What Amazon Alexa can do | Compatible smart speakers / functions / skills

"Alexa" installed on Amazon's AI speaker

Alexa is an AI assistant installed in the Amazon Echo series, a smart speaker (AI speaker) developed and provided by Amazon.

In this article, we will explain what you can do with Alexa and the features called skills.


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What is a smart speaker?


Smart speakers are also called AI speakers, and you can search for necessary information and operate home appliances that are linked by performing excellent assistant functions and voice dialogue with AI.

"Amazon Echo" appeared as a pioneer in smart speakers.

This is an AI -equipped speaker released by Amazon in 2014, a huge hit in the United States immediately after the release.

Later, Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. released smart speakers one after another, making it one of the most attractive products in the IT industry.

The next article explains what smart speakers are Amazon Echo.

Amazon Echoとは?Alexa搭載スピーカーの基本機能・コマンド例、スキル・拡張Amazon Echo(アマゾン・エコー)は、Amazonの開発した、声で操作できるデバイス「スマートスピーカー」...詳細を見る

What is AI Assistant?

AI Assistant refers to functions and services that combine advanced voice recognition technology and language processing and respond appropriately to questions by user audio.

With the accuracy of voice recognition due to AI deep learning, many AI assistant devices are now appearing, and Alexa is recognized as a pioneer.

What AI Assistant "Alexa" can do

What can the AI assistant "Alexa" mounted on the Share number one Amazon Echo do?

You can play music, stop, and play genre.You can use the music streaming distribution service of Amazon Music, Apple Music, and Spotify, and can be operated simply by saying "Alexa, music".

Amazon Echo also has a radio playback function.Therefore, if you say "Alexa, radio," you can immediately watch the radio.

Amazon can browse e -books on Kindke.Amazon Echo has a function to read the characters of this e -book as audio.

If you want to release your hand during cooking, you can easily set a timer set by saying "Alexa, 10 minutes timer".

If you say "Alexa, get up tomorrow at 7 o'clock", you can wake up at 7 o'clock.

Since you can easily operate home appliances with voices, such as "Alexa, TV" or "Alexa, turns on electricity", you will not have to look for remote controls.

Home appliances can be used to use Alexa -compatible home appliances, or in the case of current home appliances, you can realize a smart home by connecting it to a "smart remote control".

Conversation using Alexa is hands -free and easy.If you exchange contacts with someone who has Alexa, you can easily call, such as "Alexa, call your father."

There is also a function to say "Alexa, send a message", record and send messages.

Since it is linked to Amazon Prime, you can shop with just your voice.

If you say "Alexa, tell me a hamburger recipe with a cookpad," you will search for the recipe immediately.

Also, if you add skills, you can make a reservation for izakaya and fast food by voice.

Zensho Holdings, which operates the "Sukiya" of the beef bowl chain, has developed Alexa's skills and has launched a "Sukiya lunch order" in Alexa in November 2017.

Some of the recently added Alexus skills can send donations to the stricken area (such as heavy rains in July 2018).

This is the end of the partnership agreement with the Japanese Red Cross Society to strengthen the cooperation system for disasters.

If you ask, "Alexa, donate 100 yen with a red cross," you will be able to donate from Amazon Pay to JRCS with just your voice.

According to a 2018 survey, Alexa's unique feature is that the "answer construction rate", which is a percentage of questions and trying to answer questions, is higher than other AI assistants.

Amazon Alexa(アレクサ)にできること | 対応スマートスピーカー・機能・スキル

For this reason, it is said that the percentage of jokes to answer questions is high, and there are also attempts to record past conversations with users and reflect them in response.In the future, it is likely that the position as an AI that is smarter and familiar will be made into rock.

The biggest feature of Alexa is "Skills"

Alexa will execute the corresponding functions and services to Alexa, which is mounted on Amazon Echo, saying "Alexa, 〇〇".

This is a basic usage, for example, "Alexa, what is the weather today?" It will tell you the weather in the corresponding area.Similarly, if you ask "Alexa, music," it will play the registered music.

In addition, Alexa can learn the function of the plug -in called skill.

