How much is the average amount of electricity bill for living alone? Introducing the cause and saving technique when high

Electricity bills may be expensive even if you live alone.If you know why the electricity bill is high, you can take measures.

In this article, we will explain how much the electricity bill for living alone is on average on average.We will also introduce the causes of high electricity bills and saving and power -saving techniques that can be living alone.If the current electricity bill is higher than the average amount, try to save electricity bills by practicing power saving techniques that can be done now.

Average of electricity bills for living alone

How much does the average electricity bill for living alone cost on a monthly basis?Check the electricity bills you pay, the amount of electricity, regional differences, etc., and know if your electricity bill is too high.

Electricity bill and electricity usage

According to a household survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Statistics Bureau, the average monthly electricity bill for single households (nationwide) is as follows in 2020.


The electricity bill for a single household (monthly) is 5,792 yen in 2020.Ten years ago it was 4,801 yen, but it seems to be getting higher little by little.

In the case of TEPCO's general home electricity charges "Standard S", the average electricity usage per month is about 249 kWh in 2020 (Standard S: up to 120kWh 19)..88 yen/1kWh, 121kWh to 300kWh 26.Calculated as 46 yen/1 kWh, 20A as a basic charge of 572 yen).

In summer, electricity bills tend to rise, but the amount of electricity usage is high in winter, especially in January, especially in the year.

Monthly average amount of electricity bill by region

The electricity bill also changes greatly depending on the region.The electricity bill (monthly) of each regional household by region in 2020 is as follows.


Although the electricity bill tends to rise during the cold season, it seems that electricity rates in the region, such as the northern countries, including low temperature, are inevitably higher.

All -electrified electricity bill average amount

According to Kansai Electric Power, if you live alone in an all -electric house, the average amount of electricity bills (monthly) is 17,51 yen.Since gas does not use gas in all -electric houses, the amount is combined with the gas bill, but the monthly gas fee (2020) in the Kinki region is 2,959 yen, and the total electricity and gas costs are 8,600 yen.It is slightly expensive.

Check if the average monthly amount of the electricity bill in your area is higher, and if the electricity bill is high and you are in trouble, let's examine why it is expensive.

Causes that can be considered when the electricity bill is high

The following 5 points can be considered as a cause of high electricity bills.

Average of electricity bills for living alone額はいくら? 高い時の原因と節約術も紹介

I will explain these causes a little more in detail.

How to use home appliances

Home appliances, especially the use of air conditioners, have a significant effect on electricity bills.For example, if you go out for about 30 minutes during the day, the air conditioner is left on to save on the electricity bill.During the early morning of the night after 18:00, stopping or restarting the air conditioner even in 30 minutes can save electricity bills.

Interior problems such as curtains

Rooms with large windows on the flooring floor can cost a lot of air conditioning if you do not use interior supplies.Let's review what you can do to keep the temperature of the room at an appropriate temperature, such as curtains to be used, carpets and lags on the floor.

Selection mistakes such as electricity bills and power companies

When moving to an apartment or apartment where you currently live, some people may not care much about electricity companies or electricity prices.

The current lifestyle and the selected electricity plans and power companies may have a mismatch.Reviewing and switching these may save electricity charges.

Room structure

The electricity bill changes even in the structure of the room.In general, it is important to think of an apartment with a lower airtight than an apartment, a house with a large room or a stairwell.Especially on winter mornings, the room temperature is affected by the outside temperature and the room temperature drops, so the number of opportunities to use heating equipment increases, and the electricity bill is required.

Electricity bill payment method

Payment of electricity bill is a little discount on the electricity bill if you make an account transfer.For example, in the case of TEPCO, account transfer will save 55 yen (tax included) per month (as of February 10, 2021).

If the cause of high electricity bills is clear, you can save electricity bills by taking measures.From here, let's check the power saving technique that can be executed even if you live alone.

Power -saving of electricity bill for living alone

Introducing power -saving techniques for home appliances (air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.) that cost many electricity bills that can be used alone.

Air conditioner

Air conditioners are home appliances that increase power saving effects by consciously using them.The following summary of how to use the air conditioner as a technique for saving electricity.

