[JAF Nara] Road Station Yoshino Road Dadian I Center holds traffic safety activities! Enterprise Distribution | Daily Industry News Electronic Edition

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Category: activity

Issuing enterprise: general association legal person Japan Automobile Alliance (JAF) [local]

~ the whole family will experience traffic safety together ~ the Nara branch of the Japan Automobile Federation (JAF) (Minister Kikuchi attack) will hold a traffic safety activity that families can experience on Saturday, August 25th, at the Odian I Center, Yoshino Road, Yoshino Prefecture. This activity is in the road station, Yoshino Road, Dadian I Center to participate in the traffic safety exhibition area, showing that children enjoy while learning the popular content of traffic safety, "Child Safety driver's license" and the use of seat belts to experience the collision experience of about 5 kilometers per hour, trailer display, Carry on the quack and draw lots for the original goods of JAF. [date of holding] August 25th, August 25th, 10th, August, 10th, August, 10th, August, 25th, August, 10th, August, 25th, August, 25th, August, August 25th, August 25th, August, August 25, August, August 25, August 10, August 25, August 25, August 10, August 25 Jafevent.jp/event/1807_29_007_0.html Enterprise Press release details go to the top of Public relations (public relations)TIMES

情報提供元:Public relations (public relations)TIMES本リリースの掲載元:https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000002170.000010088.html

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