What causes your throat?Symptoms and fever, cough, runny nose that appear other than colds

The causes of sore throat can be too much voice and colds, cancer and collagen disease.Symptoms are a clue to distinguish dangerous cases.For each symptom that is easy to come out with sore throat, an example of a disease that can be considered as a cause is listed.

table of contents

1.How to deal with when your throat hurts2.Is there any other cause of the throat pain other than a cold?3.If you have a sore throat and have a headache, it may be severe4.What causes your throat and your neck lymph nodes swell?5.What causes your throat and nauseous?6.What causes your throat and your voice does not come out?7.Swelling of the throat, cough, runny nose, sputum, high fever, dullness?8.What causes your throat and ears?9.Is the cause of your throat?10.Does your throat hurt due to stress?11.What is the medicine when your throat hurts?12.What if my throat hurts overseas?13.If you have a sore throat and the cause is unknown, go to the hospital

1.How to deal with when your throat hurts

When your throat hurts, you can first take the following measures.

If your throat dries, it will become more and more painful.In addition, the healing may be slow.Moisturize the room by using a humidifier or drying a wet towel.

By masking, you can prevent drying in your mouth.Wetting the mask lightly enhances the moisturizing effect.

The mask also prevents foreign substances from entering the mouth.If microorganisms that cause infection come into the mouth, symptoms such as sore throat may become worse.Insthes such as exhaust gas and tobacco smoke also worsen sore throat.

When dehydrated, sore throat gets worse.Not only sore throat, but also dehydration during infectious diseases can easily worsen.

Eating spicy and sour things can worsen sore throat.Carbonated water also leads to deterioration.

This is probably because the irritation of the throat, which causes sore throat, is further worsened by the irritation.

Inflammation, which causes sore throat, is worse by cigarette smoke.Whether you smoke or not smoke, avoid cigarette smoke when your throat hurts.

Many sore throat can be cured naturally due to a cold.It is reasonable to relieve pain with over -the -counter drugs before healing.Examples of over -the -counter medicines are described in the second half of this page.

Combine recommended foods and drinks when your throat hurts.

  • のど飴
  • 柔らかいもの
  • ハーブティー
  • 辛いもの・酸っぱいもの・炭酸飲料は避ける
  • If your throat pain is too strong to take medicine, you can't eat, or if the pain is very strong, do not overdo it.

    Surgery may be required if the condition progresses to the state of tonsil periatral.

    It is better to have a consultation before that happens.

    2.Is there any other cause of the throat pain other than a cold?

    The following can be considered as a disease other than a cold that hurts throat.

    Colds are also included in viral infections.Some other illnesses will not be cured if left alone, so if you have a few weeks of sore throat of the cause, consult at the hospital.

    The cause of the sore throat can be distinguished from the symptoms to some extent.The following symptoms are easy to come out when your throat hurts.

    The following describes an example of a disease that can be considered as a cause for each main symptom.

    3.If you have a sore throat and have a headache, it may be severe

    When sore throat and headache come out together, the following causes can be considered.

    All of them are unlikely to be cured naturally.In particular, when there are the following symptoms, there is a possibility of a fatal illness called meningitis.Please hurry to see a neurology department.

    4.What causes your throat and your neck lymph nodes swell?

    Most of the sore throat and the swelling of the neck lymph nodes are caused by bacteria or virus infections, but rarely the tumor in the throat is hidden.

    If your sore throat and the swelling of the lymph nodes last for a few weeks, consult a nearby hospital or clinic.

    When the throat hurts, if there is a clock that touches the hand from the neck to the back of the chin or behind the ears, it is often caused by bacteria and virus inflammation.

    Bacteria and viruses are infected in the throat, and the lymph nodes on the neck are swollen.When the lymph nodes get swollen and bigger, you can see the crunchy feel by hand.You may notice the lymph nodes even in a healthy state, but if the size is less than 1cm, it is not a symptom of the disease.

    5.What causes your throat and nauseous?

    Influenza is a disease that tends to cause sore throat and nausea.

    In other illnesses, myocardial infarction may hurt the neck and nausea.

    If the elderly, those who have been diagnosed with angina, or those who have been treated for diabetes suddenly feel severe pain around the neck, go to the hospital in a hurry.

    6.What causes your throat and your voice does not come out?

    When you have sore throat and you don't hear a voice, you need to consider both throat infection and tumor.

    You may lose your voice due to a cold.Many people have experience that their voices have been loud if they have a throat cold.Virus infections and bacterial infections can be loud.

    Even the tumor behind the throat also has sore throat and faint voice.In rare cases, the voice may be loud even with lung cancer.

    The symptoms of tumors often have a sense of discomfort in the throat rather than sore throat.


    Elderly people and smokers should check the cause at the hospital if the voice is loud for several weeks.

    Overuse of the throat, such as karaoke and talking with friends, may cause throat pain and no voice.Before you are in a hurry, remember if you didn't use too much voice in your life.

    7.Swelling of the throat, cough, runny nose, sputum, high fever, dullness?

    The most common cause of the throat is a cold.The following symptoms are likely to appear at the same time as sore throat with sore throat, but I will explain the cases where other diseases cause their own symptoms.

    The following is a disease that tends to cause sore throat pain (swallowing) when swallowing.

    Acute pharyngitis and acute tonsillitis are a kind of cold in a broad sense.Most of the colds are not antibiotics, but antibiotics are effective for acute pharyngitis caused by bacteria called streptococcus.

    Acute pharyngitis caused by streptococcus has the following features:

    The following is the following disease that tends to cough with sore throat.

    Colds are also included in viral infections.Antibiotics do not work for viral infections.

