Causes and troubleshooting "specified ports are already open": Causes and solutions of network connection errors [Part 2]

Other applications can cause this error on ports used by VPN (virtual private network) client software.To solve this problem, edit the "Windows" registry (configuration database) so that other applications do not use the VPN client software reserved port.The application that causes a collision can be confirmed using the command "Netstat" that displays the status of the network connection.

With the improvement of security functions in Windows 10, this error is more likely to occur.Users have reported on the Internet saying, "This error has begun to occur since we started using Windows 10."However, this is not a legitimate reason to avoid the update of the OS.


Similar errors occur in "Linux", "UNIX" and "MacOS", but the displayed error messages are slightly different.In these OSs, the basic problem is the same as Windows.It occurs when multiple applications try to use network resources that are unable to share at the same time.The same is true for Windows that the Netstat command can identify an application that causes a collision.

The main cause of an error message such as "The specified port is already open" in an OS other than Windows is to use "SSH Port Fording" (SSH: Secure Socket Shell).SSH port forming refers to a mechanism that uses a communication path by SSH connection to transfer data to a specific port of a remote computer.

If you try to execute SSH port fording immediately after the SSH connection is interrupted, an error message "Address Already in USE) may be displayed.This is because TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) must wait for the last process of cutting the network connection.This state is displayed as "Time_Wait" when checked with the Netstat command.This indicates that the connection can be cut.After a few minutes, the application will be able to use the problem port again.

There are other error messages similar to "specified ports are already open", and the causes of them are generally common.Other applications are trying to use non -shared network resources, or they are locked by the OS.However, the details are different.If you keep in mind the multiple causes introduced in this article, you can narrow down the solution.

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