One month since its release on June 10, 2020, 4th monthly sales target (4000 units) 4.Daihatsu Taft, who received an order for about 18,000 units, 5 times, and showed a strong rise.Speaking of “light crossover SUV”, it is a sole play of “Suzuki Hustler”.This year (2020), the sales volume in January to June was 37,413 units (average of 6166 per month), but at least in the initial ordering stage, the taft was also very well -ordered.There are.
"Daihatsu Cast Activa", which was released the following year as a horse to the first Hustler released in 2014, was so difficult to understand because it was a "one model in the" Cast "series, a toll wagon." Production ended in March 2020 without popularity. I decided to leave it to the toft. The name of the taft was also used in a full -fledged off -loader (registered car) that existed from 1974 to 1984 (the successor is "Lager / Rocky"), so the second generation taft is "maybe" Suzuki Jimny ". Is it a maniac black man like that? " It is a crossover SUV that emphasizes everyday use, although it has a reasonable road running performance due to the lowest ground height on the SUV, approach angle / deppchar angle, grip support control, etc.
It is natural that the total length and the overall width are the maximum limit of the mini car, but the total height is 1630mm and is about 50mm lower than the hustler.This emphasizes the stylishness of the body under the shoulder line when viewed from the side, the volume of the upper glass area is small, and it becomes a "thick body and a thin cabin".While square forms, Hustler, who makes you feel charming with headlamps with two rounded lights and rounded parts of each part, are somewhat squeezed as if they had accumulated blocks.The taft is thoroughly penetrating the toughness and reliance of SUVs.
スクエアなスタイリングが特徴の軽クロスオーバー「ダイハツ・タフト」。2019年の東京モーターショーでコンセプトモデルがお披露目されてから、わずか7カ月での市販モデル登場となった。拡大 |
オレンジのアクセントが目を引くインストゥルメントパネルまわりには、外観と同じく各所にカクカクとした意匠を採用。空調やシートヒーター、充電ソケット類はセンターコンソールにまとめられており、非常に分かりやすい。拡大 |
カモフラージュ柄のファブリック表皮が特徴的なシート。前席はセパレート式で、センターアームレストには収納ボックスが備わる。拡大 |
後席は分割可倒式。荷室側壁と連続性を持たせたドアインナーパネルの意匠や、「スライド機構はナシ」という思い切った設計などが特徴だ。拡大 |