Nissan, new "Skyline" reborn as a hybrid model, fuel consumption 18.4km / L

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. announced on November 11 that it will release the new "Skyline" at the end of February 2014. The price ranges from 4,496,100 yen to 5,537,700 yen.


The new Skyline is sold overseas as the "Infiniti Q50", and the Q50 has a gasoline model equipped with a V-type 6-cylinder DOHC 3.7-liter "VQ37VHR" engine and a motor for the V-type 6-cylinder DOHC 3.5-liter "VQ35HR" engine. The lineup includes hybrid models that are combined, but for the time being, only hybrid models will be available in Japan.

2WD (FR) car "350GT HYBRID" "350GT HYBRID Type P" "350GT HYBRID Type SP", 4WD car "350GT FOUR HYBRID" "350GT FOUR HYBRID Type P" "350GT FOUR HYBRID Type SP" 6 grades in total Although it will be developed, the current Skyline (V36 type) will continue to be sold as a gasoline-powered vehicle. There are three grades of the current Skyline, "250 GT" and "250 GT Type S" for 2WD vehicles, and "250 GT FOUR" for 4WD vehicles.

● New skyline

modelenginetransmissionDrive systemprice
350GT HYBRID V-type 6-cylinder DOHC 3.5 liter + motor 7-speed hybrid transmission 2WD (FR) 4,496,100 yen
350GT HYBRID Type P 4,863,600 yen
350GT HYBRID Type SP 5,264,700 yen
350GT FOUR HYBRID 4WD 4,769,100 yen
350GT FOUR HYBRID Type P 5,136,600 yen
350GT FOUR HYBRID Type SP 5,537,700 yen

● Current skyline (continuation model)

modelenginetransmissionDrive systemprice
250 GT V6 DOHC 2.5 liter 7-speed AT 2WD (FR) 2,990,400 yen
250GT Type S 3,490,200 yen
250GT FOUR 5-speed AT 4WD 3,289,650 yen
The body size of the new Skyline is 4790 (Type SP is 4800) x 1820 x 1440 mm (2WD), which is 10 mm longer, 50 mm wider and 10 mm lower than the current Skyline, making it a design that emphasizes low and wide more than ever.