Basic knowledge of piping

The houses and condominiums we live are installed with piping that passes gas and living water used in air conditioning.Building facilities such as buildings and factories with stores and offices use more pipes.In this series, we will explain the basic knowledge of the piping that engineers should hold down seven times.The first one will introduce the roles and categories of piping.


1st: What is piping?

The word piping is used in two ways according to the scene.Piping material and piping work (Fig. 1).


A pipe material is a pipe (pipe), a cylindrical member.It is used to transfer fluids (liquids and gas) and powder to protect wires from the outer circumference.The main materials of piping materials are metals such as cast iron and steel, and non -metals such as resin and concrete (Table 1).The lining steel, which is a complex of both, is also used....

>>第1回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

There are various types of fluid flowing through the piping, and the piping name differs depending on the type of fluid.Here, we introduce liquid piping, gas piping, powdered piping, and wiring protection piping.

Liquid piping is a pipe that uses liquid as a fluid.It can be classified as water piping and oil distribution tube.The fluid of the water pipe includes drinking water, chores, drainage, and heat source (Fig. 2).


The point to keep in mind when the water piping is installed is to shorten the tube as much as possible, pay attention to the slope of the piping and do not create an air pounding.If an air pump is inevitable for the structural reasons of the equipment, attach a bent without air.As a precaution in winter, piping may be damaged by freezing.


>>第1回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

In architectural equipment such as houses, condominiums, stores, and commercial facilities, various fluids such as water, hot water, drainage, ventilation, steam, cold water, cooling water, and refrigerant are used.Therefore, it is necessary to select and use the piping material that can withstand fluid type, temperature, and pressure.There are three pipes used in architectural facilities: water supply and drainage, hygiene facilities, air conditioning equipment, and other pipes.Let's take a closer look at each.

There are water supply pipes, hot water supply pipes, drainage pipes, and fire pipes for water supply and drainage and hygiene facilities.

・ Water supply pipe water pipe is a pipe for supplying water (drinking water) and chores used in the building.Frequently used materials are synthetic resin lining steel pipe and stainless steel steel pipe.The material used before was a zinc plating steel pipe (SGPW: Steel Gas Pipe Water).However, it is inappropriate as a hot water pipe due to the cloudy phenomenon due to the leakage of zinc, the generation of red water due to corrosion, the closing of the tube due to the rustic kobu, and the leakage due to the fiery part of the joint.

・ The water supply tube hot water supply pipe is a piping for supplying hot water with a water heater or heat source machine to a bathtub, kitchen, and wash basin.In the immediate bath system (hot water supply system where hot water comes out immediately), a circulating hot water supply is adopted.The material is the coated copper tube, stainless steel pipe, and heat -resistant resin tubes.

・排水管 排水管は、便器や排水器具から出る汚水を、建物外へ排出するための配管です。...

>>第1回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Piping equipment is the parts, equipment, and devices required to transfer fluids.The role of the piping is to transfer fluids from a certain place to other places, and you need tube, tube, valve, tube support, and heat retention painting.These are collectively called piping equipment.

The passenger is a part for combining the tube and the tube.In addition to changing the direction of the flow, it also has the role of branching and joining the tube, changing the tube size, and blocking the flow.

The valve is a device that has a function to move fluids, prevent backflow, stop the flow, and adjust the flow rate.


>>第1回 第4章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

2nd: Piping material

Last time, we introduced the roles and categories of piping.This time, I will explain the type of piping seen by material.There are various types of piping materials, such as alloys and resins, and the names of the tube vary depending on the material.When selecting a piping material, it is necessary to consider the strengths, weaknesses and economics of the material according to the application.

There are five types of metals mainly used as piping materials: stainless steel, aluminum, carbon steel, alloy steel, and copper.This section describes the characteristics of each piping and what kind of environment it is used.

Stainless steel is 10.It is alloy steel containing 5%or more chromium.Sometimes called stainless steel, stainless steel, SUS (suspension).To generate a real film of chrome and iron alloys on the metal surface, it shows excellent corrosion resistance and has a wide demand as a corrosion resistant material.The advantage is that it is harder to rust than carbon steel, has excellent strength, and can be recycled.The disadvantage is expensive.There are 31 types of piping stainless steel pipes, each with characteristics such as corrosion resistance, low temperature resistance, and high temperature resistance.Typical ones include Austenite (SUS304TP, etc.), Austenite Ferrite (SUS329J1TP, etc.), ferrite (SUS405TP, etc.).

