To kill your breath -Chiaki Raku under the Corona

My troupe, Photos, opened the other role, Tenjin -sama's Hosomichi, on July 3 at the Suzunari Shimokitazawa, and finished Chiaki Raku on the 19th.

With Corona infection prevention, the theater world continued to be unable to move for nearly three months.In the streets, video distribution type and small planning performances began in June, but apparently their performances should be a pus -to -whip (Senben) for resuming normal performance by "Theatrical Company".was.

In reality, however, the number of new infected people has begun to increase in July, and "over 200 people" have been in Tokyo for a long time, and the total number of deaths nationwide has exceeded 1,000.

In the theater world, the infections of performers and staff, including commercial performances, have been reported, canceled, postponed, and continuing to be reported by next spring.I will not allow what will happen in the future.

The theater industry had been responding closely to prevent infection.Until the first half of this year, some have proudly declared that theater sites have not been infected.

I felt uncomfortable in that way.Sometimes I didn't know when an infected person would come out, but the statement resonated with the risks of other industries.In fact, the performing arts industry was not special.

Six months ago I couldn't imagine such a future

This is the third time this year.

Immediately this year, he started the training of the opera "Ivan no Baka" (Opera Theater Konjac Theater) and opened the curtain in early February.In this performance, a lobby concert was held before the performance.It was a fun feast where the audience, singers and players were very confused.I couldn't imagine this six months later.

From the opera "Ivan's idiot" = Provided: Opera Theater Konjac Spl that, photography: Hidetori Maezawa

At that time, the new Coloronavirus had already begun to rampage around the world, and a cruise passenger ship Diamond Princess, anchored in Yokohama, was reportedly reported to be unusual "water -like measures".

From February 21, I participated in the "Japanese Modern Drama Dramping" sponsored by the Korean -Japan Theater Exchange Council in Seoul.

At the Minamiyama Art Center at the venue, as a countermeasure against infection, a thermal monitoring device showing the high -temperature part of the human body in a warm color concentration at the entrance of the theater was set up, and the entry of visitor with heat was refused.For the first time, I also experienced a "remote body temperature measurement", which hits a penlight -type measuring instrument on the forehead.

The tension in the town of Seoul has been transmitted.In the theater world, I heard that some people voluntarily impose a "two -week observation period" and refrain from going out because they came into contact with a large -scale infection person in Daegu.

The day after I returned to Japan, Korea's caution level was the highest, and most of the public facilities, including the Nanzan Art Center, and the parliamentary hall were closed.

Immediately after returning to Japan, I started a new lesson.She co -produced Nikon's representative play in Thai Nikon Sethane, "Her Yasukuni, for a peaceful sleep."The Asian theatrical players were the first to draw about the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, and the performance in Japan has been waiting for a long time.Since 2016, the team has been interviewing, workshops, and tours in Thailand and Philippines since 2016.

From the stage "Sleeping, Yasukuni to you" = Provided by: Rin Hikari, photographed: Ran Himeda

He invited Nikon and four up -and -coming actors, but the delay in Japan's infection measures was already known all over the world.In Thailand, there were just notifications to refrain from traveling to Japan.I got a visa and there was no problem coming to Japan, but it was just before.

Ordin, singing ... Our "voice and breathing"

On February 26, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe requested that sports and cultural events requested him to hold self -restraint and reduce the scale for two weeks, and the standard was ambiguous.The Tokyo Marathon was held, despite the participation of only the "elite".The South Africa's policy, "Do not dispatch players" to soccer international games, said the government that there is no scientific problem as the government.

If you want to prevent the spread of infection, you should have been working in January.However, the Japanese government's basic attitude at the time was just afraid that the "number" of the infected person would be raised.There is only one reason.This is because the country was trying to do the Olympics in the summer.

After a telephone discussion with Chairman Bach of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who responds to the interview = 9:10 pm on March 24, 2020, photographed by the Prime Minister's residence, Takuya Tanabe.

Around this time, Sean Bailey, a candidate for Mayor of London, said, "If Tokyo is difficult, you can do the Olympics in London."It is a good intention.I thought I should hold the Olympics eight years ago and give it to London, which has know -how.However, the UK will eventually be exposed to the rampage of Corona.