Only for Japan, more than 3,000 kinds of skills can be selected and continued to increase.

This section describes the specific procedures and usage that makes Alexa learn skills from Amazon Echo.

Alexa's skill section enables the target skills, and just open the request, "open Alexa, (skill name)".

You can now get a variety of information, such as having Alexa read out the news articles, checking the balance and deposits and withdrawals of banks.You can think it's like a smartphone app.

Recommended skills are listed on the Amazon official website for individual skills.

Alexa -compatible smart speakers are increasing

Piggyback on revitalizing the smart speaker market with Alexa -equipped devices, and Alexa -compatible smart speakers following Amazon Echo are appearing one after another.

First, Amazon has released the Amazon Echo Dot, which can use Alexa at a lower price as a genuine product following Amazon Echo.In addition, we have released "Echo SPOT" as the latest product and gain popularity.

Image of Echo SPOT.Various information and content can be visualized by circular screen

Echo dot is a smart speaker that can use Alexa at a low price, and is characterized by more compact and more difficult than Echo.Echo SPOT is a type that is more convenient with a screen in addition to the functions of other Echo series.It is useful for visual confirmation such as news, song names, and weather forecasts.

Anchor, known for mobile batteries and wireless chargers, has also released a smart speaker "EUFY GENIE" equipped with Amazon Alexa.

Until now, it was sold by an invitation system, but now it can be purchased without invitation.The price is about 4,000 yen, and you can enjoy Alexa and dialogue more reasonably.

Like Amazon Echo, it can be widely applied to home appliances from basic information such as weather forecasts and news.

Alexa compatible speakers that support the kitchen are also appearing.

The Ibox, a British audio maker, will release a kitchen -compatible speaker "Ellipsis" on September 1st.

The feature is that it can be used by stabbing a power socket on the kitchen wall, and you can get cooking recipes with a dedicated app from basic information such as weather and news.

Although the size is small, you can enjoy good music from 2 watts speakers.

Alexa is not installed only on smart speakers.

In fact, you can set Alexa as an AI assistant for Android smartphones.

For Android products, Google's AI Assistant was in charge of AI Assistant.However, with the recent popularity and accuracy of Alexa, the standard assistant of the Android device has been changed to Alexa.

The change method is easy, just install Alexa apps from Google Play and select "Amazon Alexa" from the Android setting menu.

The use of Alexa from Android smartphones will be attractive for those who are familiar with Amazon Echo.

Alexa's malfunction has also been reported

Amazon Alexa, which is now gaining popularity around the world, has been reported at the same time.Here are some of the most reported malfunctions that are also alerted.


Alexa uses very high -performance voice recognition technology.

However, it has been reported that Alexa misunderstands the sound of the news as an order due to the high performance of the news, and ordered products that are not asked by users.

Since the number of incorrect orders occurred in large quantities instead of several cases, the Amazon side revealed that the misconded product could be canceled and refunded.

Amazon Echo can be set to prohibit voice orders and check the authentication code.It seems that it was a trouble because of the neglect of the settings.

When the room was silent, Alexa suddenly said, "Every time I close my eyes, only the people die." A man living in San Francisco reported.It became a hot topic on SNS for meaningful remarks.

Many cases of Alexa suddenly laughed.

From around March of this year, Alexa's laughter has been reported in the middle of the night, and many users are afraid of their eerie.

The Amazon side seems to be aware of this "laughing" bug, and is working on corrections.

In particular, like the above -mentioned "only figure of people dying", it is creepy that the surroundings occur even with silence, and many users feel uncomfortable.

In the future, these bugs should be improved, but there may still be unknown "mysterious words".

Possibility of spreading Alexa

We have explained the characteristics and skills of the high -performance AI assistant "Alexa" mounted on Amazon Echo.

As you can see from the one -year -old smart speaker equipped with Alexa, the AI Assistant, including Alexa and other AI assistants, is expected to appear in the future.

It seems that some malfunctions have been confirmed, but there are still many benefits to collecting information and solving problems while dialogue with AI.

There is no doubt that it is the most notable field in the IT industry.Why don't you take this opportunity to introduce a smart speaker and experience the convenience?

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