Compatible with the diversified power electronics test "Large -capacity smart exchange / DC stabilization power supply" Ask developers [Kikusui Electronic Industry / PR] | Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper Electronic Version

Realize 6kVA with THE STRONG 6U

The Power Electronics Market is continuing to expand.Large -capacity electrical equipment development has been active in areas such as automobiles, aircraft, environment, new energy, and communication.The needs of power supply equipment that are indispensable for performance tests during development are diversifying.Kikusui Electronics Industry will launch a small and multifunctional large-capacity smart exchange / DC stabilization power supply "PCR-WE / WE2" series at the end of June.There are 9 types of power capacity and 15 models including regenerative functions.We asked the director of the product development section of the product development section about the characteristics and strengths of the product.

Lineup of 9 types by power capacity and all 15 models including regenerative function

-The pulse width modulation (PWM) Switching amplifier power supply "PCR-WE / WE2" series that can handle both exchange and DC is developed.

"We have been selling inverter -type testing power supply for more than 20 years. In recent years, there are offensive from overseas manufacturers, so it has been necessary to gain competitiveness in terms of competitors, performance, and price.I decided to develop a small and large -capacity test power supply as a world strategic model. "

-The needs of large -capacity testing are increasing in various fields.

"In addition to the automobile-related market, the frozen air-conditioning market has a large-capacity testing needs because the power is used in building air conditioning systems etc.. The existing model" PCR-W / W2 "series in our PWM Switching amplifier system is electric power.The upper limit of the capacity is 12 kilometers. The multifunctional model and the "PCR-LE / LE2" series can support 81 kilometers, but users seeking a larger capacity are requested for 4 or 5 years.It came out from the front "

―Please list the markets assumed as a sales destination.

"In the car -related market, the power capacity of in -vehicle chargers is increasing year by year, and it is one of the important markets. On the other hand, the construction of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020, and the construction of hotels and commercial buildings.However, the demand for energy -saving inverter air conditioners is increasing accordingly, and performance tests and aging (life) tests will increase in the frozen air conditioning market. Naturally, the test exchange power supply.I would like to sell it to the air conditioner maker because the demand is also expected. I would like to propose to parts manufacturers of aircraft, which are growth markets. "

Product Development Partial Development Division 1 Manager Daishi Iguchi

-It achieved high power density of 6U size, 3 times the power capacity of 6 kg bolt amp, which is tripled.

"At the beginning of the development, the power capacity was 4 kg bolt amp.Reviewed from zero. Input AC / DC inverters, intermediate DC / DC converters, DC / AC inverters of output were enhanced and small. In addition, by designed in both directions.We have also developed regenerative models. "

―What kind of ingenuity did you implement?

"In order to minimize the circuit, the switching frequency has been raised compared to conventional models, and the LC filter has been reduced to minimize the entire circuit. In addition, it is optimized for high efficiency and heat dissipation for miniaturization.It was necessary to aim. Therefore, the output part of the silicon carbide (SIC) metal oxide semiconductor electric field effect transistor (MOSFET) was adopted. This has made it possible to reduce power loss and one element.Things also led to miniaturization. "

-Please tell us the benefits of reviewing and miniaturization.

"As a result of the use of an LLC resonance converter in the DC / DC converter in the middle of the circuit to achieve high efficiency, it was possible to contribute to the reduction of parts score. Also, input system to ensure safety.The fact that the insulation between the side and the output side can be easily insulated is also the merit created by adopting the LLC resonance converter. In the second -line synchronous rectifier circuit, existing models are a lead -type MOSFET with large permissible losses.Because of the heat sink for heat countermeasures, the circuit space was taken for that much, but PCR-WE / WE2 only requires only MOSFET on the surface implementation by high efficiency. As a result, heat sink is unnecessary and miniaturized.I was able to contribute to

-Cas the use in radio dark rooms and shield rooms, the conduction obstruction wave voltage is low, and the voltage distortion rate is reduced.

