Take the initiative before the rainy season! Does telecommuting productivity change with air quality? !!Panasonic announces "Survey on Living Environment Issues Concerned by Working from Home"

Panasonic Corporation has been working from home due to the corona sickness regarding "problems in the living environment that I noticed because I spent more time at home" in response to the increase in the introduction of telecommuting by companies due to measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection. We surveyed 1413 working adults (20s-60s) * 1 who answered that they were more than half a week.

As a result, many people have become concerned about air environment factors such as "ventilation," "temperature," and "air stagnation," in addition to "dust" and "dirt," during the period of working from home, and air conditioning is not appropriate. About 40% answered that they could not concentrate on their work. In addition, when asked about "moldy odor" because they are highly aware of issues related to "smell" and "mold" in their homes, about half answered that they were concerned about "moldy odor" even before the rainy season, and about half answered that they were concerned about "moldy odor". I haven't done it. " Regarding the results of this survey, Takashi Yaguchi, an associate professor at the Center for Fungal Medicine, Chiba University, who specializes in mold fungi, will prepare a method for controlling mold and an air environment in the residence that will give hints for comfortable air and living. I will explain the importance. For the rainy season when the temperature and humidity rise and the discomfort increases, let's review the air environment so that not only the place to live but also the place to work will be a comfortable and comfortable space to work. ---------------------------------- ◤ Key points of the survey results ◢ [1. Environment in the house] Working from home About 40% of the respondents who were more concerned about the environment inside the house were "dust," "ventilation," "dirt," and "air retention (stagnation)." [2. About the musty odor] Even before the rainy season, about half answered that they were concerned about the musty odor . The main reason why we cannot take measures against musty odor is "I don't know the correct way to take measures" . [3. Points of interest] Approximately 60% answered that "the electricity bill has increased after working from home ." The largest increase of 1000 yen or more was 24.8% . ◤ Associate Professor Yaguchi, a mold expert, explains! About "moldy odor" that you want to take measures before the rainy season The key to getting work done and staying comfortable is to create an "air flow = airy environment" ---------------------------- ------ ■ The living environment that I was more concerned about when working from home was "dust," "ventilation," "dirt," and "air retention (stagnation)." About 40% answered that they could not concentrate on their work due to the air environment. When I asked people who work from home about the living environment they were always concerned about, the order was "dust," "temperature," "ventilation," "humidity," and "dirt" [Fig. 1]. Next, when asked about the living environment that became more of a concern while working from home , the factors that were already of concern were "dust, " "ventilation," "dirt," and "temperature," followed by "air." The result was that "stagnation (stagnation)" was ranked high [ Fig . 2]. As we spend more time at home, we find that many people tend to be concerned about the invisible air environment as well as the visible dirt.

[Fig. 1] About the environment in the house that I usually care about (N = 1413 multiple answer format)

[Fig. 2] About the environment in the house that was worrisome due to working from home (N = 1239: multiple answer format)

Also, when I asked about items that I wanted to improve by working from home and that I wanted to invest more, "Furniture (desks, chairs, sofas, etc.)" and "Electrical products that improve the air environment (air conditioners)" , Air purifier, humidifier, etc.) ”,“ Cleaning tools (vacuum cleaner, detergent, disinfectant sheet, mop, etc.) ”ranked in the top, and there is a desire to improve the living environment to improve the comfort of living. We can see that it is expensive and that the improvement of the air environment and sanitary environment is emphasized along with the review of the interior [Fig. 3].

[Fig. 3] Items that you want to improve or invest more by working from home (N = 1413: multiple answer format)

In addition, many people felt problems with "temperature" and "ventilation" while working from home , so when asked about the obstacles to work due to poor air environment, about 40% said that " there was a problem with work " . [ Fig . 4]. The air environment that specifically hindered business was 1st "temperature" 2nd "dust" 3rd "humidity" 4th "air retention" 5th "smell", and the indoor temperature , humidity, and airflow. It can be inferred that unpleasant factors such as improperness, air stagnation and odor affect concentration [Fig. 5].

