I tried to run without charging the Suzuka PA of Tokyo -Shin Meishin with "Nissan Leaf E +" with an extended cruising range.

"E +", which joined the Nissan Motor EV (electric vehicle) "Leaf", is surprised because it achieved a 458km cruising range in WLTC mode.When the first reef came out, it was often pointed out that the cruising range was short.

About 10 years since then.Finally, you can see the numbers over 400km in the reef.And don't forget that it is a severe WLTC mode.JC08 mode is 570km.So I decided to actually run.As for the destination, the Shinyokkaichi JCT (junction) JCT (junction), which was just opened from the city center in March, to Suzuka PA (parking area) in the middle of Kameyama JCT is about 380km, so I thought it would be just right.。

今回の無充電走行に使用した車両は、1月に発売された「リーフ e+」の上級グレード「G」(472万9320円)。ボディサイズは4480×1790×1545mm(全長×全幅×全高)、最低地上高は135mm。通常のリーフより5mm高く、最低地上高は15mm低いサイズ標準のリーフと内外装に大きな違いはなく、フロントバンパー下部にブルーのリップスポイラー状のパーツを追加したことと、充電ポートに「e+」ロゴを配した程度。しかし中身は大きく異なっており、リーフ e+では新型モジュールを採用してバッテリーパックの密度を約25%向上させ、搭載セル数を192セルから288セルに増加。バッテリー容量は40kWhから62kWhとなり、JC08モードの航続距離をこれまでの400kmから570kmに拡大(WLTCモードは458km)。そのほかGグレードのホイールは17インチ(タイヤサイズは215/50R17)が標準装備になる動力性能ではインバーターの制御やハードを変更してより多くの電流を供給することが可能になったほか、ギヤボックスを強化。これにより、標準のリーフと同じEM57型モーターを採用しつつ、最高出力160kW(218PS)/4600-5800rpm、最大トルク340Nm(34.7kgfm)/500-4000rpmに進化。80km/h~100km/hの加速時間は約15%短縮することに成功。なお、充電については急速充電ではバッテリー残量警告灯点灯から80%充電までの時間を50kW充電で約60分、高出力タイプの70kW充電で約50分としているGグレードの内装では本革シートをはじめ、プラズマクラスター搭載フルオートエアコン、前後シートヒーターなどが標準装備になる

Wake up early in the morning and charge with a nearby dealer to keep the battery 100 % and leave!There are about 90kg editorial staff, about 50kg photographers, and 63kg writer.


航続距離の延びた「日産リーフ e+」で東京~新名神の鈴鹿PAを無充電走行してみた

As you know, EV is a disadvantage in high -speed cruising, but the way to run is a basic eco -drive, selecting ECO mode.The driving support technology "Propilot" was not used, and ran as much as possible from the eco -friendly range of the power meter.

I would like to set the destination of the car navigation system to Suzuka PA, but on the date of the interview, it was not yet included, so I set it to Yokkaichi JCT.I reset the drive computer at the time of departure, but I forgot to reset the trip meter and reset the Tomei Expressway, so I would like to understand that there is a difference of 1.4 km.


First, just west.After passing the Atsugi IC (Interchange), if you run well around here, you will know, but Oi Matsuda is going uphill, which is disadvantageous in terms of electricity.In front of the Gotemba IC, there is a highest altitude point at the Tomei Expressway at 83 kiloposts, which is a little ahead of Ashigara SA (service area), and from that point on, the overall is a down gradient, so the biggest challenge is already the biggest challenge.It seems that it has crossed.

The numbers displayed in the reef range meter are displayed when the average electricity cost and the remaining amount of the current lithium -ion battery are calculated at about 100m, and the cruising distance when running in the current state is displayed.It will be done.

So, before we borrowed this leaf e +, it depends on who was running, but the more you run, the more you run, and you'll run around 100km.The cruising distance has increased.

In the Yui PA along the sea, which left 211 km to the destination, the battery remaining was 67 % and the cruising distance was 308 km.This feels like you can afford it.