"Lux" supported by a professional surfer, Shoho Matsuda, shows off in front of Lux Girl!Corporate Release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Release issuance company: Unilever Japan Customer Marketing Co., Ltd.

「ラックス」が応援するプロサーファー・松田詩野選手がラックスガールの前でサーフィンを披露! 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

What is Matsuda's secret that shines like himself! ? The total beauty care brand "LUX (Lux)" of Unilever Japan Costumer Marketing Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Meguro -ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Yasumi Takahashi) is a brand message "SHINE WITH NO LIMITS" A brand that supports women who live freely and shine on their own, without being trapped in the rules and stereotypes of society to get closer to their dreams and ideals. Since 2017, we have been transmitting a woman's image of women through the Lux's official influencer "Lux Girl". Lux has been spotting "surfing" since 2018. Surf culture, who loves nature and loves himself as it is, has brought people the values ​​of being healthy both physically and mentally and living like themselves. Lux feels something in common with the brand philosophy of Surf Kulture and Lux, and supports the "surfing" sport. However, on the other hand, there is still a remnant when surfing was a male -centered sport, such as a large disparity between female surfers and male surfers, and there is still enough environment for female surfers to be active. There is a reality that it is not in place. So Lux wants to support women's surfers who live on their own way in a difficult environment as a brand that has been supporting women's success, and wants to support women's surfers who live on their own way, aiming for a difficult environment. Concluded a sponsor contract with the player. On June 13, 2018 (Wednesday), Matsuda will be invited to guests, and the charm of surfing will be gaining attention for 2020, and next summer (Raika) will experience the charm of surfing, next summer. Was held an event. Also, at the event, Matsuda, a 15 -year -old, chosen her way as a professional surfer, how to fight the world to produce brilliant results, her future goals and her herself. I approached the secret that was shining like myself. This event was started in a peaceful atmosphere, with Matsuda and Lux ​​Girls gathered at the venue, "Hello!" At the event, Lux Girl had blossomed to Matsuda, from the simple questions about her surfing and player life to the motivation and romance of her dreams. In the sea, Matsuda first showed a surfing model. When Matsuda's turn was decided, Lux Girl cheered, "Oh!" Next, when the surf lecture on the Lux Girls began, Matsuda told her that her paddling and her posture on the surfboard were friendly. When I actually entered the sea, Lux Girls, who could not get on the waves at first, gradually grabbed the tips and set up on the surfboard as Matsuda was taught. At the end of the meeting, when I interviewed Matsuda about the driving force to go on the surfing player's path and work hard to make a brilliant activity, "I just enjoyed surfing when I wasn't in the game, but now I am joyful to win the game. I also enjoy regrets. If you practice hard with frustrated feelings, the joy of winning the game will increase, so you can do your best toward the next goal! " It turns out that her favorite feelings and the strong will to win the game are her shining secrets. Lux will continue to set up a brand message "SHINE WITH no LIMITS" and support women who want to shine themselves without being trapped in the rules and stereotypes of society according to her dreams and beliefs. [Overview] Event Name: Lux Girl Event (Surfing to Experience with Shoho Matsuda) Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 10: 00-15: 00 Vote (Procerfer) Instagram: @shinomatsuda Keika Nakajima (Lux Girl) Instagram:@kathy_tan29 Next summer (Lux Girl) Instagram: @RAIRAIRAIKA [Interview with Shoi Matsuda] This is my first time teaching surfing, and after surfing was selected in the Olympics, I wanted people who do not know surfing to know more about surfing, so in a sense my dream is fulfilled. did. I was very happy that the Lux Girls told me "fun!" ● What made you start surfing? When I was 6 years old, I went to an experience of a surf school with a childhood friend. My father was doing a long board, and my mother was doing a bodyboard, so I started surfing naturally because the sea and surfing were close. ● What kind of activities are you currently aiming for? Now that he is still a junior generation, he is aiming to win the junior world and his 2020. In the future, we aim to rank high in WQS and enter the WCT. ● How do you switch on before the game? Just before the match, I am switching on the switch, imagining my victory. ● When is the moment when you feel the most shining? Above all, I love surfing, so I think it's the moment of fighting in the game. I like the game better than practice, and I'm very happy when I can practice what I have practiced. ● How do you keep your motivation when it doesn't work? In fact, it is a type that makes you feel quite depressed if you lose the game. Family support supports me. ● Finally, what kind of surfer do you want to be in the future? I want to be a surfer who can win the game. I also want to be a player who can convey the charm of surfing to those who do not know surfing through my own activities and activities. [Profile of Matsuda Sheno] Date of Birth: August 13, 2002 (15 years old) Born: Kanagawa Home Break: Chigasaki City Ranking: JPSA 16th (as of the end of 2017) WSL 96 (as of the end of 2017) SNS: Instagram @shinomtsuda【主な戦歴】2018 WSL #24 QS1000 「Ichinomiya Chiba Open」 優勝2018 WSL Junior #1 「World Junior Championship」 出場2017 WSL JAPAN ウイメンズジュニア年間チャンピオン2017 WSL Junior #27 QS1000 「Minami Boso Junior Pro 」 優勝2017 JPSA 第1戦 「ガルーダ・インドネシア/旅工房 ムラサキプロ supported by 東京横丁六本木」 4位2016 WSL Women's Qualifying Series JAPAN リージョナルチャンピオン2016 WSL Junior #24 QS1000 「Ise Shima Pro Junior」 優勝2016 WSL #29 QS1000 "TRUMP HYUGA PRO" champion 2016 WSL #14 QS1000 "ICHINOMIYA CHIBA OPEN" 2nd place 2016 ISA Portugal World War: participated in the U-18 frame 2016 JPSA x WSL JAPAN Co-Sanction Event Yumeya Surfin Surfin Games Open Games 3rd place = JPSA Professional qualification acquisition 2016 NSA 4 major tournament "51st All Japan Surfing Championships" championship 2016 NSA 4 Great Tournament "34th All Japan -class Surfing Championship" Win 2015 NSA AAA Grade "Billabong Surfings Games 2015 West Japan Surfing Championship" Win [ Events] Corporate press release to PRTIMES Top


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