What Takamiho, a single mother who sent her child to the University of Tokyo, prepared "just before her child's exam"|STORY

Source: STORY

Single mother puts her child into Tokyo University What Miho Tataka Prepared

Preparing for Junior High School Entrance Examinations [If the mother changes, the child will change.] The middle school exams are finally approaching. In this cold winter, the time has come when we, as parents, have to pay the most careful attention to the physical condition of our students. No matter how careful you are, if you catch a cold, you will catch it, but I want to send you off in perfect condition on the exam day.

● Physical condition management necessary before taking the exam 4 points

I think you are tired of every day, but once again, it is important Let's look back on the "new lifestyle". [Three basics to prevent new coronavirus infection] 1. Maintain physical distance 2. Wear a mask 3. Wash hands Let's support you to prepare your life habits for cold prevention and body building so that you can prepare it. There are 4 main things you need to do to prevent colds. (1) Keep bacteria out of your body The best prevention is to keep bacteria out of your body in the first place. It goes without saying that [washing hands, gargling, and wearing a mask] are effective in preventing colds. In winter, the air tends to be dry, so the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose become dry and prone to inflammation, weakening the ability to defend against viruses. Take basic precautions, such as washing your hands frequently and moistening your throat and nose with a humidifier. Children who have a habit of touching their nose and mouth need attention. When you are studying, you will unconsciously put your chin on your chin or touch your mouth. It is also important to avoid crowds and try to prevent infection. This has become quite well-known in the last year or two due to the influence of the new coronavirus. (2) Strengthen immunity Even if bacteria enter the body, if the immunity to fight it is high, you will not get infected. In fact, it is said that 60 to 70% of the immune system is concentrated in the intestines, where digestion and absorption take place. I often hear the phrase, "Improve your intestinal environment and stay healthy!" To prepare the intestinal environment, ・Fermented foods (natto, yogurt, kimchi, miso, etc.) ・Foods containing oligosaccharides (onions, burdock, bananas, soy products, etc.) ・Foods with high dietary fiber (beans, mushrooms, etc.) vegetables and fruits) are considered good. Let's incorporate foods such as "natto" and "yoghurt" into the dining table that are easy to continue, and try to eat meals that will build immunity for everyone in the family! (3) Do not cut your sleep time Sleep is also one of the functions that enhances the body's immunity. Studies show that people who average less than 7 hours of sleep a night are three times more likely to catch a cold than those who sleep more than 8 hours a night. (Reference: Yasashii LPS) When it comes time to prepare for exams, it is understandable that you want your child to study even if you cut back on their sleep time. is. It doesn't mean that you should sleep a lot just before the exam day. If you suddenly fall asleep too much, you may not be able to concentrate on the performance. By praising your child for their hard work during the day before they go to bed, I think they will be able to sleep with a sense of fulfillment and peace of mind. The next day after a good night's sleep, you will be able to wake up feeling refreshed and refreshed. (4) From night owls to morning owls For families whose children still go to bed late, wake up late in the morning, and are barely on time to go to school, starting this month, we will change the pattern of the start time of the examination. In order to match, it is important to implement "early to bed and early to rise". By all means, please change the time you sleep and switch from a night type to a morning type of activity. The habit of "early to bed and early to rise" is good for both adults and children! 1. The rhythm of life is adjusted 2. The brain is activated by having a proper time for breakfast 3. The stomach is refreshed 4. The mind is relaxed 5. The morning can be used for hobbies and studies 6. The skin is healthy feel better