ssci.TO/7929 Model number Mycobot-Cameraflange Product Name Mycobot 280/MyPalletizer Camera Forman Gunge Price (including consumption tax) 14,465 yen (tax included) Purchase page https: // SSCI.TO/7930 ▶ ︎The trademark or registered trademark of another company or the registered trademark is a trademark or registered trademark of each company.▶ ︎ ELEPHANTROBOTICS, which is based in Shenzhen, China, is a global high -tech company that focuses on robot research and development, production, platform software development, and intelligent manufacturing services established in 2016.In 2016, it was adopted with the M5STACK in China's domestic batch of the global hardware accelerator HAX.Its products are widely used not only for industrial production and scientific research, but also for education and home.ELEPHANT ROBOTICS Corporate information: https: // www.ELEPHANTROBOTICS.Com/Introduction/Facebook: https: // www.facebook.COM/ELEPHANTROBOTICS ▶ ︎ Switch Science Switch Science is working to create a world where more people can use technology as a tool.Specifically, we are conducting businesses that design, manufacture, procure, and sell electronic components for electronic work by in -house.In April 2021, the company acquired the STEM teaching material business and IoT development cooperation project from 144Lab, the parent company Co., Ltd., and expanded the business field.Switch Science Corporate Information: https: // info.Switch-science.Com/Twitter: https: // Twitter.com/sscifacebook: https: // www.facebook.COM/SwitchSCIENCE Corporate Press Release to PrTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.