"Originally, when the development of new products, the electromagnetic environment conformity (EMC) test and continuous noise tests were considered to install a test exchange power supply outside the radio wave or shield room, and use it through a noise filter.However, there are places where the space for power supply is limited, and there is a need to bring out the test power supply into the radio dark room or shield room indoors and test it. At the time of the test, a noise filter is used, but it is generated from the test power supply.The level of noise was also needed to be smaller. I designed PCR-WE / WE2 with that point in mind. "

-The regeneration function has been provided in the three -phase 200 bolt input model.Because it is possible to regenerate on -site, it can contribute to energy saving in the electric test.

"In response to the recent energy-saving, there have been voices seeking regenerative functions in the exchange power supply used for systematic imitation tests such as solar power generation systems and power conditioners for cogeneration systems.A model with a function. In such cases, the company calls the power conditioner to accept the power from the power conditioner to the power supply. The existing model PCR-LE / LE2 had 30 % inverted, but new.The PCR-WE / WE2 of the product has become 100 % of the reverse tide, despite the inverter method. It cannot be grown into the system of the power company, but it can contribute to energy saving by growing on the premises. "

-Mot in parallel driving is possible, and the power capacity can be expanded to a maximum of 144 kg bolt amp.

多様化するパワーエレクトロニクス試験に対応「大容量スマート交流・直流安定化電源」開発者に聞く【菊水電子工業/PR】 | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

"It was our first attempt to develop a model with a maximum power capacity of 36 kilometers per unit. It is the first attempt for us. By connecting four in parallel driving cables, up to 144 kilos can be used. Test power supply 1 can be used.The small size of the table was about 1040 mm in height and the width was about 1800 mm. This is very small compared to other companies with the same power capacity.Although it is large capacity, the installation location can be reduced compared to the past, so that a limited test space can be used effectively. "

-It can be used not only as an exchange power supply but also as a DC power supply.

"The aircraft positioned in the promising market are equipped with both DC power sources and AC power sources. Therefore, it can be said that PCR-WE / WE2, which can be used for various simulations in both the cross-style, is the best.In response to needs, the output frequency was set up to 5 kilometers. This time, the developed PCR-WE / WE2 is a small, large-capacity and multifunctional confidence, so many power electronics-related development sites around the world.I want you to use it

(Listen's daily industrial newspaper company Yokohama General Bureau, Atsushi Watanabe)

Background and characteristics of development

In the industry, electronics -related development competition is increasing in fierce in the industry.In the automotive industry, next -generation vehicles such as electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid vehicles (HVs), and plug -in hybrid vehicles (PHVs) are developing.Advanced home energy management systems (HEMS) for charging to EVs and PHVs are also required.

Before the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics scheduled to be held in 2020, demand for new construction due to urban redevelopment is increasing.As a result, orders for commercial air conditioning systems are also expanding.In recent years, technological innovation has been developing systems such as air conditioning and maintenance management using artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet (IoT) of things.The demand for equipment and equipment that support these systems is increasing.

Kikusui Electronics has worked on many test equipment and power supply that support the development of equipment and equipment.This time, we have developed a test power supply for automobile -related, frozen air conditioning -related, telecommunications equipment -related, power equipment -related, aircraft -related markets, and electromagnetic environmental conformity (EMC) test organizations that are expected to expand demand.

The large-capacity smart exchange / DC stabilization power supply "PCR-WE / WE2" series scheduled to be released at the end of June reflects the "small and large capacity = high power density" with high market needs.The power density is tripled compared to the current model, and the simulation function is installed after making it compact.

Nine types of power capacity 1 kg bolt amp, 2 kilos bolt amp, 3 kilos bolt amp, 6 kilos bolt amp, 12 kilos bolt amp, 18 kilos bolt pair, 30 kilometers, 30 kilos, and 36 kilometers are available.In particular, we realized the miniaturization of models over 6 kilos bolt amp.The three -phase 200 bolt input model is equipped with a regenerative function that enables the regeneration of the premises.Including this model, all 15 models have been turned into a series.

PCR-WE / WE2 is characterized by both exchange and DC.Generally, a stabilized power supply used in various tests is often used as a driving power supply for the test equipment (EUT) in radio dark rooms and shield rooms.In particular, in the conductivity emission measurement of electromagnetic obstruction (EMI) measurement, it must operate stably even when the exchange power supply is connected to a noise filter for radio room or shield room.