Following Hokkaido, "simultaneous school absence" has begun nationwide.However, the burden of parents and childcare childcare was hardly considered.In fact, there is a delusion of Prime Minister Abe, who is forced to respond to workers with children during the paid leave, and immediately after receiving it so that they do not understand the freelance labor form, the distrust of the government is distrusted.It swelled.

In March, when the infection was growing, the reopening of the school began to be in time for the ceremony, and the graduation ceremony of the Tokyo Metropolitan School was sung.Even if the school song was not singed, the national anthem was forced to sing.It was unquestioned to avoid "chorus", which could cause large amounts of droplets in order to reduce the risk of coronovirus infection.

"Forced voice and exhalation" with physical movements, such as commands and singing, is a traditional style of "leadership" in army, schools, and sports events.The background of the force is that the Tokyo Metropolitan Board has been disposing of teachers who are not standing at the time of "Kimi -gai" from the freedom of thoughts and beliefs.

In the expression genre of theater, the function of "voice and breathing" is the key.The scientific fact that exhalation is transmitted to infection hinders our expression.And gradually, the social system to manage our "breathing" was in place.

Coronavirus can be said to have killed our "breath" directly and indirectly.

However, the word "killing a breath itself" is unreasonable.It is a word to use when you keep your breathing suppressing and quietly hide yourself and see the situation from the shade.

"Kill ONE'S BREATH."Hold One's Breath."become.Stop breath, keep it.This English also means "breathe", which means that you are surprised at the event, and when you are nailed to beauty, you stop breathing.

As a theater, I was interested in breathing again, as Corona's evil demands the human body living in this society.

An emergency declaration, forced "self -restraint"

In late March, after the postponement of the Olympics was decided, the weekend was requested to "go out".

Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo, also leaned on a hard -line posture, and an unfamiliar word "rock down" came out.The remorse of the theater organizations that cancel the performance one after another has been transmitted.

We completed the performance until March 29, but we were nervous because we had overseas members.The living environment we provided to them was a monthly apartment, and we could walk to the rehearsal room.It was possible to cook and avoid eating out.

We asked the customer to wash and disinfect, measure the temperature with a non -contact type body thermometer, and decide to refuse admission if it is 37.5 degrees or more.He also called for a mask, but he couldn't be as thorough as it is now because of the lack of mask.The number of seats has been reduced, and the distance between the passage and the stage and the front row seats is wider than usual.The meeting with the stakeholders was refused.

The opening and closing door of the theater on the upper stage was opened to the end of the performance and ventilated.From the open part, I saw a stunning cherry tree outside the theater.This spring, the cherry blossom viewing was also "self -restraining."

During the performance, in March, hypochlorous acid water, which was said to be effective at a certain level of concentration, continued to be sprayed in a steam, and was disinfected and humidified.I didn't have a strong nostrils, so I responded because I was watching the production stage near the spray.It was later that information that the concentration with disinfecting effect could be harmful to the human body, became generally known.

Since the graveyard is a play on the stage, the actors who play the spirit, from customers to start, do not move on the stage in the settings in the grave.This ten minutes is exactly like a prayer, and I feel like it helped the whole play.It seems to be an assumption, but it is also a task for the player to check the state of his "breathing" every day before the show, and I think that some awareness of infection prevention was raised.

The day after Chiaki Raku, March 30th.Thai members return to Japan in the morning.I think the world has moved in the direction of "emergency" at once.

One of the places that had been regarded as a problem in the transmission route of the new Corona was the theater, which is also involved.Movie theaters, live houses, sports gyms, and some facilities were already named.Governor Koike said, "Cabaret, Night Club, Bar," and clearly said, "Young and Night Taverns are the key."

He died in pneumonia due to Ken Shimura's infection, and was surprised by the report of Kankuro Miyafuji.

Ken Shimura = 2007 shooting

On April 7, an emergency declaration was issued, and theaters and movie theaters all over Japan were closed all over Japan.The cherry blossom season is over, and in Shimokitazawa, all eight theaters have been decided.

Chiguhaguna infection measures, "dense" left unattended

I didn't sell masks anywhere in the city.Or the price was soaring.In January, the price of the mask, which was 500 to 600 yen for 50 sheets, jumped 5 times and 6 times.

Abenomask, which was ridiculed to be a story of April Fool's Day, did not easily reach the people.It became a hot topic that this business was made in Fukushima after the earthquake and an unknown company had received an order.The shortage of protective clothing was also a hot topic, and I felt the similarity of infectious diseases and radiation damage that could not be dealt with without breathing.

