Wild animals are returning home in U -turns in the US big cities

Let's live together.I'm going to see you, riding a yackle...When I thought, more and more animals came from the forest.

What is the story of a wild animal that appears in a big city.This spring, in New York, coyote paraded in the city of Manhattan and Queens Ward to make a noise.

The simple story of "this is dangerous because wild animals come out" is that these incidents are increasing year by year.And in response to the appearance of wild animals, the city and state have not been able to respond very much.

Originally, the city was created by opening the living area of wild animals.It may be necessary to change the idea that you can clearly distinguish between places where humans live and animals.

The following sentence is by Peter, an associate professor at the California University Santa Barbara.I am surprised that wild animals have entered the American city so far.

How the city has adapted to wildlife such as coyote

Most of the American cities are developed by developing places that were very rich in natural environment.New York and Boston are the magnificent river mouth.

San Francisco and Seattle are facing the cove, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington D.C.Most of the wetlands were.Las Vegas is a valuable water source in the natural world that spouts groundwater in the desert.All of these places were nurturing many kinds of wild creatures.

It was the 18th and 19th century in the United States that urban things began to develop, but it was not unusual to have wild animals in the middle of the town.However, as the hunting and pollution expanded steadily, the number has decreased.

At the beginning of the 20th century, animals living in urban areas seemed to have decreased to rats, birds, and small stray dogs.Also, the pets cats have driven out other animals.

Large animals are back

It is difficult to identify the accurate time when wild animals have returned to American urban areas.The Disney movie "Bambi" was released in 1942, but this year is a not bad starting point to understand the flow of wildlife.

Because of humans and carnivores, animals in Bambi and other forests had to escape deep into the forest....That was the story of the movie "Bambi", but thanks to the success of the movie "Bambi", the population of deer urban areas exploded.

Of course, not only the influence of the movie "Bambi", but after World War II, human attitude toward wildlife has changed dramatically.Hunting has become less popular as a hobby of American citizens, and the areas, which are said to be suburban, have spread to the distant country.

As a result, deer, which had been almost completely seen in some northeast, appeared in golf courses, baseball stadiums, and private gardens one after another.

In the 1960s, laws to protect endangered species were steadily established.In the past, there was a mechanism to hunt carnivores such as coyote to hunters, but that was abolished.New natural protection areas have been created one after another, and the number of animals that has increased, gradually appearing in a nearby town.

As a result, we have reached the current situation in the United States.Now foxes, scunks, raccoons, etc. are now available anywhere in the United States.It is not unusual for birds of prey, such as Hayabusa.It seems that there are CEOs and Bird Watchers who are interesting to make Hayabusa nesting in high -rise buildings.


In the 1990s, large animals appeared among mammals.Coyote, giant cats, and bears showed a few miles away from the forest, and Mountain Lion began to wander around the town.

It still continues.The crocodile was once in the crisis of extinction, but now it has lived in a wide range of streams and lakes, from Miami to Memphis.Beavers and sea lions have dramatically increased the number.

Ten, a type of Itachi, once thought that it only lived in the northern forest, but now he is walking on the outskirts of New York and Philadelphia.In Southern California where I live, I have recently been able to see bladder.

A wolf may appear in the suburbs of Denver.

A new policy for the appearance of new animals

If you encounter animals, ordinary people are surprised or scared.Both reactions can be understood, but now we must gradually change their perceptions.

It is an old idea that wild animals cannot live unless they live in people.Because you have this idea, you will be surprised when you come across animals.

What animals need is the living area.

There is no need to be a protected natural area or a distant jungle.If you have food, water, or enough resources, the animals will come and start living.And American urban areas provide it.

It is wrong idea that animals that are larger than one loaf of bread are dangerous anyway.Of course, you have to take the right distance from wild animals.It is important to pay attention so that children and pets are not involved.

Large animals can carry illness, but it is possible for cities and states to reduce the risk.Rather, supplemented animals can help control such diseases by supplementing rats and insects.

I'm scared because it's big, but in fact, it is a bee that kills humans the most in North America, not a large animal, but a bee, did you know?Next is the dog.Then follow spiders, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and rats.And the most dangerous creatures in the whole world are definitely mosquitoes.Coyote doesn't go up on the list.

Nevertheless, the city and the state are taking measures to move them to the "appropriate" habitat in response to the appearance of these coyote.In many cases, it seems to end without any trouble, but there were also situations where the city was ashamed to chase in Manhattan for nearly three hours.Because of this, many people may have found that the current policy is a makeshift treatment.

The current policy is not well maintained, there are many financial waste, there is no scientific basis, and it cannot be continued in the future.It can be said that it is such a wildlife management system.

The approach to wildlife in cities in the 21st century must consider the following four elements.


■ By educating the citizens properly, we will reduce the wrong knowledge and gain local cooperation.

■ Protects animals by upgrading infrastructure, preventing animals and human unnecessary encounters, injuries and illnesses.Introduction of road signs, trash cans corresponding to wild animals, and windows that do not reflect so that birds can recognize.

■ Finally, presenting an easy -to -understand policy.Establish rules about which department is responsible for wildlife and how to cooperate.These are very important when a serious Emergency occurs even if it is low.

These elements are very important for the animals of cities and humans in the future to coexist peacefully.

Peter Alagona is a quasi -professor of history, geography, and environmental studies at the University of California Santa Barbara.

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Image by Dru Bloomfield Under Creative Commons License.

Peter Alagona -Gizmodo US [Original]

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