Uncomfortable hay fever, ask a specialist What measures can be taken “right now”? There are also treatments that aim for a complete cure

The hay fever season is finally here... *The photo is an image

Uncomfortable hay fever, ask a specialist What measures can be taken

Hay fever season is in full swing. This year, due to the cold weather, the pollen dispersal is later than usual, and the peak of cedar pollen dispersal is said to start from late February to early March in Fukuoka, and from mid to late March in Tokyo. Hay fever suffers from painful symptoms every year. Isn't it a good idea to consider radical treatment instead of symptomatic treatment? This time, we asked Dr. Hitoshi Nagakura, the director of the Nagakura Otolaryngology Allergy Clinic. (Reprinted from "Self-Doctor Web", which disseminates health information to protect one's own health) ]

* * * Q: When should I start taking measures against hay fever? Once the symptoms of allergic rhinitis due to hay fever appear, the mucous membrane of the nose becomes more and more sensitive, making the symptoms more likely to occur. Take measures such as taking medicine before symptoms appear to avoid hypersensitivity of mucous membranes. "Basically, medicine is used when symptoms appear, not as a preventive measure." However, unlike other diseases, hay fever is known to appear in the same season every year, and the cause is also clear. Therefore, early preventive treatment with drugs is approved. If you only start taking medicine before the hay fever season, you can delay the onset or keep the symptoms mild. In the past, it was said that you should only start taking medicine 2-3 weeks before, but now the medicine has been improved and it is now possible to start taking it about a week before. Check pollen information frequently, see a doctor before the scattering season comes, and get a prescription according to your symptoms. Cedar pollen is in season from February to April, but various types of pollen are scattered throughout the year, from March to May for cypress, and from early summer to autumn for grasses and ragweed. If symptoms appear outside of the cedar pollen season, it is advisable to undergo a test to identify the allergen. Q: What measures can be taken in everyday life? The basis of hay fever treatment is self-care, which is to try to prevent pollen from entering the body as much as possible. Protect yourself from pollen as much as possible without relying only on medicine. The most effective method is to physically prevent pollen from entering the body using a mask or glasses. If you wear a mask that fits your face and has no gaps, you can reduce the amount of pollen you inhale to one-sixth. Choose a three-dimensional hay fever mask that fits your face size. If your eyes are itchy, we recommend wearing hay fever glasses. Also, during the pollen season, do not hang laundry or futons outside to dry, and do not open windows as much as possible to prevent pollen from entering the room. Furthermore, if you use a humidifier to maintain an appropriate level of humidity, there are benefits such as protecting mucous membranes and preventing pollen from rising. It is also important to keep regular meals and sleep in mind to prevent the decline of immunity.