The new "Ghost" trial ride of Rolls-Royce, which boasts the post-Oprens (off-luxury).

Trial report

Magic Carpet Rider is in a good mood.


The concept is post-oprens (free of luxury)

 Rolls-Royce has fully revived from a brief downturn, especially the "Ghost", which made its debut in 2009, has become the biggest favorite in Rolls-Royce history. In September 2020, it accepted the full transformation and advanced into the second generation. Its idea is from the gorgeous and gorgeous luxury to the simple and rich position of Oprens (without luxury).

 Rolls-Royce always posts antennas in this category to see what customers want. He analyzes that since the emergence of the first generation of ghosts, customers' aspirations have changed, so they decided to develop the direction of the phantom to post-Oprens. Rolls-Royce, who is considered to be extremely extravagant, is trying to change in the times.

 Let's talk a little bit about the mechanism. Rolls-Royce has developed an aluminum space framework that can be changed freely according to the model, which has been built into "Phantom" and "Kalinan". Specifically, based on the fixed points set on the four corners of the car, it is composed of aluminum double partition, floor and crossbeam which can set the position freely. This is a flexible platform that makes full use of the characteristics of a small amount of production.

 In addition, the front and rear weight distribution is achieved at 50:50 by placing the front suspension assembly forward as far as possible and placing the V12 engine behind the front axle.

 The aluminum fuselage measures 5545 × 2000 × 1570 mm (full length × full width × full height) and the wheel base is 3295 mm, which, like Rolls-Royce, is one circle larger than the ghost of the previous generation. When the long wheel base (3465 Mm) is extended, the total length is further changed to 5715 mm.

 The engine is a 6.75-liter twin-turbine V12 used from the Phantom. This is an authentic BMW engine, but it is tuned by Rolls-Royce's hands according to each model. Ghosting is a dedicated mapping with a maximum power 420kW/ maximum torque specification of 850Nm.

Admire "Magic Carpet Riding"


 Finally got in the car. In any case, he is Rolls-Royce at the pinnacle of a luxury brand. It's impossible not to be nervous. And it's a very expensive car. I'm not good at it.

 This worry softens the body and mind when it sits in a comfortable, soft dryer seat and is cured by a calm room. Close the thick door and the silent world will open.


 For example, if you are in a daze in a solid stone building, you will feel physical pressure. Have you ever had the experience of squeaking ears? That's what ghosts feel like. This is the first time I have felt this in a car.

 Put the thin rod from the right side of the steering column into gear D and ran out solemnly. The throttle and brakes are smooth and comfortable. The throttle stroke and pedal force are excellent. The same is true of brake touch, which can move easily even if it stops repeatedly-Gollum, so the burden on the occupants is minimal. The experience of professional performance drivers has played a good role.

パワーユニットは最高出力420kW(571PS)/5000rpm、最大トルク850Nm/1600-4250rpmを発生するV型12気筒 6.75リッターツインターボエンジンで、トランスミッションは8速AT、駆動方式は4WDを採用

 Then as soon as he moved, he immediately realized the strength of the wraith. He cut off the subtle movements from the road perfectly, and what Rolls-Royce called "magic carpet riding" is admirable. Even the phantom, more or less inevitable vibration and pitching are perfectly eliminated, and the benefits of mood are unparalleled.

 Rolls-Royce uses an electronically controlled air suspension, while the "Planer suspension system" is derived from the Wraith's geometry that means horizontal Planer, creating a more sophisticated ride. Vibrations that cannot be absorbed by air sass are absorbed by a mass damper mounted on the upper Wishburn. The air suspension absorbs up and down motion, but the part that cannot be absorbed there is the mass damper, and the mass damper can also contribute to the horizontal vibration absorption.

 The effect of the Plana suspension is really great. This is a system that has been considered before, practical is Rolls-Royce at first, engineers pursue ride comfort as a result of Plana suspension, which took 10 years to develop.

