What has changed is "myself", not cleaning.Rumba i7 is dramatically convenient for living alone

After moving, I purchased the Irobot "Rumba i7" as a robot vacuum cleaner.I was a little worried about what I living alone could use conveniently, but it was a revolutionary product in various aspects.

I have never used a robot vacuum cleaner.Rather, it was difficult to clean the floor with a normal vacuum cleaner because it was a room that lived in a studio apartment and was full of things that could not be seen.I didn't have a regular vacuum cleaner, so I was wondering if I could clean up at a wider moving destination.I came up with the sideways if I moved and introduced a robot vacuum cleaner, wouldn't it be a solution even if I didn't have the habit of cleaning.

Among the Rumba series, "i7" (direct sales price 99,880 yen) is the highest model.However, there is no automatic garbage collection machine to the purchased model.I chose the top model because I was a beginner in a robot vacuum cleaner and had no criteria, and I wanted to skip the cleaning as much as possible, so the honest feeling that I would like an excellent guy as much as possible, and the size of my expectation.It looks like.Nevertheless, if you can examine it while using each function and you can choose your own, you may choose a lower model in future replacements.


According to the official website, "i7" is superior to the other models of Rumba, such as suction power (10 times the lower model), learning function, and flushing dust container.Both hard and software seem to be differentiated as a higher model.

It was easy from opening the package to starting to use, just installed a base for charging, set up with a smartphone app, and instructed to start cleaning.The first cleaning took about 50 minutes, but the cleaning after that lasts about 30 minutes.The operation sound was within the expected range, and I felt that it was normal or a little quiet as a vacuum cleaner.


My house is 2DK apartment, 38.At 3m2, Rumba cannot enter only the washrooms and toilets that are one step from the floor, and the entrance, which is one step down.Rumba can move smoothly in the corridor, bedroom, dining room, and work room.At the moment, there is no carpet on the floor, and there is no dumpling on the floor while raising children, so I think that it is less dirty in the first place as an environment.

The smartphone app has a function to check the schedule settings and the results of cleaning, as well as the creation and utilization function of "smart maps".This is a mode in which Rumba learns and memories the status of the room, and it is also possible to make detailed use, such as setting a prohibited area or instructing cleaning by room.In addition, a significant update of the app and firmware announced in August will be able to use it further.