Frequently used piping steel steel pipes are standard on JIS G 3448: 2016 general piping stainless steel pipe.There are four types: SUS304TPD, SUS315J1TPD, SUS315J2TPD, SUS316TPD, and is used for water supply, hot water, drainage, and cold water.


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There are four main non -metal tubes: resin tubes, fire -resistant two -layer tubes, crosslinked polyethylene tubes, and polyibuten tubes.Let's take a closer look at each feature and application.

The resin tube is a piping that uses resin as a material and material.A typical resin tube is a hard poly chloride tube (PVC tube).It is often used for burial parts of public buildings and general houses.

Hard poly chloride tubes are resistant to extensive drugs.There is no corrosion caused by acidic soil, it is not affected by sewage acids and alkali, and does not sulfide.It is lightweight and inexpensive, easy to cut and connect, so it is easy to handle.The disadvantages are vulnerable to ultraviolet rays, solvents, heat and impact.If you use it outdoors, choose a material that has weather resistance (resistance to deterioration / deterioration due to sunlight).As a countermeasure against earthquakes, it is also necessary to use extension joints that are available (flexible and hard to break).Table 3 shows the main polyal chloride tube.

耐熱性硬質ポリ塩化ビニル管HT90°C以下の水の配管に使用する。高温排水に対応するため、メーカー規格(JIS の規格外)も出ており、排水継手もそろっている。


>>第2回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

3rd: Piping accessories

Last time, we introduced the types of pipes seen by material.This time, I will explain the accessories of the piping.Piping accessories can be classified into three types: piping, valve (valve), and piping support brackets.

A piping joint is a part for combining tubes and tubes, and is essential for assembling a pipe system.JIS B 0151 Steel pipe joint terms are defined as joints used for connecting piping (pipe).The main roles are the direction of the flow, the branch, the set, the closing, and the change in the pipe diameter.The joint is the place where corrosion occurs the most in piping equipment.

There are many types of piping fittings depending on the purpose, shape, material, etc.It is necessary to select the appropriate joint according to the purpose of use of the joint and the type of piping.JIS has differences in applications and materials (can be trained iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, cast iron, copper alloy, resin, etc.), connection piping (screw -in type, insertion welding type, flange type, flange type, etc.) There are various types of passengers.The joints classified according to the shape are summarized in 10 types.


>>第3回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

The valve (valve) is a pipe facility that has a function to move fluids, prevent backflow, stop the flow, and adjust the flow rate.It is classified by the type of fluid in the tube, the temperature, pressure, valve ingredients, etc.There are two types of valve operation methods: manual and automatic type.There are handle type (Fig. 8), lever type (Fig. 9) for manual operation, and gear type, electric type, air type for automatic operation.



>>第3回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Piping support brackets are metal fittings for a predetermined route in the building or on a pipulack, and is essential for piping work.Depending on the type of piping, there are also supporting brackets with resin and rubber and urethane, and in recent years, supporting fittings specialized in earthquake resistance have been attracting attention.It is necessary to select an appropriate support bracket according to the material and location of the piping.The features of 18 piping support brackets and parts that are well attached are summarized.

The hanging pipe support bracket is a supporting bracket for supporting the sideways piping suspended from the ceiling (plumbing that flows fluids in a horizontal direction).


>>第3回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

4th: Piping joints, coverage prevention agents, support fixed, thermal insurance cooling

Last time, I introduced the accessories of the piping.This time, we will explain the joining material, adofitation prevention material, support fixing, and heat loss of piping used in the enforcement of the piping, and the heat retention insulation is explained.

The joining material is used to join the piping and joint.Select an appropriate joining material according to the material and application of the piping.The selection of bonding materials is based on the maker's instructions for the adhesive curing time and adhesion strength for the common specifications of the Machinery and Sports, and the standards by the Japan Waterworks Association (Nissin cooperatives) established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.increase.

Here are the types and features of six representative piping joint materials.


・ねじ接合材 ねじ接合材は、流体の漏れ防止や腐食防止のため、配管のねじ込み接続部に使用します。テープシール材、一般用ペーストシール剤・防食用ペーストシール剤などがあります。...