[Fig. 4] Whether the work was hindered by the air environment (N = 1413)

[Fig. 5] The air environment that affected the work (N = 589: multiple answer format)

■ Approximately half of the respondents answered that they were worried about the smell of mold even before the rainy season. The main reason why we cannot take measures against "moldy odor" is "I don't know the correct way to take measures".

The results of the survey so far have clarified the air environment at home that I noticed when working from home, but the air environment at home that I want to be aware of during the rainy season is the "mold" caused by humidity. .. Mold also produces an odor called "moldy odor", which is a source of trouble in daily life. Therefore, when we investigated how many people actually were concerned about the musty odor at home, about half answered that they were concerned about the musty odor [Fig. 6]. Furthermore, when I asked the people who answered that they did not take measures against the musty odor (including those who did not take measures) [Fig. 7], when they asked where they could not take measures, they said "bathroom" and "washing machine". "Around" and "Kitchen" were ranked high [Fig. 8].

[Fig. 6] Whether you are concerned about "moldy odor" (N = 1413)

[Fig. 7] Whether measures are taken against "moldy odor" (N = 1413)

[Fig. 8] Places where measures against "moldy odor" have not been taken (N = 674: multiple answer format)

In addition, when asked why the mold odor was not taken by location in [Fig. 8], it was found that the majority of the respondents answered, " I don't know the correct countermeasures" in all the locations. In particular , about 60% of the respondents answered that they did not know the correct countermeasures for " moldy smell in the bedroom ", followed by 50% for "moldy smell in the living room" . I found that many people are worried about what to do [Fig. 9].

[Fig. 9] Reasons why measures against "moldy odor" by type have not been taken (kitchen N = 108, bedroom N = 61, living room N = 56, toilet N = 73, bathroom N = 268, washing machine surroundings N = 134 , Entrance N = 63, Closet N = 67, Car N = 16, Others N = 25)

■ Approximately 60% answered that their electricity bill increased after working from home. The highest percentage was 24.8%, which felt that the price was 1000 yen or more higher. By spending the daytime at home on weekdays, including working from home, the number of times home appliances such as room lighting and air conditioners are used has increased, and the use of personal computers has become longer. I investigated whether there was a change in the monthly electricity bill since I started doing. As a result, about 60% (57.5%) of the two respondents answered that the price was higher, and the ratio of those who felt that the price was 1000 yen or more was the highest at 24.8%. [Fig. 10]. From now on, it is expected that the frequency of use of air conditioners, etc. will increase further toward the summer, and the number will tend to increase.

[Fig. 10] Is the monthly electricity bill higher since I started working from home (N = 1413)?

