Want to wake up refreshingly with the radio! This is obviously the case, but it is a hard story. Sony bulb speakers and radios

The ideal and reality of alarm clock Radio

 "it can't be solved by using a radio with a wake-up timer." A lot of people will want to rush in first. Or, if you are familiar with smartphones, you should think, "it would be nice to alert radiko.jp." Indeed, if the radio is powered on at a specified time, or if there is a device that also reproduces the radiko.jp, the problem is completely solved. However, this is "no".

 No, there are actually several radios with wake-up timers. The FM/AM home station "SRF-V1BT" used in this verification is one of them. However, when Nishiuma's ideal "alarm clock radio" is considered, as detailed later, the fact that the timer is attached to the radio cannot be solved. The ideal is as follows.

Starting from the appointed time on a weekday morning, I want to listen to a different voice in the bedroom (FM Radio J-WAVE81.3 MHz). But because the room is very small, try not to take up space.

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(wife of by)

 What's going to happen? Isn't that a small wish? Although the "non-occupation of space method" is a bit concerned, it seems that it can be realized effortlessly. However, it is difficult to achieve this content accurately at this stage. Although there are differences in the degree of "difficulty" among different people, please let me know if there is someone who "has such a simple way". I'm not fanning the flames, but I really want to know now. Please take care of me.

 Having said that, today, when the IoT era is at its best, all machines can be connected to the Internet, and collaboration is possible. I also think that as long as you turn on the alarm clock, you can do it. So, at first, the following alternate "alarm clock radio solution" suddenly came to mind.

 Although it has been considered, it is actually "NG" except for the final candidate. Why, let's explain it one by one.

 First of all, "using a smartphone app that alerts radiko.jp" is the first to think of and leave the standby mode. If you search on Google Play, you will find such an application, but starting from where radiko.jp corresponds to no time to listen, you can't start playing even if you start radiko.jp at a specified time, which is a problem only for informal applications.

 The second is the second "use a space-saving mini computer with radio radiko.jp function". Although this is a more powerful candidate, in the author's bedroom, as long as the bedding for the wife and children are laid, there is almost nothing except the picture book for sleeping. The author even has to sleep outside the room, where the body and loudspeaker are not newly opened. External power is required, and low degree of freedom of the location is also a disadvantage.

 The third "use a computer or smartphone to visit radiko.jp 's Web web page for playback" is a way to explore because you can't use radiko.jp 's alarm application, but in the end there is a question of how the timer works. In addition, even if radiko.jp can be accessed through a Web browser at a specified time, a specific radio station will not be played automatically. Moreover, under the current situation of using Flash in the player of radiko.jp, there is nothing you can do about smartphones that do not support Flash.

 Although there is also an API that is only available to radiko.jp partners, enterprises, etc., by using it, you can also start playing designated radio stations with one click from the outside, but it can be said that the use of non-public methods in an informal form has the same problems as alarm applications.