V2H / V2L experience with Honda E, use battery electricity at home ... EV ability that is useful in emergency

Many developed nations have been stating that they will be electricized, and have been banning the sale of internal combustion engines since 2030.The world has begun to prevent global warming and move into the car calibromy society, and to make efforts to reduce the amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions.Therefore, many countries have a strategy to treat Zero Emission battery EVs (electric vehicles) and FCVs (fuel cell vehicles).Honda also sold the FCV's Clarity, following the first battery EV, Honda E, in October 2020.

Honda E's potential as an emergency power supply

Honda E with a lovely design is surprisingly quiet and seamless acceleration.The appeal of EVs that combines the motor and a battery is not just running.The lithium -ion battery laid under the floor is also a power supply in an emergency.Its total power is 35.5kWh.The one -charged distance of advanced advanced advanced has been announced at 259 km in WLTC mode, which is close to actual electricity costs.

Some people may think this number is a bit unwilling.However, the potential as an emergency power supply is extraordinary.Honda E is compatible with the "V2L (Vehicle to Load = Vehicle Turoad)", which is a power supply for home equipment, etc., and can use the power accumulated anytime and anywhere as a concept "seamless life creator".be.I think this is amazing.

Honda e -advanced also has a 100V power outlet in the center of the instrument panel.Because it supports the output up to 1500W, it is possible to use electric kettle etc. in the car without difficulty.Not only can you use electricity while driving, but also use it as a power supply when it is stopped or an emergency.If the power consumption of the day per day is about 10 kWh, it will be a calculation that Honda E has accumulated, and can be covered by 3 days of power in a typical home.This is equivalent to the power that can make 400 meals when converted with instant cup noodles such as cup noodles.Honda E

Honda also has a portable external power supply "Power Exporter 9000" compatible with V2L.With such an external power supply, it is possible to extract up to 9 KVA electricity from electric vehicles such as Honda E and supply electricity to various electrical equipment, such as large electrical products.It will be useful for emergency power sources, such as shelters in the event of a disaster.There is no harmful gas and the sound is quiet, so you can use it without worrying about the surroundings even outdoors.V2H / V2L experience with Honda E

"V2H" that uses EV electricity at home

Since Honda E has regard the EV as a "moving battery" from the beginning of the development, it is easy to develop into "V2H".This is an abbreviation of "Vehicle to Home".Connect with buildings and families through a charging / discharge called a V2H device, charging and paying power.If Honda E's power can be used as a home power source, it will not only save everyday power but also contribute greatly to CO2 reduction.

You will know the solar power system that can be said to be a representative of renewable energy.It is a system that uses solar power to create electricity and operates lighting, air conditioners, IH cookers, etc. in the house using the accumulated electricity.To operate this, connect with an external power supply, convert current from "DC" to "exchange" current, and supply electricity to the house.A similar device is required when powering the house with an EV.The power of the house can be freely controlled, such as supplying electricity from the EV with a large -capacity battery to the house.V2H / V2L experience with Honda E


Of course, it can be used as a power supply in a power outage or emergency.Even if the power outage continues, a house with a solar power system can live as usual as usual.During the day, the power made of sunlight is supplied to the house.At night when the sun is hidden, power that has been charged to the EV to the house can secure power over a long period of time.

In the event of a disaster such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and recent typhoons, the battery that can store power as an emergency power supply attracted attention.EVs such as Honda E are larger than this storage battery, so in Japan, which has a lot of natural disasters, there will be more places to be active than storage batteries.The emergency sense of security is enormous.Now, "V2H" is expected as an EV style new form.

The energy management solution ahead is "V2G (Vehicle to Grid = Vehicle to Grid)".The car and the power system (grid) connect through a two -way charger that can be charged and powered in both directions, and charges the EV during low power cost.Contrary to this, when power demand is high, we return electricity from EV to building or power system.V2G, which interacts with electricity, is the perfect system for paralleling electricity demand.Honda began a demonstration experiment in London, England for a two -way solution business in London, England.The EV represented by Honda E has infinite possibilities and charms.