* 1: For working adults in their 20s to 60s, we screened whether they are working from home due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and said that "more than half of the week" and "all work is done at home". This survey was conducted on 1413 respondents. ■ Mr. Takashi Yaguchi, Associate Professor, Center for Fungal Medicine, Chiba University, was born in 1961. Completed the master's program at Waseda Graduate School of Science and Engineering in 1987. He took up his current position in 2003 after joining a pharmaceutical manufacturer. He focuses on the classification, identification and application of pathogenic fungi. The results show that spending a long time at home has increased the number of people who are aware of the temperature, humidity, and ventilation, but the modern living environment is highly airtight, so if ventilation is not sufficient, the air will stagnate. It can be said that it is an environment where odors and mold are likely to occur. In addition to temperature and humidity, nutrition is required for mold to grow. Since mold uses everything (organic matter) as a nutrient source, such as dust and dirt, dirt on the house is also a factor that causes mold to grow. The first method to deal with the musty odor is "frequent cleaning" and "dehumidification / ventilation". First, it is important to remove the nutrient source of mold, so let's clean it diligently. In particular, it is important to remove dust that is a nutrient source for mold, such as the corners of rooms, the back of furniture, and umbrellas for lighting, and to prevent dust from accumulating on the air conditioner filter. In addition, if the humidity is 60% or more, mold is likely to occur, so in places where humidity is likely to accumulate, use a fan, ventilation fan, etc. to ventilate, and use an air conditioner, dehumidifier, etc. to reduce the humidity. It is important. Before the rainy season, "cleaning the air conditioner" was used to prevent mold. By the time the rainy season started, the mold had already propagated. Therefore, it will be easier to clean the mold during the rainy season if you clean the kitchen, bathroom, etc. from now on when it is dry before the rainy season to make it difficult for mold to grow. Also, to keep the air conditioner clean by cleaning the air conditioner filter and cold air outlet and blowing out the dust that has accumulated inside the air conditioner so that the air conditioner can be used for dehumidification during the rainy season. I recommend it. The key to getting work done at home in the second office and staying comfortable is to create an "air flow = airy environment". Mold grows there when there is a place where spores settle. Therefore, if you open the window or turn the fan to create an air flow and create a well-ventilated air environment, mold will not grow easily. By circulating clean air indoors, it is possible to prevent the growth of mold and realize a healthy and comfortable living environment without unpleasant odors. Let's be conscious of creating a comfortable environment on a daily basis. [About Panasonic "Aeolia"] Aeolia looks at "health" beyond comfort and energy saving. For example, the health of the breathing air. The air conditioner can make you more aware of the cleanliness of the air that surrounds your family. Let's live with a healthy and comfortable air. Equipped with "Nanoe X" that cleans the air in the room The next-generation healthy ion "Nanoe X" created from water suppresses various pollutants in the air such as mold fungi and pollen * 1. The life of general air ions (negative ions) is several tens of seconds to 100 seconds, but "Nanoe" has a long life of about 600 seconds, which is about 6 times longer (according to our research), and it reaches a wide range firmly. In addition, OH radicals are 10 times higher than before (compared to our company * 2), and are effective against various daily odors such as dry laundry odors, swill odors, and pet odors, and the deodorization speed (cigarette odor) is also 10 times higher. * 3. "Aeolia" x "Nanoe X" suppresses various "life odors" Before the summer of July, in the hot summer months In order to use the air conditioner comfortably, operate the air conditioner in advance and check for any problems. ▼ Detailed page about air conditioner trial run https://www.panasonic.com/jp/support/consumer/special/aircon_summer.html ・ Vertical washer / dryer https://news.panasonic. com / jp / press / data / 2020/04 / jn200424-1 / jn200424-1.html ・ Clothes dryer / dehumidifier https://news.panasonic.com/jp/press/data/2020/03/jn200331-1/ jn200331-1.html [Panasonic "Survey on Living Environment Issues Concerned by Working from Home" Survey Outline] ● Survey area: Nationwide ● Survey period: April 27 (Fri) to April 30, 2020 (Thursday) ) ● Survey method: Internet survey (cooperation: JustSystems Corporation) ● Survey target: Adults (men and women) in their 20s to 60s nationwide who work from home for more than half of the week due to the influence of the new corona virus 1413 Name ● Valid responses: 1,413 (male: 716, female: 598) * When quoting the survey results, please use "Panasonic Survey" as the source. Annotations in the text ● It is not a demonstration effect in the actual usage