The form of a new quantum computer developed by Hanewell in the United States

The development of revolutionary technologies that human beings will eventually get will be steadily.

Hanewell, a major American technology and manufacturing field, has expressed his intention to use the strongest quantum computer in the history of self -proclaimed humanity in three months.

Despite all the famous computer companies develop quantum computers, or provide services that allow you to use quantum computers via the cloud, the "quantum computers" that are now completed are still poorly practical and is still "interesting scientific experiments".It is close.

Meanwhile, Hanewell's new quantum computer has a fundamentally different architecture from IBM and Google, and may be better in both processing and scalability.

However, at this stage, where the quantum computer is not yet clear, it seems that it is meaningless to create a powerful quantum computer.Rather, the point to be noted in this announcement is that Hanewell has pursued his unique architecture with different ways from other tech giants.

New quantum system

"I'm really happy to have this new quantum computer on the market," said Tony Uttley, the top of Hanewell's quantum solution business.He explained that Hanewell has been good at high -precision control functions, magnetic systems and integrated circuits, and has reached a new model.

Classic computers use binary "bit" to calculate, while quantum computers use quantum bits or "cubit (quantum bit = quote)".Cubit is said to have moved the same as electrons flying around nuclei, in accordance with the theory of quantum mechanics.

However, the current quantum system has the disadvantages of the cubits that have no error resistance to noise, as well as the cubits are rapidly losing quantitivity.In order to overcome this, it is necessary to create a cubit that can stay longer, and it is just where quantum computer developers around the world are overwhelming.

The quantum computer developed by Google and IBM creates artificial electron -cobits by sending an electromagnetic pulse called RF (Radio Frequency) in a superconducting wire loop in a cooled vacuum chamber.

On the other hand, Hanewell developed a Quantum Charged-Couped Device (QCCD), which enables a large-scale ion wrap method.The ions of Itelbium (atom number 70), captured in a two -dimensional ultra -high space, play a role in cubit.

Itelbium ions are cooled by other atoms, and are initialized using optical pumping, that is, 0 or 1 (see QMedia for details).To check whether it is in 0 or 1 after the operation is exposed to the light that resonates with Itelbium ions, and if the ion shines, it will be read as 1, and if it does not shine, 0 is taken.In addition, laser irradiation plays the role of "Bitgate" that separates the cubits and cubits.


The major problem in developing quantum computers is how to increase the number of cubits to calculate more powerful quantum algorithms.In this regard, Hanewell's new quantum computers are designed with scalability, so it is possible to increase the number of units captured by cubits, and it is possible to move cubits between units.。


Hanewell has already performed a number of tests to check the performance of the new quantum computer and has expanded the "quantum volume" numbers.The quantum volume is an index developed by IBM so that the performance of the quantum computer can be evaluated and evaluated, and the number of cubits used is "comprehensively quantified the performance of the quantum system (IBM) (IBM).Excerpt from Think Blog).

Hanewell's quantum computer had a quantum volume when using 4 cubits (four Itel Biumy ions).However, according to UTTLEY, the commercial model that Hanewell plans to put it on the market will increase the quantum volume to 64.This is one of the best quantum computers developed so far.Based on this figure, Hanewell advertises "the strongest quantum computer in human history."

Voice of praise from competitors

CHRIS MONROE, the founder of IonQ, who is developing an ionized quantum computer like Hanewell, welcomes Hanewell's announcement.

"If different architectures compete, the entire field cannot grow. In that sense, I think this announcement is very meaningful," he said in email.

In addition, MONROE is difficult to use quantum computers developed by IBM and Google in the future, but it is difficult for the IBM or Google to have a large progress that has a common sense of physics, but in the ion trap method.He also explains that there is a technical solution.He says that the quantum computer developed by Hanewell has shown a greater quantum system in the future, and the way to develop a "clean" quantum bit with a low error rate.

How do you measure the performance of the quantum computer?

Hanewell's "strongest quantum computer in human history" uses the quantum volume that is being established in the industry as an indicator, and Hanewell's press release emphasizes that it is not affected only by the number of cubits. doing.

Jerry Chow, who is involved in the development of quantum computers on IBM, is happy to see that the index developed by IBM was used as "the most reliable benchmark to measure the progress of quantum computers".He told me.

However, IonQ's monroe seems to be skeptical that quantum volume is suitable as an index.He argues that in addition to quantum volume, how accurately the quantum computer can execute existing algorithms should be assessed in the evaluation judgment.In this regard, Hanewell's UTTLEY said some of the algorithms had already been executed.

Hanewell is willing to develop further

Although it is a quantum computer of Hanewell, which succeeded in blowing a new breeze into the industry, it is not the power, but rather the presentation of the new quantum system of the ion trap method itself.

Although I wrote that it was new, the ionized concept itself has been around for about 20 years, and Hanewell has been developing over the past decade.If you scale up further in the future, your expectations will naturally increase.

At the same time as scale -up, Hanewell has also announced that it will cooperate with the US JP Morgan Chase Bank to jointly develop quantum algorithms specializing in financial services.In addition, it is also decided to provide Hanewell quantum computers to the Azure Quantum, a quantum computing service on the cloud of Microsoft, to expand the access to developers.

Who is the quantum computer?

Here, Gizmodo's Ryan Mandelbaum reporter is concerned about the future use of quantum computers.

"The quantum algorithm, which is desired for commercial use, cannot be expected to be used to improve the world, such as chemical research listed by Hanewell's UTTLEY and for fossil fuels and aerospace industries.On the contrary, new weapons have been developed and climate change. The new technology of quantum computers is more and more focused on large companies, but the benefits of the general public will be small ... "Mandelbaum has criticized it.

However, such concerns are too early.This is because if a quantum computer can be made at this stage, the number of practical use is limited to random.The tasks left to developers in the future are to create useful quantum algorithms that can be executed on this system.And companies like Hanewell, Google, and IBM will only continue to pitch in the development race of quantum computers in the future.

First of all, you should talk about the usefulness of quantum computers after the result is obtained, but by then, it is necessary to change direction from the deprivation philosophy that is looking for wealth and resources.Quantum computers are also technology, and technology depends on how they are used.If you think that there may be a way of using a new catalyst that enables zero emissions, the development of a versatile drug that can handle new viruses, or a usage that can contribute to the public, you can not abandon your hope.

Reference: Honeywell, QMedia, IBM