Through SDGs-related workshops, etc., to create an opportunity to think about the future of Totsuka. The second "TOTSUKA MIRAI WEEK" will be held


Period: February 25th (Friday) -March 3rd (Thursday), 2022

SDGs関連のワークショップ等を通じ、戸塚の未来を考える行動するきっかけづくりに。「TOTSUKA MIRAI WEEK」第2弾を開催

Location: Tokyu Plaza Totsuka Whole Building

Contents: ・ Exhibitions and workshops on the theme of SDGs

・ Posting store POPs, posters, etc. about his SDGs efforts at each store

▼ "Wish for Sakura Tree-Call for messages for the future of Totsuka and babies-" Period: February 11, 2022 (Friday / holiday) -March 3 (Thursday) Location: Tokyu Plaza Totsuka 1st floor down escalator Horizontal contents: A cherry tree panel is installed. He asked the customer to write a message to the future, such as "Celebration for the baby born in Totsuka" and "I wish Totsuka was such a city" on the petal-shaped card of Sakura, and the panel of Sakura tree was in full bloom. To. Each collected message card will be donated 10 yen to the "Welcome Baby Project" and will be used as a baby gift for those who gave birth in Totsuka Ward.

▼ "Let's make a back guard" workshop Date: March 2, 2022 (Wednesday) 11: 00-14: 00 (10: 30-numbered ticket distribution) Location: Tokyu Plaza Totsuka 1st floor up escalator side visit fee: Free capacity: First 15 people Contents: Workshop to create two back guards. One is for a baby born in Totsuka Ward, and the NPO Komachi Plus will take care of it, and the other will be taken home by his customer.