"Looop Resort NASU" accommodation facility that also serves as a solar power plant

In order to experience a comfortable next -generation EV style that connects cars and houses, I visited a resort in Nasu Kogen in Tochigi Prefecture on Honda E.Here is the Looop Resort NASU, an accommodation facility run by "Looop", an energy service company centered on renewable energy.Looop is a hot venture company, with Nissan releasing power plans ahead of the industry and launching EV chargers.

Accommodation is a unique solar power plant in Nasu, which aims to realize an energy -free society that can self -sufficiency in energy.A transparent solar panel with a transparent light through the roof and site of the building is installed.Therefore, the sun shines like a sunlight!In addition, the terraced biotope, where you can feel the hot springs and natural biological space familiar, also noted.This plays a role in circulating rainwater.Looop Resort NASU

"Looop Resort NASU" has a wonderful landscape that overturns the image of the power plant.It is naturally integrated with nature, and it is friendly to the earth and people.By the way, the solar power of this facility is a contract for selling power.Therefore, solar power alone cannot charge EVs.But it's perfect and smart for learning about natural energy.

The V2H beside the carport was a proven track record of Nichicon -made electricity.Not only can you charge EVs, but also supply power from EVs to buildings.As mentioned above, the solar power in this facility is a contract for selling power.Therefore, in fact, Honda E will be charged via this power network.Nichicon charging and discharge (EV power station)

Enjoy dinner with Honda E's electricity

When the sun was leaning west, I started preparing for dinner.The demonstration venue is the dining room in the hall building.The EV is made as a source of power supply at home, and electricity is removed from Honda E, and the lighting and home appliances in the hall building are moved, and cooking is cooked.Connected the CHADEMO connector on Honda E's bonnet and a Nichicon V2H and pressed the discharge switch, the electricity flows from the Honda E battery to the hall building.Looop's hole building is covered by power supplied from Honda E

The main dinner menu is grilled meat.The hot plate, IH cooking heater, electric pot, etc. were used using the supplied electricity.It floated like a party, but when I was baking meat with three hot plates, the breaker flew and became dark.Since other home appliances were also used, it seems that they have exceeded the usable electric capacity.By the way, the power supply status of the V2H device can be known on the smartphone.After calculating the usable electric capacity and using the appliances well, we had a delicious dinner without a power outage.

Also, if you look at the battery meter in the Honda E instrument panel, you can see the consumption of electricity.Before the start of cooking, the remaining amount was 94%, but we had dinner for 10 people, and after that, the battery was 75%remaining.The electricity consumed at dinner is 19%.If you use the electricity stored in Honda E well, you should be able to cast a castle for several days even in the event of a disaster.Battery amount after dinner

V2L experience using an external power supply

After dinner, I connected Honda's power exporter 9000 compatible with Honda E and V2L, and tried using electrical appliances outdoors.The retort Honda special curry udon on the hot plate was warmed and everyone ate it.The V2H of external power supply can be charged and discharged, and both parties can exchange.On the other hand, Power Export 9000, a v2L device of the distributed type, is only one -on -one that supplies EV electricity to other devices.However, the amount of power is 9KVA, so it will be useful in case of emergency.

I enjoyed the glamping experience using Honda E's electricity.The tent brought a 1000W electric stove, an electric massage chair with a heater function, and an electric blanket.Honda E and Power Export 9000 were connected and power was supplied to heating equipment, but it was comfortable despite the cold night.After dinner, use the V2L experience using Honda's external power supply "Power Exportor 9000"

In the morning, go to the hall building and have breakfast.Just like last night, I got electricity from Honda E and made toast.Breakfast while listening to the small birds is exceptional.The heart becomes rich.I was able to connect with the car, add new value to the EV, and enjoy a smart world where convenient life spreads.

Many people think that the carbonized society that utilizes renewable energy is not tasteful.However, I felt that it was different from this experience interview.By using car electricity well, you can enjoy a more comfortable life and car life than ever.Also, considering the emergency, a great relief was obtained.Once you experience it, you will be addicted to its charm.