Announced three new server -on -module families equipped with Kongtech, Intel Xeon D processor

Kongatech Japan Co., Ltd. X86 Base COM-HPC Server World Premier *This Press Release is an abstract of a press release published in Germany on February 24, 2022 (local time). Congatec, a leading vendor for embedded and edge computing technologies, has three new servers on and on the new Intel Xeon D processor family (the previous code name is ICE LAKE D). We announced the module family and celebrated the first release of the X86 base Com-HPC Server module. The new Com-HPC Server Module Size E, Size D, and COM Express Type 7 modules will speed up the workload process of next-generation real-time microsers in harsh environments and severe temperature conditions. The improved performance includes up to 20 cores, up to 1TB RAM, doubled through a throughput per PCIe lane, and up to 100 GBEs with TCC/TSN support. Target applications include industrial workload integrated servers such as automation, robot, and medical imaging, to smart grids such as lifelines and important infrastructure, such as petroleum, gas, electric, railway, and communication networks. It also includes a vision -compatible application, such as autonomous vehicles and video infrastructure for safety and security. "The release of the COM-HPC server-on module equipped with Intel Xeon D processor, which speeds up a huge amount of workload processing, is a revolutionary event for various edge server industries." Martin Danzer, Tech's product management director, explains. "First, the server -on module equipped with Intel Xeon D processor can be used not only in standard industrial environments but also in outdoors and in -vehicle applications with the support of the expansion temperature range. In this first COM-HPC server-on module, the number of cores available for the first time has reached 20, and up to eight RAM sockets, a very wide memory bandwidth that is indispensable for server workload processing. Realize. Third, these server modules have a real -time function in both processor core and TCC/TSN compatible real -time Ethernet. This is a combination that many OEMs have been waiting for. " In addition to improving very wide bandwidth and performance, the three new server -on module families of Congatec are planned for a long time for a maximum of 10 years, so they are more robust than ordinary servers. You can greatly extend the life cycle of the next -generation edge server. This module family has a comprehensive function set of server grade. For mission-critical applications, we provide powerful hardware security features such as Intel Boot Guard, Intel Total Memory Encryance (Intel TME-MT), Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX). The AI ​​application can use built-in hardware acceleration, such as AVX-512 and VNNI. The processor module integrates in Intel Resource Director Technology (Intel RDT) to achieve the best RAS function, and supports remote hardware management functions such as IPMI and Redfish. The new module can be selected from various varieties of the High Core Count (HCC) and Low Core Count (LCC) of the Intel Xeon D processor series.・ “CONGA-HPC/SILH” COM-HPC Server Size E Module can be selected from 5 types (4 to 20 cores) of Intel Xeon D-2700 processor, up to 1TB high-speed DDR4 memory (2933MT/s, ECC). Eight DIMM sockets are implemented. Real -time support that supports TSN and TCC with 32X PCIE GEN 4 and 16X PCIE GEN 3, 100 GBE throughput.Equipped with 5 Gbit/S Ethernet, the base power consumption of the processor is 65-118 watts.-COM-HPC Server Size D and COM Express Type 7 Module can be selected from 5 types (4-10 cores) of Intel Xeon D-1700 processors."CONGA-B7XL" COM Express server-on module supports up to 128 GB DDR4 RAM (2666 MT/s) with up to three SODIMM socket and "CONGA-HPC/SILL" COM-HPC Server Size D ModuleSupports up to 4 DIMM sockets for high -speed DDR4 RAM (2933MT/s) with a maximum of 256GB.Both module families provide 16X PCIE GEN 4 and 16X PCIE GEN 3 lanes.For high -speed networking, with up to 100 GBE throughput, 2.5 Gbit/S Ethernet supports TSN and TCC, and the processor's base power consumption is 40-67 watts. "CONGA-HPC/SILH" COM-HPC Server Size E Module (200 mm x 160 mm) equipped with Intel Xeon D-2700 processor has the following variations: For "CONGA-HPC/SILL" COM-HPC SIZE D module (160mm x 160mm) and "CONGA-B7XL" COM Express Type 7 module (95 mm x 120 mm) equipped with the Intel Xeon D-1700 processor. There are the following variations: The new COM-HPC and COM Express server-on module is an application lady, a completely passive cooling solution that realizes the highest mechanical elasticity against vibration and shock from strong active cooling using a heat pipe adapter. Until, a robust and optimal cooling solution is available. For software, a comprehensive board support package for Windows, Linux, and VXWorks is included. If you integrate workloads, you can use real -time virtual machines because Kongatech comprehensively supports real -time Systems RTS hypervisor. For more information about "CONGA-HPC/Silh" Com-HPC Server Size E server on module, see the following website: https: // www.connectec.For more information about COM/JP/PRODUCTS/COM-HPC/CONGA-HPCSILH/"CONGA-HPC/SILL" COM-HPC Server Size D server on module, see the following website.https: // www.connectec.For details on the Com/JP/Products/COM-HPC/CONGA-HPCSILL/"CONGA-B7XL" COM Express Type 7 server-on module, see the following website.https: // www.connectec.For more information about COM/JP/PRODUCTS/COM-EXPRESS-TYPE7/CONGA-B7xi/new Intel Xeon D-1700 and D-700 processors (previous code names are ICE LAKE), see the following website.https: // ## コンガテック (connectec) について コンガテック(connectec)は、組込み、およびエッジコンピューティング製品とサービスにフォーカスした、急速に成長しているテクノロジー企業です。 ハイパフォーマンス コンピュータモジュールは、産業オートメーション、医療技術、輸送、テレコミュニケーション、その他の多くの分野の幅広いアプリケーションやデバイスで使用されています。 当社は、成長する産業ビジネスにフォーカスする、ドイツのミッドマーケットファンドである株主のDBAG Fund VIIIに支えられており、これらの拡大する市場機会を活用するための資金調達とM&Aの実績があります。 また、コンピュータ・オン・モジュールの分野では、世界的なマーケットリーダーであり、新興企業から国際的な優良企業まで優れた顧客基盤を持っています。2004年に設立され、ドイツのデッゲンドルフに本社を置き、2020年に1億2,750万米ドルの売上高に達しました。詳細については、当社の Web サイト、 または LinkedIn、Twitter、YouTube をご覧ください。 ■本製品に関するお問合せ先 コンガテック ジャパン株式会社 担当:奥村 TEL: 03-6435-9250 Email: ■本リリースに関する報道関係者様からのお問合せ先 (広報代理)オフィス橋本 担当:橋本 E-Mail: connectec@kitajuji.COM text and photos can be obtained from the following sites.https: // HTML Intel, Intel logo, and other Intel marks are the trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. コンガテック、インテル Xeon D プロセッサを搭載した3種類の新しいサーバ・オン・モジュール ファミリを発表