730th: Complex car audio and "Ultimate button" to revive [Macchina Aromoda!]

In recent years, when I stay at a hotel in each country, the change was that I stopped watching TV.The reason is that the operation has become troublesome.

It is named "Hotel TV" and so on, a initial screen similar to a smart TV for home use appears.Depending on the facility, the name of the customer, such as "Benvenuto Sig.oya (Oya -sama, welcome)", is also displayed.

The problem starts there.To reflect the terrestrial channel, it is necessary to operate a remote control with more buttons than home use.

The fear of saying, "What if a paid program (pay TV) starts to make a mistake in the button?"The good thing is that there is no other person, the dialogue of old Japanese anime comes out, saying, "Maiching."

When I finally learned the operation, the check -out day comes.Old RCA -made Curtophone TVs placed on a cheap motel in the United States are much easier to handle.

Regarding cars, the same can be said these days.

If you notice, the number of models that depends on large displays for most of the audio operations has increased.

There is a change in low -priced models.Instead of the conventional panel that fits in the 1Din space, the operation is a satellite switch beside the steering wheel, and a model that depends on the indicator in the meter panel has come to be confirmed for operation status.

The trouble is when I rent a car.Perhaps the vehicle cleaning personnel turn on the radio to raise the tension of the work, and then forget to erase it.At the same time as the ignition -on, the audio often begins to sound at loud volume.

第730回:複雑化するカーオーディオ そして復活を切望する「究極のボタン」 【マッキナ あらモーダ!】

It is clearly a waste of time that you have to struggle for a few minutes in the parking lot.Even the model operated by the steering pad is also confusing because the location and display are different for each manufacturer.

Conversely, it takes a few minutes when you want to listen to the radio.

Every time I encounter such a scene, I remember old car radio.Switch -on with "press" the dial or "turn the volume from the minimum position to the right", switch -on, "Press again" or "Turn left to the minimum volume".It is the "turn and pong" method that I named without permission.

Recent voice commands, gesture commands, and "Apple CarPlay" and "Android Auto" have appealed more operability.

However, in Europe, only luxury cars, or popular cars are implemented, and it is still not a majority.

On the other hand, radio broadcasting technology is evolving.

In Italy, it has been a long time since the operation of digital radio, like neighboring countries, has begun.It is called "DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast)" and has now evolved into an evolved version of "DAB +".

Digital radio is a gospel, with many hills and a professional audio mounting company that he used to say, "The worst for receiving FM waves."

If possible, I want to enjoy it with my car as soon as possible.

However, my car runs 150,000 km at 13 years old.Many Italian users can still go, but I don't know when they will be in trouble and will be forced to buy a new one.

Furthermore, the dashboard contains genuine 2DIN -type manufacturers and navigation, which cost nearly 400,000 yen in yen at the time of the new car.

While maintaining the status quo, I came to wonder if I could enjoy something new with simple operation.

「フェラーリ・ローマ」は、「Apple CarPlay」と「Android Auto」に対応している。助手席側には専用のオーディオ&空調操作用タッチパネルが。
参考までに「ランチア・ストラトス ゼロ」(1970年)のコックピットには……