Among them, the power noise terminal voltage measurement, which is one of the conductive emission measurement, detects noise generated from the EUT in the radio dark room and shield room, and uses an EMI receiver to measure the frequency and noise level.The frequency range of such commercial measurements varies from region to region, but generally from 9 kilometers to 30 megaherts.

Similarly, the noise power measurement of conductive emission measurement measures the strength of the inhibitory power on the AC power supply line generated from the EUT.Such a frequency range of commercial measurement is from 30 to 300 megaherzs.Each measurement block is an exchange stabilization power supply → noise filter → radio dark room → measuring room.

The measuring device used is EMI receiver for the noise terminal voltage measurement via the power pseudo -circuit net (LISN), a high -tone / flicker analyzer for measuring the distortion rate of output waveforms, and an oscilloscope for voltage / current waveform measurement.At that time, at the time of no load, R (resistance) load, noise filter, noise filter with / unloaded, the power port of the information technology device that clears the "class B" standard of the voluntary regulation safety standard "VCCI".In response to the tolerance of conduction obstruction waves, the conduction interruption wave voltage of the exchange stabilization power supply itself must be sufficiently low.In addition, it is desirable that the distortion rate of the output waveform is small.

The PCR-WE / WE2 features a low conductive sabotage voltage.Furthermore, since the voltage distortion rate at the time of load connection is very small, it is suitable for exchanges for exchanges used in radio dark rooms and shield rooms.

Further, the exchanges for the test are often installed in the radio -dark room, outside the shield room, or in the underground power supply room.In this case, if the distance from the power supply room to the measurement room is several meters, it may be 20-30 meters away.The conventional AC power supply was not easy to use, such as controlling it with a dedicated remote control using optical wire cables.

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The PCR-WE / WE2 is equipped with digital interfaces such as LAN, USB, and RS232C.It can be used as an option to GPIB.Above all, LAN is compatible with LXI, so it can control and monitor from web browsers such as PCs, smartphones, and tablets.Therefore, it is possible to easily remote and manage the exchange stabilization power supply in another building.

While interchange stabilization power supply is used as a power supply for EUT, it is required to respond to standard tests for the low -frequency imaging test specified by the International Electric Standards Meeting (IEC).The standard stipulates the requirements for the power supply to be used.It is required to meet the requirements of the peak rush current of EUT in 3.With a peak rush current supply capacity of less than 70 % of the same ability, it can be evaluated for an exchange stabilization power supply with a rated current of 500 amp, and any EUT can be tested if it is 500 ampare or more.

Therefore, if you select the model to be used according to the peak thrust current of the EUT, it will be possible to use it as an exchange stabilization power supply that meets the request of the IEC61000-4-11 standard.

In order to meet market needs, we have enhanced operability and functionality.The model with a power capacity of 3 kilos bolt is integrated with a single -phase / three -line / three -phase output with one unit and output.Since models with a power capacity of 6 kg bolt amp can be combined in parallel, it can be used such as division and integration according to the needs of use.

It also has excellent maintenance and eco -driving functions.Models with a power capacity of 6 kg bolt ampos or more are easy to maintain because they have a unit structure of 6 kilo bolt pair units.It is also possible to drive only the power unit required according to the supply load.Furthermore, it is equipped with a sleep function that will be suspended if the output is not performed for a certain period of time, which can contribute to energy saving.

In accordance with the large capacity needs of the user, it is possible to operate in parallel in parallel with four models of 36 kilograms of electricity capacity.As a result, the power can be increased to the three -phase 144kg bolt amp as standard.This can meet the needs of testing in fields that use a lot of power, such as building air conditioning systems and aircraft parts.For three -phase 200 bolts input models, we have provided a regenerative function that can be regenerated in the premises in response to energy saving.In the existing model, the number of reverse tide was limited, but PCR-WE / WE2 was 100 % possible.

In the future, utilizing the strengths of small, large -capacity and multifunctional features, we can respond to the needs of equipment and equipment for equipment and equipment that are mounted on next -generation vehicles, energy -saving home appliances, and commercial air conditioning systems that are expected to Electronics Industries will continue to respond to diversifying test needs and support power supply innovation.