    On the other hand, if Mico Plasma is the cause, antibiotics will work.Mycoplasma infections have the following features.

    When sore throat pain and sputum appear, the following causes can be considered.

    Bacterial pneumonia varies depending on the type of bacteria of the cause, but has the following features as a whole.

    If you have a cold, antibiotics do not work, but bacterial pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics.Bacterial pneumonia can cause death in the elderly, so it is important to find them early and start treatment.

    Cold and pneumonia are difficult to distinguish between symptoms alone, so it is necessary to examine X -ray photos at the hospital.

    If you have sore throat and runny nose, you can not deny the possibility of bacterial pneumonia, but it is often a cold.

    It is difficult to distinguish the causes of sore throat depending on whether or not there is fever.

    In a disease in which the throat hurts, the infectious disease may cause high fever, or a high fever may occur due to cancer and collagen disease.

    On the other hand, when there is no heat, it is not easy to distinguish whether it is a disease that is hard to get fever, or a cold or influenza but not yet fever.

    If you have other symptoms, it will be easier to distinguish the cause.

    Diagnosis cannot be made just because of sore throat and sluggishness.

    Symptoms of sluggish body may appear in infectious diseases or cancer.

    It is difficult to find what kind of disease is caused by itself, even if your body becomes lazy with sore throat.

    The discomfort of the throat, which is hard to describe, and the throat, the throat, itchy, and itchy, causes the same cause as sore throat.

    If your throat is swollen or your throat is inflamed, your throat will first appear, and your throat will often hurt.

    8.What causes your throat and ears?

    Acute tonsillitis is a disease that characterizes pain from the throat to the ears.

    Antibiotics do not work with ordinary colds, but acute tonsillitis can be antibiotics.

    In addition, angina and myocardial infarction may be caused by pain from the neck to the ears.

    9.Is the cause of your throat?

    Oral sex causes chlamydia and gonorrhea (gonorrhea) to the throat from the genitals, causing sore throat.

    The sexually transmitted diseases that have symptoms in the throat are explained in detail in "Infection of tongue and throat, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, HIV".

    10.Does your throat hurt due to stress?

    There is not much frequency, but in a state of laryngeal abnormalities, stress can cause discomfort in the throat.

    On the other hand, in situations where you are stressed, it is quite possible that you lose your physical strength and catch a cold.

    11.What is the medicine when your throat hurts?

    Antibiotics do not work for colds that hurt throat, so over -the -counter medicines that reduce pain can also help.

    Introducing comprehensive cold drugs (cold medicines) that can be purchased at pharmacies and convenience stores, including ingredients that are effective for sore throat.


  • イブプロフェン
  • クレマスチンフマル酸塩
  • ブロムヘキシン塩酸塩
  • エフェドリン
  • ジヒドロコデインリン酸塩
  • ルルアタック®EXは出産予定日12週以内の妊婦、授乳中などは飲んではいけないとされています。


  • エフェドリン(塩酸プソイドエフェドリン)
  • カルボシステイン
  • クロルフェニラミンマレイン酸塩
  • ジヒドロコデインリン酸塩
  • ベンザ®ブロックLプラスは、出産予定日12週以内の妊婦、授乳中などは飲んではいけないとされています。




    Many painkillers are also effective for sore throat.

    Examples of components classified as NSAIDS (non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs), which are typical painkillers.

    In addition to NSAIDS, preparations that include acetaminophen, an antipyretic analgesic drug, are also effective for sore throat.


    It is important to pay attention to drugs that can be used for children, pregnant women, and the elderly, especially in over -the -counter medicines, which are often contained.

    Pediatric buffer tube® and pediatric bufferin CⅡ®, which are the main components of acetaminophen, can be used for children.

    There are many medicines that are unusable for children, such as Rackle®, Tylenol A®, and Loxonin S®, so when buying medicine at a pharmacy, tell the pharmacist that children use it and choose one that can be used by children.

    12.What if my throat hurts overseas?

    Here are some examples of English expressions that are likely to be used when your throat hurts overseas.

    Acetaminophen, a commonly used drug, is called Acetaminophen in the United States and other countries, but many countries are called paracetamol.

    13.If you have a sore throat and the cause is unknown, go to the hospital

    Here are some examples of sore throat and should go to the hospital.

  • 子供の喉が痛い
  • 声が出ない
  • 市販薬が効かない
  • If you apply to any of them, consult a hospital.If there are no noticeable symptoms other than cold symptoms, a general internal medicine clinic is good.If you are a child, you can see a pediatrics.

    I recommend otolaryngology when my ears hurt, and dermatology when my skin has symptoms.However, in any case, there is no problem going to general internal medicine first.

    Antibiotics may work for sore throat.However, if the cause is viral infection, antibiotics will not work.

    Antibiotics are effective when the cause is not virus but bacterial infection.If the symptoms or tests are diagnosed as not bacteria, not the use of antibiotics is the right treatment.It is said that about 30%of the sore throat of an adult is when antibiotics are effective due to bacteria.So don't worry if you go to the hospital and prescribe antibiotics.

    Here are examples of the main antibiotics (antibiotics, antibacterial drugs) prescribed when their throat hurts.

  • セファレキシン
  • セフトリアキソン
  • クリンダマイシン
  • レボフロキサシン
  • クラリスロマイシン
  • アジスロマイシン
  • ミノサイクリン
  • Here are examples of drugs that are often prescribed for sore throat.

  • NSAIDs
  • アセトアミノフェン
  • 漢方薬
  • These are used as treatment assistance.You can expect the symptoms to alleviate by using it.