The problem was that the "Abeno Mask" body was "unusable".It is too small, and it is said that the effect of infection is weak because it is made of cloth.And it is said that insects and mold may be attached.It is irresistible that the stage actor of breathing is inhaled.

息を殺す、ということ ~コロナ禍下の千秋楽~

"Abeno Mask"

The reports in other countries pointed out that the differences in culture that do not kiss or hug, the habit of taking off shoes in a mask, hand -washing, and at home, despite the inexplicable Japanese situation where the number of infected people is increasing.Nevertheless, Japan has not achieved results that can be called "miracles" compared to other Asian countries.Like the "BCG vaccine effect theory", which was promoted, it would be a category of "hopeful observation".

If you value wearing a mask so much, there would have been the option of promoting mass production of low -cost masks.The procurement and operation were confused before the ventilator was sold by President Trump in May.

"Stay Home" is one of the uses of the Udai language of Governor Koike's Lou Oshiba, but it is a statement that is ordering a dog.

However, after leaving the house, the rush of the commuter train did not change.There was no way to solve congestion on the train.In Italy, the train is said to be sitting in two seats in the train, but the "dense" on the Japanese trains has been left unchecked.

As it is online, it is not "drama" itself

Governor Yuriko Koike, who talks about the materials at the Tokyo New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Control Headquarters Meeting, photographed Ryo Kato, Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo, at 7:06 pm on May 25, 2020.

On May 25, the emergency declaration was canceled.

In June, the training of Tenjin -sama's Hosomichi started in earnest.

It was never possible to open the window of the rehearsal room for ventilation or turn the fan outside.

At first, most of them were wearing masks.The transparent shade, which partially covered the face, seemed to be a joke, regardless of the effect, and did not use it.The mask still keeps the skin sensation as a living thing, and becomes more sensitive to breathing.

The members of the troupe also tried the face shield = my writer's photo model, Hidekatsu Yamamura

When do you remove the mask?Is it safe to remove?Speaking of "scary" even one of the actors, I thought that I should allow masks in production.

I think it's persuasive to say that Associate Professor Takayo Miyazawa's proposal, saying, "There is no way to breathe from the nose and mouth and exhale with the exhalation.""Mask" and "frequent hand washing" can prevent infection by setting the amount of virus to "1/100".If movie theaters thoroughly disinfect and follow the rules, they don't need to limit the number of seats.

We released our own "guidelines" and achieved the performance.

We asked the audience to wear a mask, including the theater.

In the theater, the supply and exhaust fans were constantly operated and ventilated, including in the theater.The quietness of the air conditioner is higher than in the past, but it always sounds.As an acoustic plan, we mixed intentionally sustainable noise and natural sounds to reduce discomfort.

The government requested to relocate the prefectures and requests to leave in all industries was lifted on June 19.

The performance was realized.The customer was pleased with the "theater for the first time in three months".

Every day I went there, I thought I would write this article as a story of a kind of "rehabilitation of society."

However, the situation has changed.

It was reported that a cluster (infected group) had occurred at a small theater in Shinjuku, which opened ahead of us.The accusations of media and public drama increased, and in wide shows and online articles, there was a harsh response.

After crossing "Tenjin -sama's Hosomichi" and the middle day of the performance, reservations were canceled one after another, and he was forced to respond in a hurry.She wanted to see him, but many customers said, "I can't go due to family and workplace circumstances."

The word "theater cluster" flew on the media and online.In Shinjuku, a total of 75 spectators and performers were infected.In another case, more than 20 people were infected at the rehearsal room.Coronavirus that should not be "air infection".What began to be pointed out here is "droplet nuclei infection".

The flying distance from the mouth is 2 meters, which is the basic unit of social distance.A state in which the water of the splash evaporates and only the virus remains is called the splash nucleus.Since the droplet nucleus is small, it is considered to float in a larger space and have infectious for about 3 hours.If it is not just contact and splash infection, theater, especially a small theater, is in a difficult position.

If a certain number of audience seats cannot be filled, it will not be profitable and the "box office" will not be established.On the other hand, I can't nod to the opinion that I will replace it with "distribution" without relying on the entrance fee at the theater.

In the lesson of "Tenjin -sama's Hosomichi", I tried to read at ZOOM only once before the start of this lesson.A technical problem occurred and opened on the way.

