"MAZDA2" Product improvement model, high -compression ratio new gasoline engine ability

The engine is improved at this time!?

I was surprised to change the car in the middle of the model life about two years ago, but if you think about it, it has been counted since the Demio era, and about seven years have passed since its appearance.I haven't heard any influential information about the next type, but if I thought it was a time when there was some new movement, something bigger was bigger than I imagined.With the product improvement, the engine was changed, along with improvement of equipment and new foreign board colors.I didn't expect to be able to get the engine at this time.


In the case of gasoline engines, the compression ratio was raised from the conventional 12 to 14.Moreover, it is a regular gasoline.At this time, Mazda continues to pursue the reduction of CO2 emissions and the evolution of "running joy" while polishing the internal combustion engine while polishing the internal combustion engine.

For equipment, wireless charging and Apple CarPlay wireless connection are new.It is thankful for users who are considering purchasing to update these equipment so that Mazda2 does not feel the latest cars.

The special specification car "Sunlit Citrus", which was set at the same time, features an unprecedented interior space, imagining the bright sunlight, and is characterized by the unprecedented indoor space, and the gran rex of a suede -like artificial leather in the gravure of the gravure is a sheet and interior.The citrus is used in each part and added to the color.In addition, it has an attractive content, including a dedicated key shell and a floor mat coordinated with the interior color, and a 360 ° view monitor.

今回試乗したのは6月に商品改良を行なったコンパクトカー「MAZDA2」。グレードは4WDの「15S Proactive Smart Edition II」(196万8500円)でボディサイズは4065×1695×1550mm(全長×全幅×全高、シャークフィンアンテナ装着車)、ホイールベースは2570mm。エンジンの改良によって2030年度燃費基準における減税対象となり、2021年12月31日までに新車登録する場合に購入時の自動車税率(環境性能割)が非課税となるほか、エコカー減税(重量税)が50%減税となるボディカラーは新色の「プラチナクォーツメタリック」。今回の商品改良で外観上での変更点は大きくはなく、4WD車にフロントウィンドウにたまった雪を取り除きやすくするワイパーデアイサーを全車標準装備とした。足下は15インチアルミホイールに横浜ゴム「BluEarth-GT AE51」(185/65R15)をセット15S Proactive Smart Edition IIのインテリア。室内では対応するスマートフォンをコンソールに置くだけで充電ができるワイヤレス充電(Qi)と、簡単な登録でスマホを取り出さずに自動接続ができるApple CarPlayワイヤレス接続をオプション設定したこちらは商品改良とともに設定された特別仕様車「Sunlit Sitrus(サンリット シトラス)」。シートやダッシュボード、ドアトリムに手触りのよいグレージュのスエード調人工皮革「グランリュクス」を使用し、差し色に“シトラス”を加えることで“燦々と輝く太陽の下での南方への旅”をイメージした室内空間を作り上げている。価格は196万9000円~244万2000円