About cyber security of cars About Nagoya University Hiroaki Takada's lecture "Hitachi Security Forum 2020 ONLINE" report

Professor Hiroaki Takada of Mobility Research Institute of Mobility Social Social Creation Organization in Nagoya University

そのなかで、自動車業界向けセミナーとして用意されたのが、Professor Hiroaki Takada of Mobility Research Institute of Mobility Social Social Creation Organization in Nagoya Universityによる「スマートモビリティ社会に向けた自動車のサイバーセキュリティ」である。

Introducing the change in the embedded system on the car in the change of mobility represented by CASE.In addition, he mentions the importance of cyber security in the automotive industry.We explained the current status, issues, and future prospects.

Professor Takada is also known in the TopperS project initiatives aiming to develop an open source OS with ITRON specifications, and the results are adopted in almost all rocket guidance control devices launched by JAXA, and Suzuki's "Eskudo", Nissan in Nissan.It is also used in "Skyline Hybrid".In addition, Dynamitsu Kumap 2.0 Participated in the consortium.A high -precision 3 -dimensional map can overlap dynamic information such as vehicles, pedestrians, and signals, and is positioned as one of the important technologies in the practical use of automatic driving in the future.

自動車のサイバーセキュリティについて名古屋大学 高田広章氏が講演「日立セキュリティフォーラム2020 ONLINE」レポート

At the beginning of the seminar, Professor Takada explains the trends of CASE.In the automotive industry, which has been transformed once every 100 years, he mentioned the impact of CASE on the embedded embedded system.


Connected has a significant change in vehicle systems by incorporating AI and new processor technologies for automation and intelligence, as the network connection will increase in -vehicle embedded systems and out -of -vehicle system linkage. He pointed out that it would be complicated, and that Shared/Service would be the challenge of what would happen between the cloud and the embedded system, and that Electric would make the HV in -vehicle embedded system more complex. Professor Takada said, "With the full -scale CASE, the technology of the embedded system will change dramatically," he said, "There is still a software update work, but there is a problem if there is a problem. In addition, we will bring cars to retailers that can be repaired and update the software in a wired network environment. It is necessary to update. "


"Car is mainly software. It is said that one car is already equipped with 100 million lines of source code, but this becomes more complicated. Also, as the car is said to be a smartphone,At the time of purchase, only the minimum service is provided, but by adding an application like a smartphone, it also expands how to use it after purchasing a car and improves the function. Security issues are more important, and there are problems.OTA is needed when it occurs, so that the architecture of the in -vehicle system may change significantly, and at the same time, it is essential to respond to cyber security. "

As a change in the architecture of the in -vehicle system, it changes from autonomous distributed to centralized system.


In the current car mechanism, the engine, brake, and steering are distributed and controlled, and it is premised that people operate it, but in autonomous driving, these operations are replaced with a computer, so the whole car is the entire car.You need a brain to supervise.Therefore, a high -performance computer that controls the car is installed, and the entire car will be manipulated.

"A computer with one or two -digit high performance than the conventional ECU will be mounted on a car. The Roadmap indicated by Bosch is expressed in the form of vehicle computers, Central ECUs, and Zone ECUs.The necessary processing, cooperation, and coordination is performed in one place, making it easier to pursue the cause of the disability, and it is possible to update the software only for vehicle computers. Some functions are.It will be processed in the cloud. When the entire vehicle is controlled, it will spread to the MaaS control for the entire car movement., It will also spread to cities (smart city) and society (smart sosthetic). "