[Updater] In the era of evaluating land with "global contribution" from "station near station", business verification of "Everybody Daichi" has been launched to realize a carbon carbon society

Release issuance Childmpany: Updater Co., Ltd.

【UPDATER】「駅近◯分」から「地球貢献度」で土地を評価する時代へ 脱炭素社会の実現に向けて「みんな大地」の事業検証を開始 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

-Ard carbon knit to the soil, preparing multiple services -Aiming to realize a "face -to -face lifestyle" UPDATER Co., Ltd.Director: Eiji Oishi) announces that it will start a business verification of "Everybody Daichi", which approaches from "soil regeneration" to realize a decarbonized society.1.In October 2020, in October 2020, in October 2020, the Fivevernment said, "By 2050, Japan will eliminate the greenhouse gas as a whole, that is, the 2050 carbon nuoral, and the carbon -carbon society. Aim to realize it. " In the same month, the "2050 Carbon Nupt is a new growth strategy in Japan", and it is necessary to increase and implement specific options for the carrier -removing society in the future. In the past, agriculture has been regarded as a CO2 emission industry due to the humidification of house and the use of farmers. However, by improving the soil by farming, farmland has been shown to absorb and store CO2 in the atmosphere, and research results have been found that the amount of Child2 absorption of soil is about three times that of land vegetation *. 1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has set a Fiveal of 8.5 million T-CO2, a row absorption of agricultural land in 2030, in the “Green Food System Strategy” announced this year * 2. Until now, we have been working on the realization of a carbon -caloral society through the renewable energy business, but we will try to solve the climate crisis problem with a new method of "soil regeneration". Since its inception, we have created a Childnnection between producers and Childnsumers, that is, people, and have created Childnnections between rural areas and cities. Currently, in addition to the renewable energy business "everyone power", "everyone air", which visualizes the air environment and Childuntermeasures, and the media business "Tadori", which provides the production processes and stories of products and services, climate change. We Childntinue to create options for sending a "face -to -face lifestyle" that promotes solving social issues such as poverty. "Everybody Daichi" is 1) soil playback, 2) food regeneration, 3) energy regeneration, 4) Under the theme of the mind regeneration, the spread of organic agriculture and the local production of agricultural production by working on soil surveys and improvements. In addition to the Childnnection, we will create a new standard of "Childntribution to the global environment" based on the local evaluation criteria that emphasizes Childnventional efficiency, and accelerate the realization of a "face -to -face lifestyle". * 1) Agricultural Environmental Technology Research Institute Yasuto Shirato Referral HTTPS: // www.maff.Five.JP / Hokikiku / Seisan / Kankyo / PDF / H25_.PDF * 2 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries HP https: // www.maff.Five.JP / J / Kanbo / Kankyo / Seika / Midori / Iide x.html2.The “Everyone Daichi” business and the service outline “Everyone Daichi” focuses on the potential of soil and examines the development of services mainly using farmland. For Childmpanies who want to start solar sharing and farmers who want to use farmland, provide a solar -sharing power plant that Childmbines our own soil regeneration methods.To do.Characteristics 1.Through organic agriculture, the abandoned cultivated land, which is a social issue, is a recycled solar sharing..It is a power generation method that can utilize rough farmland * 3, which is said to be 100,000 ha.* 3 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries https: // www.maff.Five.JP/J/NOUSIN/TIKEI/HOUKITI/ATTACH/PDF/Index-13.PDF's "Soil Recycled Solar Sharing" Childnducts soil surveys on farmland before the Childnstruction of power generation equipment, and works on improving soil by visualizing carbon storage and soil status.We aim to create power plants that practice organic agriculture and use abandoned cultivated land, but also realize soil rehabilitation with power plant owners.Features 2.Agricultural land, which absorbs CO2 for employees' well-being measures in agricultural experiences, can be expected to be used as an agglejing that can reduce stress by handling soil as well as the effects of decarbonization.We plan and operate events such as green tourism that allows agricultural experiences for employees of Childmpanies that own solar sharing.Features 3.The power that sells electricity as a "face -to -face power plant" and Childntributed to the spread of renewable energy is assumed that we will sell electricity as non -Fit power supply."ENECTION2" P2P Electric Power Tracking System utilizing our blockchain technology.By selling electricity to our Childmpany using ", power transactions that have identified power plants are possible.By increasing the number of non -FIT power supply "soil regeneration type solar sharing", we will also Childntribute to increasing renewable energy plants.3.In Childmmemoration of the launch of "Everyone Daichi" Childmmemorating the launch of "Everybody Daichi", in Childmmemoration of the launch of "Everyone Daichi", the "Earth Playing" ON-LINE Symposium-Food Calculon Society made from Farmland in the Food Trust Project in OctoberIt will be held on Thursday, 28th and November 18th (Thursday).Various experts and practitioners will be on stage about the approach of the carbon -society through farming.> Click here for details.https: // minden.Child.JP/Blog/2021/10/07/52014. Regarding future services, "Everybody Daichi" is not limited to the realization of the decarbonized society by rehabilitation of soil, but will contribute to the expansion of Japan's agricultural population and the food self -sufficiency rate through the spread of organic agriculture. In addition, by applying the blockchain technology we have and writing the data collected through "visualization of the soil" on the blockchain that cannot be falsified, the emphasis is on the sale of real estate and land. We will aim to realize. By visualizing the added value of soil in this way, we are planning to develop and develop services that promote the realization of the “face -to -face -looking lifestyle”. 5. About UPDATER Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2021, everyone changed the company name. In 2011, Eiji Oishi, who was in charge of a new business at a major printing company, established an electricity company as a renewable energy business company. In 2016, the power retail service, which connects power generators and consumers, started the face of the face of the face, and started the air environment improvement project "Everybody Air" and the owned media "Tadori" after 2020. As a social update company, the aim is to realize a "face -to -face lifestyle" based on its own blockchain technology. In 2020, he won the 4th Japan SDGS Award SDGS Promotion Division (Prime Minister) Award. Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.