Very popular with pet lovers Instagrammer!A spatial disinfectant "MIST BARRIER" in pursuit of safety and comfort Winter disinfecting countermeasures consultation campaign

Iina Co., Ltd. (Reading: Ina, Location: Omuta City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Director: Naoki Mikawa), which plans, manufactures, and sells health foods, is a space disinfectant that pursues safety and comfort. The “Mist Barrier” “Winter Disinfection Countermeasures Consultation Campaign” will be held for a limited time until September 30, 2021. During the period, we will provide one bottle of Mist Barrier free of charge upon request. Please take advantage of this opportunity.

Space disinfectant "Mist Barrier"

Mist Barrier Official Homepage

■ Highly rated by pet lovers Instagrammers

Mist Barrier is highly rated by pet lover Instagrammers. Not only dogs and cats, but also otters, hedgehogs, micro pigs, and parakeets are used by a wide variety of pet owners. From here, we will introduce the voices of Instagrammers.

・Mr. maro_maron (

Fulvic acid, which is an ingredient, is safe and odorless even for babies to drink, so it is OK for Matan with sensitive noses.

It is a type that is used in a humidifier.

In addition, it also suppresses mold in the tank inside the humidifier, so it's perfect for me who is lazy.

maro_maron (@maro_maron)

・Leonor (

Since the bottle has a dropper, it's easy to measure!

My house (at this time of year) is a small desktop humidifier, so I just add a small amount to the water.

One bottle of this is enough for 100L, so it's a good value for money! And no smell!

I was relieved that there was no disinfectant smell because it was non-chlorine. If you have a cat, it's hard to prevent various things... Maybe the space will be safe with this

Leonor (@atelier_hana_rn)

・Aty (

The ingredient "fulvic acid" used is approved as a food additive by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and is said to be safe enough for babies to drink.

It's very easy to use, just put it in the humidifier with the dropper on the lid!

Since it suppresses the growth of mold and bacteria in the humidifier, it seems to be useful at home.

Aty (@aty0730)

・nachiyuraru (

I've been using it for a few days, but it doesn't smell bad and can be used normally!

I'm happy that the room can be disinfected just by using the humidifier as usual!

The ingredients are safe, so you can use it even if you have pets! !

nachiyuraru (@nachiyuraru)

・NIKE-chan (

Since Micro Pig has dry skin, it humidifies while dehumidifying, so it can be used safely on acne. (This was the most attractive part.)

What's more, just by putting it in the humidifier and using it, it disinfects the entire room and even suppresses the bacteria in the humidifier, so it's perfect for me who forgets to clean the humidifier.

Very popular with pet lovers Instagrammers

Contrary to its cute appearance, it's worth 100L (Eh, isn't the cost performance too good?)

NIKE-chan (@nikthepiglet)

・ Dear mee ( )

Since it is an ingredient that even babies can drink, even birds can use it with peace of mind.

It is also a point that it is non-chlorine and does not have any unpleasant odors such as disinfection odors!

Owner who is careful about disinfection and disinfection due to the illness of the sled

I just started using it, but I have a feeling this will be very useful!

mee (@inko._.stagram)

■ Disinfectants are stressful for pets

With the spread of the new coronavirus, sterilization measures have become common everywhere from general households to companies. Disinfection spray, disinfection sheet, space disinfection. Since alcohol and chlorine-based ingredients are used in the ingredients used in disinfectants, they have an unpleasant smell that is pungent to the nose.

In general, animals have a much better sense of smell than humans. According to one theory, dogs are 100 million times more powerful, and cats are 100,000 times more. In other words, it is stressed many times that humans perceive unpleasant odors. Animals cannot express their intentions, so the owner must take care of them voluntarily.

■ Mist Barrier is odorless and safe

Mist Barrier is a space disinfectant that uses a component called "fulvic acid". "Fulvic acid" is odorless, so there is no unpleasant smell peculiar to disinfectants. It can be used without worrying about animals that are sensitive to odors in the room.

It's also great for safety. "Fulvic acid" is a highly nutritious ingredient rich in minerals and amino acids. It has a history of more than 30 years as a beverage supplement in Japan, and has been sold mainly at pharmacies.

The fulvic acid we use in our Mist Barrier is manufactured at a soft drink factory that meets the standards of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. In other words, it has the same safety level as plastic bottle drinks sold at convenience stores and vending machines.

Prepare a consultation desk for reviewing disinfection measures

We have received many comments such as "What kind of humidifier should I prepare?" In order to solve everyone's troubles, we have prepared a consultation window for reviewing disinfection measures. This time, we will provide a free bottle of Mist Barrier to those who consult us. Please feel free to contact us on this occasion.

■ Campaign Overview

・Mist Barrier consultation campaign

・Period: Until September 30, 2021

・How to apply: Please fill in the necessary information in the inquiry form below and apply.

We look forward to hearing from you.

■Company Profile

Trade name: Iina Co., Ltd.

Representative: Director Naoki Mikawa

Location: 2-5-3 Sanri-cho, Omuta City, Fukuoka Prefecture 836-0076

Established: September 2014

Business: 1. Planning, manufacturing and sales of health foods and other products

2. Mail order business