>>第4回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Piping that is easily exposed to corrosion environment, such as buried in the soil, is indispensable for corrosion measures using a war prevention material.Introducing four war prevention materials.

The bodily bodily bodily tape is a tape that is wrapped around the surface of the piping and covers it to prevent corrosion factors such as moisture and microorganisms in the soil from contact.Because it is easy to wrap around, it is suitable for construction of joint and curvature.Depending on the product, there are characteristics such as those that are suitable for low -temperature work and those with excellent seal and cushioning.

The insulating tape is a tape that prevents the power of the soil and the piping from the piping by wrapping it around the pipe.There are those that use butyl rubber as the main component.


>>第4回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

By fixing the piping, it supports the weight of the piping, prevents deflection, and suppresses the pulsation of fluids in the tube.It is necessary to secure an appropriate slope so that drainage in the piping and air removal can be easily performed.Fixing piping support is constructed in accordance with the common specifications of machine equipment construction by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the standards by the Nippon Water Association.The standards for support intervals include standard specifications from the Shase Society (SHASE: The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan).

配管の支持点とは、配管施工時に支持・固定する箇所です。配管のメンテナンスや断熱工事ができるように支持点を設定します。施工要領は、公共的な標準仕様書や標準図などに準拠します。代表的な 4 種類の配管支持点の位置を示します。...

>>第4回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Heat insulation means preventing heat loss.For example, in the heat insulation of the room, the insulation is installed so that heating and cooling due to heating and cooling are not missed outdoors.Similarly, the piping is attached to warm -insulated materials such as glass wool and rock wool so that the heat of the fluids in the piping is not escaped outside of the piping.As a result, the temperature changes in fluids are suppressed and fluids are prevented from freezing fluids.From the loss of fluid heat, it saves energy.


>>第4回 第4章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

5th: Piping construction laws, procedures, tests

Last time, we introduced piping joints, coverage prevention materials, fixing support, and heat retention.This time, I will explain the laws and regulations, construction procedures, and plumbing tests related to piping construction.

The construction of the piping is a series of tasks that process and connect the piping and support and fix it to the prescribed location.These tasks are planned and implemented based on the Laws such as the Building Standards Law and the Fire Service Law.Before construction, consultation with the supervision agency is required according to the applicable laws and regulations and ordinances.


>>第5回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Piping construction procedure depends on the type of pipe.This time, we will explain the construction procedure of steel pipe (Fig. 1).


Determine the public standard specifications of the building and follow the method.

Piping materials such as distribution materials and joints are carried into construction sites and piping processing factories.Make sure that the brought piping material is appropriate for the standard or if there is no excess in quantity.


>>第5回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

After the piping construction, a water pressure test, a full water test, an airtight test, a watering test, and a running water test will be conducted to check for leaks and damage to the piping.In addition, the final pass / fail judgment of the construction will be made based on the test results.The test will be conducted before the construction of dew and heat retention.The contents of the test are standard on the Share Incorporated Association (Shase: The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and SanitaryEngineers of Japan) and the standard specifications of each ministry and agency.This time, I will introduce six typical exams.

水圧試験・満水試験・気密試験では、決められた水圧・気圧を加え、漏れが生じないかを確認します。各試験の基準値は、SHASE による標準仕様書で規格されています。図2に、SHASE で水圧試験・満水試験・気密試験が規格されている配管を示します。...

>>第5回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

6th: Piping deterioration and maintenance

Last time, we introduced laws and regulations related to piping construction, construction procedures, and plumbing tests.This time, I will explain the deterioration of the piping and maintenance.The piping is accompanied by corrosion inside the piping and dirt called scale slime, and the tube section is closed and reduced and deteriorated.Piping maintenance is indispensable to supply lifelines such as electricity, gas, and water supply safely and stably.


>>第6回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

Introducing the status and cause of the deterioration of the piping.The corrosion form of zinc plating steel pipe, resin lining steel pipe (for water supply), copper tube, stainless steel steel pipe, cast iron pipe, PVC tube (VP / HIVP) is summarized.

Zinc plating steel pipe mainly causes deterioration due to corrosion.Corrosions such as full corrosion, holes, and kobobu occur, and the factors vary.Table 1 summarizes the status and cause of deterioration of zinc plating steel pipe.