It is said that if the air conditioner set temperature is different once, the electricity bill can be reduced by about 10 to 13 %.Driving the air conditioner is conscious of fine on/off during the day, and it is more power saving in the evening to night.

It is also effective to circulate the air in the room by using a fan or circulator together.The air conditioner is said to be the most electricity bill before the room temperature is set to the set temperature.Use the air conditioner's autonomous driving mode and reduce the time until the room temperature is appropriate by circulating the air.

The perceived temperature is closely related to the humidity.In summer, dehumidification makes it feel cooler, and humidifying in winter can relieve the cold.

In addition, be sure to clean the filter to improve the effect of the air conditioner.Especially in winter, when electricity bills are applied, wearing a lot of clothes in the house and adjusting body temperature can save the electricity bill on the air conditioner.

washing machine

If you live alone, the amount of laundry that comes out a day should not be so large.For several days, laundry and laundry can save electricity bills.Washing at night when electricity bill is cheap is one of the power saving techniques.However, it is a good idea to set the timer around 19:00 in the evening so that you do not bother the neighborhood such as noise.


The refrigerator is an electronics that has been energized 24 hours a day, and is important for power saving, such as selecting models and organizing inside the warehouse.Since the energy -saving performance of the refrigerator is increasing year by year, consider replacing old models.In the refrigerated room, it is more energy -saving to put food with plenty of time, while the freezer is tightly packed and freezed.

Other home appliances

The hot water washing toilet seat, which has been energized for 24 hours, is one of the home appliances that can be expected to save power by selecting products with high energy -saving effects and devising how to use them.Before going to bed or when you go out, be aware of power saving when not in use, such as stopping power to a certain period of time using the timer saving function.

In addition, wisely use electric blankets, which are strong ally in the cold season, humidifiers that are indispensable in the drying season, and dryers that may be used every day can save money.By having the idea of "dust can be a mountain", you can surprisingly reduce the monthly electricity bill.

Saving electricity bill

There are a number of ways to save money by living alone.Here, we will introduce the savings you want to do, including examining whether you can do it.


The curtain plays a role in adjusting the room temperature on the window side, which is susceptible to outside temperature.In the summer, the sunshine is cut off to relieve the rise in room temperature, open during the day, incorporate sunlight during the day, and close the curtains at night to block the cold air outside.

If possible, consider introducing a sunshade like "Yoshizu" outside the window in the summer.It has a greater effect than just installing curtains inside the window, as it has the effect of preventing the rising room temperature from increasing the sunlight from the outside of the window.

By laying rugs that have an insulation effect on the floor, the reduction of room temperature can be reduced, which can save electricity bills during air conditioning driving.

Transfer of power company

Currently, it is time to choose a power company.Consider reviewing electricity companies to save electricity rates.New power companies are lower than conventional power companies.However, new power companies also have disadvantages.Consider changing the power company while checking the advantages and disadvantages.

Review of the electricity price plan

There are multiple options for electricity bills depending on the power company.For example, with TEPCO, in addition to the general price plan, there are also charges for high -night electricity usage, and a price plan for higher electricity usage than ordinary households.If it meets the conditions, consider reviewing the price plan.

Reduce the number of contracts

One of the points you want to confirm when reviewing the electricity price plan is the number of ampers.For example, TEPCO has 10A to 60A, and the basic fee is increased in 10A units.However, because the amount of power that can be used at the same time decreases the number of amperts, be sure to consider whether or not to simply lower the number of amp.

Payment of electricity bill for account transfer

If you pay for electricity bills at convenience stores, you can switch to account transfer.In the case of TEPCO, it saves 55 yen (tax included) per month.It is a small amount of 660 yen when converted to one year, but it is a certain amount that can be saved.

Move to a room without electricity bill

If you continue to live alone for a long time, consider moving to a room that does not cost electricity.If the period of living alone is fixed like a college student, the moving cost is higher, so please consider whether the cost of moving and power saving has been fulfilled.

Power saving is possible even if you live alone!

Electricity bills can be saved depending on the device even if you live alone.We have introduced a lot of things that can be done right now, such as how to use home appliances, reviewing the living environment, and the electricity price plan, so be sure to save electricity and reduce electricity rates.