Use tap water for the humidifier! Reasons why you should not use "mineral water" or "water purifier water"

Winter, when the air is dry, is the season when humidifiers work together with heating appliances. Did you know that you shouldn't use "mineral water" or "water purifier water" for the humidifier?

The explanation page for humidifiers published by Panasonic, a major consumer electronics company, also states that "water from water purifiers," "alkaline ionized water," "mineral water," and "well water" should not be used. In addition, some of the products of other companies have humidifiers that can use aroma oil, but Panasonic warns against mixing fragrances, chemicals, aroma oil, etc. In addition, "warm water of 40 ° C or higher" and "water containing detergent" are also NG because it may cause deformation or malfunction of the humidifier.

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The fact that mineral water is NG in the humidifier has been talked about on Twitter, and opinions such as those who were surprised by the unexpected fact were flying around.・ I didn't know if I shouldn't put it in ... ・ My family was so impatient trying to put in mineral water ・ I thought that mineral water was better for my health ・ Maybe it's dangerous? Check if you did it at your parents' house!

So why are "mineral water", "water purifier water", "alkaline ionized water" and "well water" useless? Also, what should I be careful about when using Korona-ka? I asked the person in charge of Panasonic.

Putting mineral water in the humidifier causes mold

――Why is it not good to use mineral water for the humidifier? Tap water (drinking) is generally chlorinated, making it difficult for germs to grow. If you use mineral water, water from a water purifier, alkaline ionized water, well water, etc., it may cause the growth of mold and germs, so be sure to use tap water (drinking).

 加湿器には水道水の使用を! 「ミネラルウォーター」「浄水器の水」を使ってはいけない理由

It is said that it causes germs to propagate, but the propagated germs do not fly out on the wind from the outlet, and it may be a source of odor. ――Why doesn't the fungus fly? In the vaporization type used in Panasonic humidifiers, the particle size of water is smaller than that of bacteria, so the bacteria cannot get out of the humidifying steam that comes out of the outlet.

――So why not add aroma oil etc.? Because chemicals may damage the inside of the main body and the resin. From the viewpoint of quality maintenance.

According to Panasonic, there are four types of humidifiers: "hybrid type (heated vaporization type)", "vaporization type", "ultrasonic type", and "steam type (heating type)". The hybrid type is an image of drying a wet T-shirt with warm air, the vaporization type is an image of blowing a fast wind on a wet T-shirt to dry it, the ultrasonic type is an image of blowing out mist-like water droplets, and the steam type is an image of boiling water. It is said that it is an image of producing steam. Of these, the hybrid type and the vaporization type blow out water particles that are smaller than the bacteria, so the bacteria do not scatter.

By the way, when I read Panasonic's commentary on "well water" to the fullest, it says: "If you have to use well water (drinking), increase the number of daily maintenance such as trays and humidifying filters." When asked by the person in charge, "Area where tap water does not pass and only well water can be used." There is, and that is the case. " Finally, I asked him about the precautions for using the humidifier in Korona-ka.

――What should you be careful about when using a humidifier in Korona-ka? Ventilation lowers the humidity by letting the air out of the room, and humidification is important. Please note that if a humidifier is installed near the ventilation fan or near the doorway, the humidified air will be pulled by the ventilation fan before it spreads to the room, making it difficult for the humidity in the room to rise.

Ventilation of the room is necessary in Korona-ka, but we also want to be careful about humidification so that the humidity does not drop. According to the "Points for Preventing New Corona Infection in Cold Situations" announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it is recommended to moisturize with a humidity of 40% or more by using a humidifier or indoor drying of laundry.

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