Mitsubishi Motors "EK Wagon" and "EK Custom" (partially improved)

He has been riding the Mitsubishi Motor Industry "EK Wagon" and "EK Custom", which was reported that the refine was performed with the modest expression of some improvements.The subtitle of public relations materials is a phrase that "improves power performance and achieves a low fuel consumption of 30.0 km/L in the clast."


It was a model equipped with a natural intake engine in the series that achieved the data of 30.0km/L above.However, the EK wagon's basic grade "E", which appeals the low price of 1.08 million yen, has been excluded.

As a work produced by NMKV, a joint venture with Nissan Motor, the current type EK wagon/eK custom was launched in June 2013.In other words, it is only a year since the launch of the launch, so it would be natural that it was not possible to make a big deal, with a slight change in the body and interior color.

撮影車両の「eKカスタム(G/2WD)」。ボディーサイズは3395×1475×1620mm(全長×全幅×全高)、ホイールベース2430mm。ボディーカラーはeKカスタム専用色の「ショコラブラウンパール」で、価格は140万7240円Gグレード標準装備の14インチアルミホイール(タイヤサイズ:155/65 R14)eKカスタムのインテリアはスポーティなブラック内装を基本とし、シート生地にスエード調ファブリックを採用する今回の一部改良で、eKワゴンとeKカスタムの「M」「G」グレード(2WD)に減速時の運動エネルギーを利用して発電し、その電力をニッケル水素電池に蓄えて電装品に供給する「アシストバッテリー」を搭載。これに伴い、対象車両のタコメーター付ハイコントラストメーターにバッテリーチャージを示すアイコンが追加された助手席下に搭載されるニッケル水素電池リアシートは5:5分割可倒式で、170mmの前後スライドを可能にするとともに、リクライニングは左右独立して調節可能

On the other hand, the news is that the monitor with a function to display a bird's -eye view of the vehicle, which is initially prepared only for Days, is set in the EK custom excluding some grades."In the case of Nissan, who had not had a mini car so far, there were many" downsizers "from advanced models, but Mitsubishi cars, which are likely to transfer from mini cars, have decided that the demand is not so large.The new preparation was made because there were a lot of requests. "

Although it uses a phrase called "improvement of power performance" as in the beginning, the engine itself has not been modified this time.Partially improved was a change in the intake layout and some CVT programs.In the former, the outside air port of the engine was changed from the conventional engine room to the position where the outside air could be directly inhaled.The aim is to prevent output deterioration due to a decrease in air at high temperatures.