Modifying a cable to attach a regulator to a used motoronpo

A shield battery that is vulnerable to overcharging

Honda's moped motorcycle "Moto Compo" purchased a few months ago.It is a product that is already 40 years ago, and the moped at that time often uses a 6V battery, and the motor -compo battery is 6V.

The genuine battery of the motinocompot is a type called an open type that puts a battery solution and replenishes water, but the obtained motin -compo had an external shield battery.It is also called a sealed type, and is an advantage that it is maintenance -free that does not need to add battery or water.

On the other hand, compared to the open type, it is not good to miss hydrogen gas generated by overcharging.It can be absorbed inside to some extent, and although it has a safety valve without gas, it may burst if overcharged continues.

I bought a regulatory lecture fire

To prevent overcharging batteries, modern motorcycles have a voltage control circuit called regulator.But it is not in the motinocompo.The voltage remains output only by converting the AC current from the generator (alternator) to a DC.The higher the rotation of the engine, the higher the power generation voltage.

But then, if you speed up, the light bulbs of lights will be cut off by high voltage.The reason why it doesn't happen is that the battery is replacing the regulator.

I think, "I don't need a regulator."

The power exceeding the appropriate voltage of charging is used for electrolysis of water contained in battery solution (dilute sulfuric acid).Therefore, the voltage after the battery can be kept to 6V, which is the output voltage, but this is exactly the overcharging state.It is just that the battery is overcharged.

The battery is incredibly burdened, not the original battery use, and electrolysis generates hydrogen gas.Also, if the battery is no longer used, the electricity exceeding 6V will flow to the electrical system as it is, so the light bulb will be annihilated.

I purchased a kit to replace the lect fire with a regulation lect fire.Originally for monkey

That's why I purchased a regulatory lect fire for 6V cars first to maintain the proper charging voltage.A product that integrates a voltage regulator and a lect fire that converts exchanges into a DC, is used to replace it with an existing regulation lect fire.

Make a branch cable

Since there was a model with only the main unit and a harness, I made it with a harness without hesitation.Although it is for 6V monkey, I have seen an example attached to the motin -compo, and it seems that the harness can be diverted as it is.

In addition to the regulatory lecture fire body and the harness, the electro tap (connector for branching), and the tie wrap that fixes the harness is full.I do not use conductive grease

I want to install it right away, but before that I make my own cable that branches out the output from the alternator.why?Isn't it a harness?is what I think.

Yes, your own work is not essential.If the attached harness and the code coming out of the alternator are sandwiched with snapping with the included electro tap, it is OK.

However, although electro taps can be easily installed, they may not like contact poor or disconnection.So I decided to make my own cable connecting the harness and the alternator code.

Attach the giboshi terminal to the code

Fortunately, the code coming out of the alternator was not directly connected to the main harness, but connected by the giboshi terminal.In other words, if there is a branch cable with a giboshi terminal, it is possible to interrupt it into that part.

Thickness 0.75mm2のコードと電工ペンチを用意。ダブルタイプのギボシ端子セットを新たに購入しました

The code happened to be at home..75mm2のもの。ちょうどいいサイズです。分岐させるには差し込み口が2つあるダブルタイプのギボシ端子を使います。片側をオス、片側をダブルのメスにしてあげれば分岐させられます。ダブルのギボシ端子は持っていなかったので新たに買いました。 中古のモトコンポにレギュレーターを取り付けるケーブルを改造

First, the male giboshi terminal is pressed on one side of the cord.I'm not good at crimping, but when I did it slowly, I was able to clean it up.

The giboshi terminal is attached with a tool called electric pliers.Peel the tip of the cord and insert it into the claw of the terminal to 1 of the electric pliers..Lightly crush the claws in a wide part written as 25.Next, if you crush it in the narrow part of INS, the claws will be curled and will bite into the cord.

I was not good at this work for a long time, and the claws were crushed diagonally, and when I thought that it was attached, I pulled out the cord, so it was terrible.But that seems to be because I was trying to finish the work once.It was clean if I did it in two stages, a wide and narrow part.After all it is useless.

The branch cable is completed

Attach a double female terminal to the other side of the code.

After passing through the sleeve cover, press the female terminal

The terminal has a transparent cover called sleeve, but it can not be put in later, so I will pass it before attaching the female terminal.

A branch cable for interrupted is created

This is the completion of the branch cable.The output from the alternator is divided into two, one is connected to the harness of the body as the original, and the other is connected to the regulatory lect fire harness.

Attach the giboshi terminal to the attached harness

Once you have a cable to branch, the next is the modification of the attached harness.

Attach a male giboshi terminal to the tip of the yellow cord of the harness

Attach the male giboshi terminal to the tip of the yellow cord that was supposed to be connected with an electro tap so that it can be inserted into the branch cable.Don't forget the sleeve here too.

Put the branch cable in the middle of the alternator output code, and then branch to the regulation lect fire harness.

I connected the harness and the branch cable.The branch cable is interrupted into the yellow cord from the alternator.The black part of the harness is inserted into a connector that attaches a regulatory lect fire, and the white connector on the lower left is inserted into the connector originally with a lect fire.The black thin line is Earth.Attach to the metal part of the body.

Remove the negative terminal of the battery and start working

Enter the installation work.

When tweaking the electrical system, be sure to remove the negative terminal of the battery.If you inadvertently make a short circuit during the work, the spark will fly and it will be dangerous, and the fuse may be cut or something can be broken.

The car and motorcycle are used as a negative terminal because the metal part of the body is used as a negative wire.So, if the battery remains connected, the positive code will be short when the body touches the body.

Remove the black protector next to the body and remove the cowl

The battery is on the left, so remove the left side protector and the cowl.The side protector only has the upper and lower claws, but the cowl is fixed with bolts, so use a socket wrench.

Before starting work, remove the connector from the negative terminal of the battery

The harness of the battery part is only inserted into the battery terminal, so it can be removed by pulling it out.At this time, it is a negative terminal to remove.When replacing the battery, be sure to remove the negative side first.

The reason why the negative side is removed is that if the plus side is removed, if the metal tool etc. touches the positive terminal and the metal part of the vehicle body, the battery plus terminal → tool → vehicle → Battery minus terminal.This is because electricity flows and shorts.

On the negative side, even if the negative terminal of the battery and the metal part of the vehicle body are connected, there is no effect only in the normal state.

Also, since the connection with the battery has a cover, it is better not to remove the plus side.Even though there is a cover, if you remove it, both ends will be exposed, which can also cause shorts.

Remove the lect fire

When you are ready for the work, remove the lect fire from the body.

The lect fire is fitted to the tip of the white connector.Fixed next to the battery

The lect fire is fitted in the frame that is visible in the back.I was hanging down in the space next to the battery (laughs).

Removed lect fire.I will save it for the time being

The lect fire is inserted into the connector, so pull it out.The removed lect fire is no longer needed, but it is saved just in case.Connect a white connector of the harness to an empty connector.Next time is the installation work.