The necessities of comfortable driving want to install your own ETC vehicle [car maintenance that anyone can do]

Popular ETC vehicle device. Easy-to-use services have also increased

At present, the utilization rate of ETC is more than 90%, and many cars use ETC lanes when using toll roads.

ETC can use the discount system, there are more and more preferential services, and the installation rate has been greatly increased within 20 years of introduction.

This time we will explain the selection and installation of ETC vehicles that are becoming a matter of course.

Choose those that can reduce the risk of crime.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cars spoiled and stolen. Understand the functions of ETC vehicles and bring preventive measures into your field of vision. The ETC vehicle has an integrated type (the type of internal receiving antenna in the body) and a split type (the body is separated from the receiving antenna).

The integral type has the advantages of low price and convenient installation, but because of the built-in antenna, it needs to be installed near the dashboard in a conspicuous place from the outside.

If it is located in a place that is easy to identify and see from the outside of the car, it will increase the likelihood of theft aimed at the ETC card and damage to the car. An ETC card is a card that can use the same kind of money as a credit card. It is important to raise awareness of precautions when using an integrated ETC vehicle, such as pulling a card every time you get out of the car.

The split type is divided into the fuselage and the receiving antenna, which has a high degree of freedom in the installation position and can be installed under the steering column or glove box and other inconspicuous places. The body of the ETC vehicle becomes difficult to see from the outside, so it is more effective than an all-in-one type of anti-theft.

In any case, keeping an ETC card in your car is risky, so as far as possible, it's best to insert the card only when using ETC.

In order to install ETC for DIY, you need to remove the power supply from the fuse box

Unlike radar detectors and other auto accessories, the ETC can be turned on simply by plugging into a cigar socket, so you need to ensure the power supply. Please prepare wrenches, fuse plugs, fuse power connectors, connection connectors, disconnect plugs, electrical testers, etc., before working.

First, use a wrench to remove the negative terminal of the battery. While preventing electric shock at work, it can also prevent the failure of other electrical equipment.

When installing an ETC vehicle, look for a fuse box first. The instruction manual of the vehicle contains the location and type of fuse box, which can be read and read.


The location of the fuse box varies depending on the model, mostly near the foot of the driver's seat and behind the glove box of the passenger seat.

After finding the fuse box, remove the lid and look for the ACC power fuse without turning on the engine, such as audio (which are fuses, please list them in the lid or vehicle instructions. ).

If the appropriate fuse is found, the fuse clamp (usually something in the shape of plastic tweezers) is attached to the fuse box or lid. Unplug and use the tester to confirm that the ACC power supply is flowing properly through the fuse terminal. If an electric current flows through it, the tester will react. If you confirm that the current is coming, plug in the power connector instead of a fuse.

In this way, the fuse power supply can be removed, so connect the fuse power connector to the ETC vehicle body.

If the included power cord has a serrated terminal on the front end, cut it off with pliers. Insert the wire tip of the power cord into the hole of the connecting connector and clip the pliers on the cover until the cover is locked on the claw of the main body.

The wires of the ETC vehicle are also made, and the connectors are rotated and plugged into each other to make sure it is locked. Finally, connect the ground wire (minus) to confirm whether the power is on. If there is no problem for the ETC vehicle to be powered on, the power supply will be removed.

Install ETC vehicle body and antenna, the wiring is neat.

The body of the ETC vehicle is close to the fuse box, so the wiring is shorter and the operation is easier. Besides, it's better to guard against places that can't be seen from the outside. After the installation site is decided, the adhesion will become weaker because of dirt and oil, so please dip the parts cleaner into the sanitary net and wipe it. Paste it with double-sided tape after skimming.

The installation of the antenna must be installed in a place with strong function. The recommended place is the upper center of the windshield.

If there are traffic recorders, anti-collision brake cameras and sensors near the rearview mirror, please be careful not to interfere. After the installation position of the antenna is determined, like the vehicle, clean it with glass cleaner and install it with double-sided tape.

If it does not stick firmly, it may fall because of the vibration while driving, and cannot communicate well, so we need to pay attention to it. After installing the antenna, push the wiring directly into the gap in the ceiling and climb the wiring into the A-pillar.

Remove the wiring directly to connect it to the ETC vehicle body. Keeping the wiring unchanged will hinder driving and lead to accidents, so take in the wiring well.

Install the ETC vehicle before setting it up

The ETC vehicle does not work only if it is installed on the vehicle.

After installation, the vehicle should be brought to the car dealer, auto supplies store, etc., and entrust the ETC vehicle to register the setting of vehicle information. This setting is required to check the vehicle information and calculate the tolls based on the vehicle when passing through the ETC door.

ETC cannot pass through the door without setting, and ETC with different vehicle information will be asked about illegal traffic and may be asked to pay free tolls and toll increases (equivalent to twice the amount of surviving tolls). Repeated and other vicious high was reported to the police for criminal punishment (a fine of less than 300000 yen). Illegal passage is a crime. ETC installation must be carried out.

The set wage is 2500 to 3000 yen. Entrustment requires vehicle inspection license, driver's license and ETC vehicle management number. Please bring it with you. The vehicle management number is recorded on the back of the main body or on the instruction manual, so it must be controlled well. In the case of not knowing the vehicle number, there are also models that can read the car number aloud according to the difference of the ETC. Please confirm the instruction manual.

Setup cannot be done by an individual. As mentioned above, you need to ask car dealers (dealers), maintenance factories, auto supplies stores, etc., to set up operators. Only registered stores that meet the technical and reliability requirements can be set up, and there are stickers on the registered stores.

When the ETC vehicle is misappropriated to other cars, such as changing cars, it must also be reset. One vehicle cannot be shared on multiple vehicles. The passage cost of ordinary car and small car is different, so it will cause improper traffic, so we should pay attention to it.


DIY people who are considering installing ETC vehicles need to have a basic knowledge of Denso. It takes time and time to master the basics, but it must be challenged. Preventive measures can also be taken by understanding the functions and installation methods of the vehicle.

(sentence: Sasaki Gan)