直管・継手 (亜鉛めっき継手)全面腐食

・ Red rust is generated on the iron surface exposed by the elutment of zinc plating

異物付着 (全面・局部)

・ Adjustment of fats and fats and foreign substances in the drainage (poor cleaning)

局部腐食 (孔食・さびこぶ)

・ Zinc / iron is eluted, causing rabbit kobu / holes.

管・継手のねじ接合部 および弁・水栓などとの 接続部ねじ部(管・継手)の 腐食(ねじ谷部の貫通)

・ Prevention of the screw exposure part poor processing

弁・水栓および 異種管との接続部の 腐食(孔食)

・ Heterogeneous metal contact corrosion

管・継手の外表面 (断熱材被覆 および露出)局部腐食


・ Corrosion due to local battery action such as dew condensation and tube wounds in humid places

The part where deterioration is likely to occur with the resin lining steel pipe (for water supply) is the joint with direct tube, joint, tube, screw, and valve and faucet.Unlike other tubes, it also deteriorates due to swelling and peeling of lining materials and coating materials.Table 2 summarizes the deterioration and causes of the resin lining steel pipe (for water supply).

直管ライニング材の 膨れ炭化

・ Repeated hot water backflow and cold heat from water heaters, etc.

・ Heated from outside the tube (extraordinary heat)

継手 (コーティング継手)コーティング材の 膨れ・剥離

・ Deterioration due to long -term use

・ Carbonization of lining materials


・ Prevention of the tube end surface poor processing

弁・水栓との 接合部接続部の腐食 (孔食など)

・ Heterogeneous metal contact corrosion


>>第6回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)


>>第6回 第3章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

If the piping deteriorates, it may lead to major accidents such as water quality such as red water, pressure and flow rate, and leakage due to folds.Regular diagnosis and early measures are required.Diagnosis of piping is diagnosed by deterioration, deterioration, etc. of the tube and joints, and the degree of clogging.The general diagnosis is divided into three times, depending on the number of years of construction.

The primary diagnosis is piping 5 to 7 years after construction.Hearing surveys to administrators, outer surface tests based on visual visuals, and confirmation of abnormal noise.


>>第6回 第4章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

7th: Long life of piping equipment

Last time, we introduced measures to deteriorate the piping.In the last episode, we will focus on the service life and long life of the piping.In recent years, the reliability of buildings and living environments and safety have been strongly required, and long life of pipe facilities has been required.Here are some points to be aware of when aiming for a long life.

The service life of the pipe is the number of years in which piping equipment causes aging phenomena and cannot be repaired.This is the knowledge necessary to predict the update work.It is difficult to set the useful life because it changes depending on the material and joint material, the usage environment, and the appropriateness of conservation management.Table 1 summarizes the conditions that affect the service life of the pipe system.In addition, the service life varies depending on the use of the building and the construction skills.

流体・稼働時間 ・水質 ・温度・流速 ・常用圧力 ・水質管理・管内清掃
配管環境・土質と水位 ・大気汚染・日照・湿度 ・海塩粒子・外面防食・点検の容易性
配管・管径 ・配管勾配 ・各種防食処理・配管位置 ・配管材料 ・接合方法・点検修理の容易性

The necessary useful life varies depending on the type of piping and where it is used.There is a grade as a guide to the service life.Grade is a classification of the required useful life (expected useful life), depending on the position of the piping and the combination of the type of tube material and the bonding method.The details of the grade are summarized.


>>第7回 第1章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)

The most important thing in piping is that it can be used as long and safely as possible.There are three important points to achieve long life.Piping is tailored to the design that considers piping updates, maintaining, maintenance, safety, and the usage environment of piping equipment.I will explain each in detail.

Many pipes are installed in houses, condominiums, and factories.If a building is compared to the human body, the piping is equivalent to blood vessels.In the case of the human body, as the age grows, the blood vessels deteriorate, and waste products such as cholesterol adhere to the clock, making it difficult to circulate blood.Like the blood vessels of the human body, the piping of the building is inevitable.Since there is no material that can be used forever, it is necessary to take measures from the design stage of the building and piping equipment so that the piping material is a consumable item, so that future piping renewal work is easy.


>>第7回 第2章の続きを読む(PDFダウンロード)