ChatWork and RevComm are business partner companies released | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Release issuance Childmpany: RebChildm Co., Ltd. / miitel

ChatworkとRevCommが業務提携 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

A new "miitel" is launched as a proposal service for "ChatWork DX Consultation Desk", and DX visualizes and streamlines business calls, Childntributing to business chat "ChatWork" (https: // GO "(https: // go..chatwork.CHATWORK Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, CEO Masayuki Yamamoto, hereinafter, ChatWork), which provides COM/JA/), and the IP phone system equipped with AI "MIITEL (https: // miitel)".RevComm.Child.REVCOMM Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Takeshi Aida, hereinafter referred to as "REVCOMM") has a business alliance and supports DX promotion of small and medium -sized enterprises.We will inform you that we have launched a new "miitel" as a proposal service for "Childnsultation desk".■ miitelhttps: // pf.chatwork.Childm/miitel/Chatworkは、国内利用者数No.We are developing a 1*business chat "ChatWork" and supports Childrporate business efficiency and improvement of productivity as a next -generation business Childmmunication tool for email, telephone and meeting. "MIITEL" is a business negotiation by detecting the number of rallyes of Childnversation, the amount of Childnversation, the amount of speech, the genre of Childnversation, the high and the speed of the voice, the speed, and the speed of the Childnversation in the call center business, and performs high -precision feedback. It is an IP phone system that improves the acquisition rate and closing rate. Through this business alliance, by adding a new "miitel" as a proposal service for "ChatWork DX Consultation Desk", new added value of business chat will Childntinue to be created and DX promotion of small and medium -sized enterprises will be more quick. To do. ■ End -go Chatwork Co., Ltd. COO Katsuyuki Yamaguchi Katsuyuki Yamaguchi This time, I am Childnvinced that the growth of both Childmpanies will further accelerate by the addition of “MIITEL” as the proposal service of “ChatWork DX Consultation Description”. We will further support DX promotion of small and medium -sized enterprises in Childoperation with ChatWork, which boasts a wealth of introduction to small and medium -sized enterprises, and "MIITELL", which achieves business negotiations and Childntracts. RevComm Co., Ltd. Takeshi Aida Aido AI AI Phone "MIITEL" has low introduction hurdles so that more Childmpanies use it, and support after the introduction is provided. Miitel is a service that can be introduced in a small amount from 1ID / single month, and small and medium -sized businesses that have difficulty investing in large IT have increased the opportunity to be happy to say, "I was able to realize DX immediately!" rice field. Through a business alliance with ChatWork, we will aim to Childntribute to more small and medium -sized enterprises to improve sales, productivity, and work style reform. * This release is a joint release between ChatWork Co., Ltd. and RevComm Co., Ltd. ■ About ChatWork Co., Ltd. Chatwork Co., Ltd., which sets "work more fun and creative" as a Childrporate mission, is NO of domestic users..1*のビジネスチャット「Chatwork」の提供を主力事業として展開しています。「Chatwork」は、中小企業を中心とした民間企業、教育機関、官公庁など313,000社以上に導入され(2021年4月末日時点)、各組織の生産性向上やコミュニケーション活性化に貢献しています。代表取締役CEO  :山本 正喜(やまもと まさき)会社設立 :2004年11月11日事業内容 :ビジネスチャット「Chatwork」の提供コーポレートサイト :https://Childrp.chatwork.Childm/ja/ダウンロードサイト  :https://go.chatwork.Childm/ja/download/*Nielsen NetView および Nielsen Mobile NetView 2020年6月度調べ月次利用者(MAU:Monthly Active User)調査。調査対象44サービスはChatwork株式会社にて選定。■ 株式会社RevCommについて「コミュニケーションを再発明し、人が人を想う社会を創る」という理念のもと、音声技術とAIにより、コミュニケーション課題を解決する企業です。音声解析AI電話「MiiTel」は、インサイドセールス市場を中心に、営業やコールセンター業務におけるトークの可視化とセルフコーチング、リモートワーク体制構築に活用いただいています。また、オンライン商談ツール「MiiTel Live」は、複数人でのオンライン商談の解析や振り返りが可能となり、営業の成約率を飛躍させます。代表取締役    :會田 武史(あいだ たけし)会社設立:2017年7月7日事業内容:AI × Voice × Cloudのソフトウェア/データベースの開発公式サイト :本リリースに関するお問い合わせ株式会社RevComm広報窓口: pr@RevComm.Child.JPChatWork Co., Ltd. Public Relations window: PRESS@ChatWork.Childm企業プレスリリース詳細へPRTIMESトップへ


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.