What is the correct answer to cleaning tatami mats? Explains how to care for unexpectedly unknown

Did you know that there is a taboo cleaning method for tatami cleaning?Cleaning in the wrong way can damage tatami mats or cause mold or mites.Therefore, in order to keep the tatami clean, I will introduce points and tips for cleaning.

Features as a tatami material

Tatami has a fine eye and has a characteristic not found in flooring.In order to clean tatami mats, first know the characteristics of the material.

The tatami mats are made of natural materials.It is a material that naturally has the property of absorbing and releasing air, and one of the merits of tatami mats is that it adjusts the humidity.

However, if the humidity is too high, it may continue to absorb a lot of moisture.

The tatami is made by knitting a grass in a certain direction.Although it is made while tightening and compression, there is inevitably a small gap, and it is inevitable that dust accumulates.

Also, as with flooring, large dust may accumulate on the tatami mats.For tatami cleaning, it is necessary to remove the accumulated dust.

If you absorb moisture or leave the dusty tatami without cleaning it, it may cause mold and mites.

Especially during humidity, such as the rainy season, it is easy to absorb moisture and cause mold and mites.Moisture is a great enemy of tatami mats, so be aware of drying it in a way such as ventilation.

How to care for everyday tatami mats

In order to keep the tatami as clean as possible, please clean it on a regular basis.Let's understand what to do with daily tatami mats.

First, remove the dust on the tatami or the gap.It is efficient to use a vacuum cleaner, a dry mop, or a broom for tatami mats.Sprinkle with brooms and vacuums along the tatami eyes to remove large dust.

After cleaning the dust removed with a vacuum cleaner or broom, remove fine dirt and dust.Use a rag or cleaning sheet to wipe off the surface of the tatami mats.

Tatami -only seats are also available.Avoid using a sticky carpet cleaner as it will damage the tatami.

Basically, there is no problem with dry rags and seats.If you wipe water, wipe the rag hard and then finish it.However, tatami mats are easy to absorb moisture, so wipe water only when the dirt is severe.

If you spill a colored liquid, such as soy sauce or juice, you can stain if you just wipe it off.

After removing the water, shake the salt to absorb dirt and water.After gently rubbing with a tooth brush, dirt will come out.Put the vinegar into the rag and wipe it off, then wipe it from the end.

How to clean when mold grows in the tatami room

If you keep using it without care with humidity in the tatami room, mold may grow.However, even if mold grows, cleaning is possible.Let's take a look at how to remove the tatami mold.

畳(たたみ)掃除の正解は? 意外と知らないお手入れ方法を解説

To clean tatami mold, disinfecting alcohol containing ethanol is convenient.Disinfecting alcohol can be purchased at home improvement stores and drug stores.

Ethanol is highly volatile and can be disinfected and disinfected without damaging tatami mats.If you wipe it off with alcohol, you don't have to wipe it off.

It is often not possible to remove the source of mold by simply wiping off the dirt of tatami mold.It can be removed from the mold by cleaning it using a tatami -only detergent, cleaning sheet, citric acid, etc.

Some tatami -only detergents and cleaning sheets contain mold -proof ingredients, and some can be suppressed to future mold, so let's compare them.

If you do not get a tatami -only detergent, it is recommended to clean it with citric acid.It has a bactericidal effect on tatami mats and a deodorizing effect, so it is suitable for cleaning places where mold is easily formed.

You do not need to use it for every cleaning, but if you are worried about dirt, please use it.

Baking soda, which is often used for oil stains, is basically NG for tatami mats.Cleaning with baking soda may yellow the grass or darkened dirt.

Clean with baking soda that neutralizes mold only when black mold grows on the tatami mat.However, it is easy to discolor, so keep only a small amount.

Mold removal agents often used for bathrooms and kitchens are basically alkaline.As with baking soda, it will damage the tatami grass, so avoid using it for tatami mats.

What you want to keep in mind in the tatami room

Tatami rooms have different properties different from flooring rooms, so you need to be careful.If there is a Japanese -style room at home, I will introduce how to use it.

The tatami is made of natural material, and has the property of being easily absorbed in humidity.In a room with moisture, tatami tatami is likely to absorb moisture and often causes mold and mites.

Change the air in the room frequently so that the humidity does not stay as much as possible.

If your room is a Japanese -style room, you may have furniture such as closets and beds on tatami mats.However, if heavy furniture is left on the tatami mat forever, the tatami mats will be dented and dust and moisture will easily accumulate.

If it is inevitable to put furniture on the tatami mats, it is easy to cause mold or dirt, so make a device such as laying a mat or choosing a furniture that is hard to dent.

If you have a Japanese -style room in a bedroom, many people will lay a futon directly on the tatami mats.However, dust is likely to occur when the futon is raised and lowered, and it is necessary to clean frequent because it causes dust on the tatami mats.

Even if cleaning is troublesome, if you leave the futon on it, it will be the source of mold and mites.Be sure to put it away when you don't use it.

If you use a Japanese -style room with a carpet on the tatami mats, it will make it easier to stay moist.

Like the futon, it is easy to cause mold and mites, so lay it with a moisture -proof sheet or choose a breathable lag so that it does not remain moist.

Clean the tatami room frequently and keep it clean

If you usually use a room with tatami mats, such as a Japanese -style room, you need to devise ways to use and clean.Even if the tatami is not noticeable, dust can easily accumulate, so remove it with a vacuum cleaner or tatami mats, and wipe it with a rag or mop.In daily care, there is no problem with wiping with a dry rag.

In addition, since the tatami is made of natural grass, it has the property that it is easy to absorb moisture.If you keep the room closed just because it is cold, it will become moist and cause mold and mites.

If mold grows on the tatami, it is recommended to use alcohol or tatami detergent for cleaning.Also, if it becomes black mold, use a little baking soda to remove it.

Many Japanese may feel that tatami mats are calm, but tatami mats are easy to keep humidity, so everyday ventilation is indispensable.Keep the tatami clean while performing ventilation and cleaning frequently.