 In the Planer suspension system, during the dawn of the car, the flagman (flagship) who follows the red flag guides the car story to show the audience the danger. At a speed of 100 km/h, the camera looks at the road ahead and pre-adjusts the "flagship system" of the air suspension. Through the GPS to grasp the position of their own car, can often choose the most appropriate gear of the "satellite Aidid transmission" is also conducive to the broad sense of comfortable ride comfort, as its wing.

 The best ride comfort is established through the coordination of suspension system, body and seat, but the Wraith finds a very high balance.


 The steering feeling and steering force is also light, but the things that have the feel are set slowly. The center Phil is also smooth, heavy, and smooth without a ladder is great. Just as I expected to turn to Phil.

 The minimum rotation radius is much smaller than the wheelbase of 3295 mm. The ghost uses 4WS, which inverts at low speed and large rudder angle, so the small turn works. Of course we will be in the same phase on the highway.

 Enter the Japanese-style twisted mountain road. I thought you would have a big body, but the responsiveness of the steering was also very frank, and the line tracking was higher than expected. The emerging S-curve will also intelligently clear customs. So far, the image of Rolls-Royce has been completely overturned. The progress of the character is also well controlled, clearing the corner with a heavy posture. The delicate bracelet of Rolls-Royce makes it impossible to feel the size.


 In this test drive, the Pirelli winter tire "SOTTO ZERO" (255/45R20) was installed for the rapidly cooling climate. It is worthy of the ghost with a weight of 2540 kg in the tight corner, and there is also a scene of slow steering. In addition, you can run comfortably in any corner.

 As the altitude rose, snow appeared on the road. In this degree of fruit dew-like snow, run as if separated. The ghosting 4WD allocates the front and rear torque distribution to 0, 100, 50, 50, which is always distributed in a stable direction. The dewy snow and ruts seem to run with peace of mind. In fact, I never felt a slide during this trial ride. It would be different if the torque of 850 Nm was fully opened and released, but I don't have the courage.

 On the sunny second day of the test drive, the tires were replaced with Pirelli's "P ZERO" air leak, but the faint pattern noise disappeared and the calmness was further improved. For subtle bumps, although there is a slightly harder feeling than winter tires, the subtle impact transmitted to the actual body is cleanly absorbed. The heavy straight stability seems to be Rolls-Royce.

 The car-only road is handed over to the ACC to keep plenty of cars away from each other for about an hour. By the way, Airasus can change the height of the car, and there are three car heights to choose from: LOW, NORMAL and HI. NORMAL is automatically selected, but you can also choose according to the bad road, deep snow, visit and other scenarios.

 The traffic in the back seat is a unique double door of Rolls-Royce. Press the switch on the C-pillar when tightening. In addition, when there is a door handle, the auxiliary is added, and when the wind is strong or wants to be slightly empty, it can also be freely stopped. It's a very elegant system.

 Of course, the back seat is very spacious, as long as the body is entrusted to the seat that can wrap the body in the software, both the heart and body will melt.

 In the Meiji era, British diplomats Ernest Sato and Harry Parks used ghosts to run his beloved sunshine, and such a short trip was a great experience. Breathed a sigh of relief, looking up at the ceiling, the starry sky, from time to time there is a meteor flying sad performance, until the end is a continuous surprise.

[apology and correction] the engine was mismarked when it was reported for the first time. I apologize to you. Please allow me to correct it.

Hiroyuki Baoxiong

1949年12月28日生 東京都出身 ■モータージャーナリスト/AJAJ(日本自動車ジャーナリスト協会)会員/2020-2021年日本カー・オブ・ザ・イヤー選考委員  大学時代からモータースポーツの魅力にとりつかれ、参戦。その経験を活かし、大学卒業後、モータージャーナリズムの世界に入り、専門誌をはじめ雑誌等に新型車のTrial reportやコラムを寄稿。自動車ジャーナリストとして30年以上のキャリアを積む。モータースポーツ歴は全日本ラリー選手権を中心に活動、1979年・マレーシアで日本人として初の海外ラリー優勝を飾るなど輝かしい成績を誇る。ジャーナリストとしては、新型車や自動車部品の評価、時事問題の提起など、活動は多義にわたり、TVのモーターランド2、自動車専門誌、一般紙、Webなどで活動。

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