Honda publishes a demonstration of "Cooperative Automatic Valley Park" at a new smart house
ホンダは、2011年にさいたま市と「E-KIZUNA Project協定」を締結し、家庭でのCO2排出量ゼロを目指すためのエネルギーマネジメントシステム「ホンダ スマートホームシステム(HSHS)」を推進。“特区”として設定されたさいたま市内の敷地に、2012年の段階ですでにHSHSを採用する実証実験ハウスを2棟建設している。
ホンダ社員の家族が居住している実証実験ハウスでは、COThe new demonstration experimental house released this time has been constructed on the same premises as the existing two buildings, and the first system of systematic discussions that have not been done before (connect private power generation equipment to the equipment of the power company). It is a facility that has achieved a more “smart house” in various points, such as the realization of “V2H (Vehicle to Home: a mechanism to use EV power as a home power)” after a preliminary consultation). ing.
In addition, although it is a demonstration experiment house, it is aiming for a "rich and real life", and it is a two -family house that can live in and actually live.We control them with solar and home gas engine corporation unit, and generate hot water using the exhaust heat of the gas engine, and control them with Honda's unique control module "Smart E Mix Manager (SEMM)".。The "HEMS (Home Energy Management System)" is built in the form of a smart home appliance with Toshiba's cooperation and a conventional home appliance product and a smart plug.
In addition, it has also developed an energy management system that fuses power and hot water in the parent households and child households.In the future, we will expand this idea to community units, and create a system with a view to "μCems" with a view to "electrical heat flexibility" with other families.
屋上に設置された太陽光発電パネルホンダのSeMM(左上)と家庭用ガスエンジンコージェネレーションユニット(左)を、給湯ユニット(右)と組み合わせて利用今後は2世帯住宅内だけでなく、ほかの家庭とも“電熱融通”する「μCEMS」に発展させる構想住宅内には、ホンダ、積水ハウス、東芝が手がけるさまざまな最新システムが設置されているIn the house, a completely flat floor and automatic door that can be freely moved by Honda's personal mobility "UNI-CUB", low-stage stages in consideration of "walking assist" developed by Honda, multiple HEMS monitoring monitorIt incorporates a number of latest equipment and ideas, such as lighting, air conditioning, windows, blinds, and an eco -spatial creation of wall greening in cooperation with sensors that detect temperature, humidity and brightness.