On the eve of the listing of Mercari, from Ikeike Venture to "a trusted company" --- "Go Bold communication strategy" behind the scenes by the PR team | BRIDGE Technology & Startup Information

How does a startup transform into a company trusted by society? If Mercari talks about this interesting subject, there's no reason not to ask.

Mr. Satoshi Yajima, who took the stage at the event "PR TIMES College" hosted by PR TIMES on July 10, was a person who has participated in Mercari since October last year after serving as the director of the marketing communications office at LINE. The company's PR and communication strategy was entrusted to the company on the eve of the listing, and on the day of the approval of the listing, a message entitled "Letter from the founder" was released. Is one of them.

This article summarizes Mercari's "Go Bold Communication" strategy that Yajima talked about on stage. Mercari's footprints will be of great help to startup founders who have many buggy aspects. I want to organize and share.

In fact, there were only two people, and the PR system for "Ikeike Venture"

As of March 2018, Mercari had a monthly unique user number (MAU) of 10.54 million, and the total distribution amount exceeded 32.4 billion yen monthly, and it went public in less than five years since its establishment. Mercari has a strong impression that it will be listed at once due to the smooth growth of sailing, but it seems that there are still some points to be improved regarding its communication system. Mr. Yajima looks back on the situation when he participated.

"As for the external environment, services are growing and listing observations have been made. While the media has more opportunities to enter standby and create large-scale special features, the problem of fraudulent listings such as cash listings has become apparent, which is good for society. The question of whether it is a thing is increasing. In particular, the number of negative reports by major media is increasing rapidly, and it was necessary to deal with it. "

At that time, the PR system had two members and could not be called a team, and the core policy had not been decided. In the first place, the positive aspects such as the vision and world view that Mercari gave to society were not conveyed, and it seems that they are behind due to the lack of resources.

"Public opinion leaders often still don't use Mercari, and they've learned about it in negative press. If you don't change this, you can't move on."

After confirming the "current location" of Mercari, Mr. Yajima and his colleagues will set out the direction of "perception change" that Mercari should aim for as the next big policy.

Strengthening the system --- Making the groundwork for the first half of the IPO eve

The transformation from the perception of "Ikeike Venture with low awareness of legal compliance" to "a technology company that wants to support and challenge the world." The Mercari PR team, which has decided on a big policy, will work on the roadmap. We have divided the phases into two, and decided to spend the whole of 2017 on strengthening the system, gaining trust, and from there to IPO mainly for storytelling.

メルカリ上場前夜、イケイケベンチャーから「信頼される企業」へーーPRチームが施した「Go Boldなコミュニケーション戦略」舞台裏 | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

"We reviewed the regular meetings and thoroughly reviewed the measures we did and PDCA, not just confirmation of TODO. We also introduced decisions on what to do and what not to do and clipping tools. And promoted efficiency. "

As I mentioned earlier, owned media was used to hire human resources. As a result, the small PR team was strengthened to a system of about 10 people, and the relationship with the priority media increased. The timing when Mr. Yajima participated was just around the time when topics such as fraudulent listings were circulating in society. Regarding public opinion that does not converge easily, we have also taken measures to change the tone in a deep coverage article by a biname reporter.

After finishing the groundwork in this way, Mercari will start to send positive information to society.

Second half of the IPO-Communicating Mercari loved by users

A few months after Mr. Yajima participated, the system and groundwork were set up while improvising. From here to the initial public offering in June is a big game. The first thing I did was to send a positive story about new services and new initiatives.

From the end of 2017, we will maximize the exposure of new services such as "Mercari NOW" and research institute "R4D". In particular, Mr. Shintaro Yamada's remark that "we will hire 1000 engineers at Mercari" was widely taken up, and it was around this time that we were able to see a break from the "flea market apps" such as the ecosystem and tech companies.

In addition, according to Mr. Yajima, along with the "Second-hand goods market research report" released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a report on changes in the consumption environment due to the appearance of flea market apps will be distributed to the media and promoted to be published. It is said that it has also promoted "the world's goto".

Transforming into a "trusted company that challenges the world"

We will formulate guidelines such as roadmaps, and gradually expand the positive information of flea market apps "other than" to change the perception. What was waiting for the warm communication in this way was the story as a corporate, that is, the phase of transforming from a "flea market app company" to a "technology company".

The "letter from the founder" by Shintaro Yamada played an important role here.

"For overseas companies, when the listing is approved, an emotional message from the founder is sent out apart from the facts of the company. I will do this as a domestic company."

At the same time, the team will prepare to maximize the exposure at the time of listing, such as preparing interviews under the water during the period when there are restrictions on information transmission. --And the message "Hideo Nomo" came out on the day of listing. The advertising visuals that were fully published in the newspaper clearly conveyed the message that he wanted to be like Nomo.

"I conveyed my stance that I will take on a Go Bold challenge to challenge the world, and I will boldly invest in long terms. This created the tone of aiming overseas." ..

-How was it? The communication strategy prepared by Mr. Yajima and the PR team on the eve of the IPO is very coherent and really smart to hear. Of course, it can be said that this result was due to the fact that they had created attractive products since the founding period, faced users, and disseminated information to society in a timely manner.

"First of all, how we are viewed correctly, then what we want to be, we will fill in the difference step by step. A single launch fireworks measure will not change the perception."

Mercari has acquired the appearance of a "tech company aiming for the world" from flea market apps. Tracing them would be a great reference for young startups.

Information Disclosure: THE BRIDGE has been operating as a group media of PR TIMES since April 2018.

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