What should I do if my throat is dry and hurts? Specialist explains countermeasures and prevention methods

In the cold winter, there are many people who dry out the air, have a throat, and feel pain in the throat.How can I keep my throat as painful as possible?We asked Dr. Yuko Miyazaki, a certified specialist in the Japanese Otolaryngology Society, about the cause of the throat drying and measures.

Throat condition when it dries and hurts

Why do you feel pain when your throat dries in the first place?First, let's understand the mechanism.

The throat, which is the path of food and air, has a function to prevent foreign enemies from entering.The throat is protected by the immune function of the mucous membrane, but cells attacked by viruses such as viruses in the body release chemicals.The released chemicals expand blood vessels to collect white blood cells fighting foreign enemies.As a result, blood content increases, blood components come out of capillaries, accumulating with lymph.This is the so -called "swelling".When swelling occurs, pain occurs because it stimulates the nerves around the swollen part.

"In addition, if the throat is moist, the mucous membrane of the throat will prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, but if the throat is dry, the defense function will be reduced, viruses and bacteria will be susceptible to inflammation."

Not only viruses and bacteria infections, but also cigarette smoke, pollen, dust, etc., and excessive liquor and spices, causing inflammation.It is said that the throat hurts after talking for a long time because the moisture in the mouth is deprived (dry) and inflammation occurs.

How to spend when your throat is dry and hurts

When your throat is dry and hurts, it is important to eat a well -balanced diet.At that time, Dr. Miyazaki recommends cooking the food softly and making it digestive.

"If your throat hurts, avoid irritating spices and alcohol. Take sufficient sleep and rest to keep your body healthy. If stress and tiredness remain in your body., The swelling of the throat is not very good. Take a rest and do not forcibly speak out. "

Eat/avoid food and drink when your throat hurts

If your throat hurts, eating is often difficult.However, if you do not take nutrition properly from the time of food, what will be cured will not heal.The important thing is, "What should I eat?"

喉が乾燥して痛い時はどうすればいい? 対策と予防法を専門医が解説

Dr. Miyazaki says that food and drinks with the characteristics of "promoting throat sterilization and antibacterial", "have the effect of suppressing inflammation", and "moisturizing and heat -retaining effects" are effective for sore throat.

"Because the mucous membrane of the throat is damaged, the cause of sore throat, so that sterilization and antibacterial effects prevent bacterial invasion and prevent further infection. Also, if the moisturizing and heat retention effects are moisturized.At the same time, I like food and drink that warms the whole body. "

Foods such as green onions, ginger, radish, lotus, black beans, etc. are recommended as specific ingredients, and drinks, herbal tea, and green tea are recommended.On the other hand, the food and drinks that should be divided are stimuli, such as pepper and wasabi, and all alcohol.

How to prevent throat drying

Finally, I was taught how to prevent the throat drying.Most are easy and inexpensive, so if you are suffering from sore throat every year, please try it today.

Wearing a mask is effective to protect your throat from dryness and cold.The mask when you go out not only prevents drying, but also protects your body from infectious diseases.The mask not only protects the throat directly so that bacteria and viruses do not enter, but also gives the throat moderate humidity.The humidity of the room should be kept in a moderate humidity (50-60%) with a humidifier.

If it is not unpleasant to attach a mask, it is recommended to attach it at night.While sleeping, you tend to breathe in your mouth, and in some cases your mouth is dry and unlimited without your knowledge.In such a case, moisturizing gauze can be expected to be moisturized by attaching it inside the mask.

The humidity in the low room may cause the throat drying.The humidity is high during the rainy season, but opening the window and capturing the outside can prevent the throat from drying out.In summer and winter, the air conditioner is used, so there is a concern that the room is dry, but if the room temperature is comfortable and the humidity is low, you can use a humidifier to adjust the humidity comfortably.

If you do not use a humidifier, it is recommended to dry the laundry in the room, as it will prevent drying.During the rainy season, you often hang laundry indoors, which may make you feel depressed, but it is a good idea to hang at intervals to prevent throat drying.

Using a humidified air purifier is convenient because the air in the room is cleaned and humidified.Spend the low humidity and temperature by keeping the air conditioner turned on.

The point is to be aware of warm drinks that are kind to the throat because cold drinks cool.Tea with honey and ginger can be relieved with a gentle mind and body when you drink it.If the throat is warmed rather than cool, it can be expected to prevent drying.The trick is to drink slowly so that you moisturize your mouth.

Drying of the throat may occur from the fatigue of the body, and fatigue and lack of sleep can harden the muscles around the throat.Despite the fact that physical problems may be sent from an easy -to -understand place, there are many opportunities to overlook it unexpectedly.If you continue to sleep, your fatigue will accumulate and you will be stressed, so a vicious cycle of the mind and body may lead to dry throat.

Sleeping soundly and eliminating sleep deprivation may return to the delicate throat.Slowly soak in a bathtub, relax your body, and then fall asleep, you will get a good sleep.

There are many people who always have a bag of throat candy and gum that they usually eat in their bags for a change.When your throat is dry while you go out, you should put a throat candy or gum in your mouth.If you chew candy and gum to increase the amount of saliva, the meal will go smoothly and the discomfort in your mouth will be eliminated naturally.

* The photo and the text are not relevant


Director of the Otolaryngology Clinic.Designated by the Japanese Otolaryngology Society Certified Specialist Society for Hearing Compensation Physical Disorders Former Disorder Office Law.He is also a mother of three children while doing daily medical treatment, and is trying to treat the patient's worries.