space. (The effect varies depending on the installation environment and usage conditions.) ★ 1: The effect after about 8 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. * 5 ★ 2: Effect after about 12 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. * 6 ★ 3: Effect after about 60 minutes in a space of about 6 tatami mats. * 7 * 8 ★ 4: Effect after about 24 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. * 9 ★ 5: Approximately 6 tatami mats The effect is after approximately 4 hours of and approximately 8 hours of in a closed space. * 10 ★ 6: Approximately 6 tatami mats The effect is after approximately 6 hours of and of approximately 2 hours in a closed space. * 11 ★ 7: Effect after about 24 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. * 12 ★ 8: This is the effect after about 4 weeks in a space of about 8 tatami mats. It does not humidify. * 13 ★ 9: This is the effect after about 4 weeks in a space of about 12 tatami mats. * 14 * 1: This is the effect after about 8 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. [Test method] Confirm the growth of mold fungi attached to the cloth in the test room (about 6 tatami mats) [Sterilization method] Release "Nanoe" [Target] Mold adhered fungi [Test result] Suppressed in about 8 hours Check the effect. It is an effect after about 12 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. It is an effect after about 12 minutes in a space of about 6 tatami mats. ● The deodorizing effect depends on the surrounding environment (temperature / humidity), operating time, odor, and fiber type. ● Hazardous substances (carbon monoxide, etc.) contained in tobacco cannot be removed. Not all odorous components (building material odor, pet odor, etc.) that are constantly generated can be removed. It is an effect after about 24 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. It is an effect after about 24 hours in a space of about 6 tatami mats. (Beautiful skin) It is an effect after about 4 weeks in a space of about 8 tatami mats. It does not humidify. (Beauty hair) It is an effect after about 4 weeks in a space of about 12 tatami mats. ● The skin-beautifying and hair-beautifying effects vary depending on the season / ambient environment (temperature / humidity), usage time, and individual. * 2: Comparison between "Nanoe": 480 billion pieces per second and "Nanoe X": 4.8 trillion pieces per second. Measurement by ESR method (our research) * 3: Comparison between "Nanoe": 1.2 reduction in odor intensity in about 120 minutes and "Nanoe X": 2.4 reduction in odor intensity in about 12 minutes (our research) * 4: Our test Room (Our amenity laboratory: Approximately 9 tatami mats) Concentration index (CTR method) with or without "concentration mode" for 32 students aged 20 to 24, with room temperature of approximately 25 ° C, humidity of approximately 30%, in the same space. ) Conduct tests, compare, and evaluate work efficiency. With 24 valid data, the CTR value was improved by 2.8% with "concentrated mode", and a significant difference was confirmed at the significance level p <0.05. * 5: Confirmed the growth of mold fungi attached to the cloth in the test room (about 6 tatami mats). Confirmed suppression effect in about 8 hours * 6: Measured by ELISA in a 24 m3 test room (about 6 tatami mats). Confirmed 99% reduction effect in about 12 hours * 7: Verified by 6-step odor intensity display method in the test room (about 6 tatami mats). Odor intensity decreased by 2.4 in about 12 minutes * 8: Measured odorous substances attached in a 24 m3 test room (about 6 tatami mats). Confirmed 99% reduction effect in about 60 minutes * 9: Measure the amount of organic matter adhering in the test room of about 6 tatami mats. Decomposes 99% or more in about 4 hours Decomposes 99% or more in about 24 hours * 10: Verification by electrophoresis or ELISA in a test room (about 6 tatami mats) .. [Target] Allergens (Dermatophagoides farinae, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Candida, Malassezia, Cockroach, Ga, Dog, Cat, Dermatophagoides farinae) [Test results] Confirmed reduction effect in about 24 hours * 11: laboratory (about) Float the bacteria in 6 tatami mats) and measure the number of bacteria in the air. Suppressed by 99% or more in about 4 hours (Northern origin 24_0301_1). Measure the number of bacteria attached to the cloth in the test room (about 6 tatami mats). Suppressed by 99% or more in about 8 hours (tests were conducted with only one type of bacteria) * 12: The virus was suspended in a test room (about 6 tatami confined space) and the viral infectivity in the air was measured. Suppressed by 99% or more in about 6 hours. In the test room (about 6 tatami mats closed space), the virus is attached to the cloth and the viral infectivity is measured. Suppressed by 99% or more in about 2 hours (test conducted with only one virus) * 13: Double-blind method, 10 women aged 40 ± 2 years, 4 weeks from November to December, air conditioner and "Nanoe" "Operate in conjunction with the generator. * 14: In a test room (12 tatami mats) with a room temperature of 25 ° C and a humidity of 40%, a hair bundle (6 bundles) was hung 2 m from the "Nanoe" generator, and the "Nanoe" generator was operated for 8 hours and stopped 16 Repeat time