In the first place, I can't feel the reality of what I see on the screen as "drama" and the rehearsal "remote".Even if you look at the test performance at ZOOM, there is little interaction by breathing.If it is a dialogue, it is still more meaningful to concentrate on the sight like a radio drama.

I believe that theater is the one that takes the big's breath.

A world where you have lost your physicality, a theater without a character

On August 2, actor Ryoko Tateishi died.It is cancer.

Ryoko's voice is memorable.It's not a matter of her voice quality.

Voices and words are not possible to put them together as "emitted" from someone.The actor is not just talking on the stage.Consciousness, perception, and perception passes through the existence of the person, the body.The person himself feels it.The expression of theater with a cozy uses its function.

After studying Homy, Mr. Tateishi had gained an outstanding capacity in the balance between what he felt and what he did.

She died, but her breathing, its unique mechanism and code, was shared in us who received it as a concrete one.

When everyone who knows the person's breathing realistically leaves the world, the real sense of the person's body will disappear from this world.

In the 1980s, there is a well -known word in the area of the underground theater theater theater.I'm talking about actors and colleagues, not the rehearsal room or theater.

"I can't do it on the stage, like I'm talking like this now."I think I wanted something that wasn't "how to talk for theater" or "breathing for theater".

At that time, I felt like I talked about theater where no one came out.

Even if you start, no one will come to the stage.Still, can it be said to be a theater?

For example, can the museum exhibition be theater?The difference between installation and drama.In my opinion earlier, the actor's without breathing is not a drama.

The actor doesn't come out.However, there is a breathing of the audience looking at the installation.

When we are looking around the museums and museum exhibits, we are forced to concentrate unconsciously to use the mechanism of breathing, even if we are just moving, but we feel a unique fatigue.Isn't it because it is?When we look at a large number of bookstores and libraries for a long time, we may have experienced such concentration and breathing that supports it.

Humans are all sensory organs, interaction between the audience and the performer

To put it in a broken way, "No", one of Japan's classic drama, is particularly the mainstream, "Double Dreams", which is almost "the theater of ghosts."After appearing in the second half, Shite is a ghost.Singing, dancing, but wearing a "face" as if hiding breathing.

In other words, Noh, the theater of the ghost, reproduces the "remaining breathing" of the deceased.Things that pass through the deceased pass through the living audience.With internal organs, respiratory, and skin sensation.There, it is an expression to "feel" each other, and the audience and the performer are "communicated."

It is important for the performers to move while feeling, and the purpose is not to "show".As Mr. Noguchi, a gymnastics, says, the whole human and the muscles are sensory organs.

The story of the night breathing in a bresless garbage bag, which I wrote 30 years ago, is also a story about breathing.

"Story of night breathing in brestress garbage bag" = provided: Rink Hikari group, photography: Sadao Hosono

This play, which is a variation of Shakespeare's "King Lear", is the "daughters" who yearn for tramps called "daddy" every night and confess their daily actions to bring their own garbage that day.A pseudo -religious act of thrust your head into a bag and "regenerates" on a transformer on the verge of suffocation.This is also the background of the consideration of Aum Shinrikyo, which is extremely physical, gaining "psychic power."Thirty years ago, I was interested in breathing.

At the end of May, a poster was posted on the fence of the Kanda River promenade, "Runner and Mask."Passing in a narrow promenade is that it instantly creates a "dense" state.

However, it is dangerous for the runner to wear a mask due to lack of oxygen.

Opening, athletes, and actors and performers who demonstrate may have to remove the mask and work.In addition to the open tests for medical professionals, those in such a "extermuration" occupation decide that it is necessary, would like to seek the right to undergo a free test.

Picks set up by local residents along the Kanda River = April 27, 2020

I don't know how closer to the ideal, but with the efforts of the leaders who are willing to the Director Hosaka in Setagaya Ward, and the active medical professionals, the possibilities are more likely than before.。Of course, it is necessary to be wary that "testing" will be forced or obligatory, and it is necessary to monitor it so that it will not be incorrectly operated as a medical business.

At the same time, as well as the Muromachi era, who won the "mask" of Noh, we would have to explore that we could find a way of theater that would not succumb in the Corona era.

(Top image = from the stage "Tenjin -sama no Hosomichi" / Shooting: Ran Himeda)