Necessities unique to EVs ... What is the surprising thing that the owner should have?

Internal combustion engine (ICE) cars and EVs are compared to something, but in essence, both are still cars. In other words, EV (motor + battery) is just an extension of the choice of power sources such as gasoline and diesel vehicles.

However, it is also true that there are differences from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in terms of characteristics and functions, including advantages and disadvantages. In terms of maintenance and usage, it seems that the common sense and style unique to EV owners will naturally occur.

● Card

For example, if you own an EV, you will almost never go to a gas station because it will be charged instead of refueled. Unless you have an ICE car and multiple kitchens, you don't need an SS card or payment dongle. However, as for the card, a card for quick charging is required instead. You can pay with a credit card each time, but it's safe to have a membership contract and just have a card.

● Coating

Many owners find it difficult to go to SS just by using a car wash machine, so it is also a characteristic of EV owners that they tend to do body coating. There is no significant stats, but among Tesla owners, body coating material is one of the staples of social media.

● Tire pressure

From a practical point of view, adjusting the tire pressure seems to be a problem. People who don't care, whether it's ICE or EV, only check the air at the time of vehicle inspection and inspection, but if it's an ICE car, you can easily borrow an air pump or ask the staff while you go to SS. .. EV owners who do not go to SS will have to check the air and adjust the air pressure at home, except for vehicle inspections and inspections. For EVs with large torque, it is actually important to check the air and tires.

Therefore, a hidden necessity for EV owners is a compressor (air pump) that can be used with a cigar socket. A hand pump for a bicycle can be used to replenish the reduced air, but an electric compressor is convenient. Nowadays, there are few owners who can check the air and replenish and adjust by themselves, but it is rather one of the necessary skills for EV owners.

Speaking of tires, some owners dare to prepare cross wrenches, torque wrenches, garage jacks, etc. for tire replacement. Many sports car owners leave tire replacement and rotation to dealers and SS, but imported EVs are sometimes shunned even by simple maintenance by SS and car shops. Reef has a Nissan dealer, so I don't have to worry about this, but on the contrary, some Nissan dealers also undertake the maintenance of Tesla and imported EVs while charging.

● Charging spot search app

Another essential item is the "Charging Spot Search App". Even though the cruising range has been extended, fast charging at dealers and highway SA / PA is essential for long-distance travel and drive trips involving accommodation. Since the information on the stationary navigation system may be out of date, it is convenient to search for charging spots using the app.


Nissan "Leaf" has a dedicated "Nissan Connect EV", so I think most of the time I use it. It is also possible to set guidance considering the nearest charging spot even when searching for a navigation route. GoGoEV, EVSmart, etc. are major general-purpose apps and services. You can also choose from multiple high-speed charging navi, eco-Q electric app, YourStand, and more.

● I want to know the battery status

Although it is not a necessity, there is also an app that can check the charge / discharge status, running log, and deterioration status of the EV battery as a maniac product. It is an application that purchases a general-purpose OBDII adapter (sold separately) and communicates with it to display data.

The OBDII adapter is a device for working with third-party data loggers and other apps. In the old days, a wired connection cable was attached with a data logger etc., but products with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communication functions are the current mainstream to support applications.

However, for devices that use the signal of the ODB connector, there is a reality that you cannot know which application works with which adapter until you connect it. Although connectors and in-vehicle networks are standardized and standardized, the specifications of commands and data flowing inside differ slightly depending on the manufacturer and model. Of course, it is not an official product of the vehicle manufacturer. Easy use is not recommended. This item is limited to owners who are knowledgeable at their own risk.

● Charging connector conversion adapter

For Tesla owners, having a CHAdeMO conversion adapter is one of the useful items. Since the charging standard and connector are unique specifications, the charging port of Tesla does not have a CHAdeMO plug. However, if you have a conversion adapter, you can use CHAdeMO's quick charger.

● Heater

I definitely want to equip EVs with PTC heaters and seat heaters. Since EV cannot use the waste heat of the engine, it is necessary to rely on the air conditioner for heating, but in fact, the heater is more efficient and saves the battery. The PTC heater warms up quickly, and the seat heater reduces the frequency of turning on the air conditioner (heating).

● EV tires

Finally, the tires. EVs, which make almost no engine noise and whose quietness is also a differentiating factor, are worried about tire road noise and wind noise. Manufacturers have carefully designed the sound insulation and wind noise of the cabin, but tires with less noise are preferred. It can be said that the tires with sound absorbing material produced by each company are for EVs.

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