The operation of the “LEAP”, a farmered platform that realizes the modern version of “Kosaku Agriculture”, earns 60 million yen seed funds

SEAK, which operates a "Leap", which provides new farmers (agricultural workers), which provides the conditions and environment necessary to start agriculture, announced on September 1 that it has raised funds by raising a third -party allotment.did.Terada Warehouse, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, and individual investors, and the total funded was about 60 million yen.The company says that it will open the LEAP for the farming support platform today.

LEAP is a platform that solves the challenges facing by those who want to start agriculture.According to Hiroshi Kurita, the company's representative director, it is usually necessary for those who want to have two years of agricultural training in each local government.In addition, the farmland provided to start agriculture after the training is abandoned, and the current mainstream house cultivation materials are high and the hurdle to start agriculture is high.

And even if these hurdles are exceeded, harvesting requires another know -how, and in many cases it will not be enough to get enough revenue.As a result, farmers with large -scale agricultural land are inefficient in which large -scale cultivation sells.

The idea of Leap to solve these issues is the modern version of "Kosaku Agriculture."


First of all, Mr. Kurita himself has completed the training as a farmer who has completed the training, and the farmers who work for him will be exempted from training.Next, LEAP also holds down a good agricultural land for the farmland, and the task is cleared by lending it out.

If you apply for LEAP, you will first rent a farmland or to find a financial institution that raises funds for purchasing materials such as plastic.According to Kurita's estimate, about 10 million yen in a 600 -square -meter agricultural site, it would take about 10 million yen, but the time it takes to repay the full amount is a minimum of three to four years.

The company expects financial institutions to make financing smoothly by securing business as an individual, not as an individual.The initial materials that cost about 8 million yen (only individuals to borrow) are purchased from SEAK with funds procured by those who are farming.

"There are quite a few young people who have a job or go to agricultural colleges, and they actually want to get farming.In the Middle East and Asian countries, people in the country where agricultural technology is still in the future is coming to Japan for the purpose of technical learning. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to make capital investment and the optimal growing know -how.I devised this Leap to solve this, "(Kurita).

As a business model, it is a model like a franchise, and sets commissions at points such as training, agricultural land recruitment, financing, and harvesting.Farmers who are promoting agricultural work in a variety of farming lands are currently providing advice on chat tools such as LINE, but in the future we plan to prepare management screens that will improve communication, including temperature sensors.

The company will hire human resources who want to work on the farming platform LEAP with the current procurement fund, and will build an early production and sales system.

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